
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

After the formulation of “The Law of Macao Education", the Lei N°11/91/M, on 29"August 1991, vocational education and training have received more attention in Macao, particularly after the return of its sovereignty by Portugal to China. Since then, The Special Administration Region(SAR) Govemment of Macao takes more initiative to develop policy programmes on vocational education and training to enhance the quality of Macao's manpower to meet the need of the future development of the society. For the implementation of these policy programmes,the Macao Government has adopted a collaboration model with the public tertiary institutions. This study explored the relationship between the macro-level factors of Macao and its vocational education and training policies. A policy programme was further investigated as a case study to see how it was implemented by the Career development Centre (CDC) of The Macao Polytechnic Institute. The methods and instruments adopted in this study included documentary studies, interviews and questionnaires. The findings of the study suggest that the SAR Government of Macao has taken a more proactive role in vocational education and training in the context of Macao's social, economic and political developments in the last two decades, As for the policy programme on vocational training in The Macao Polytechnic, the courses offered are well-received and there should be room for future development of the collaboration model with public tertiary institutions. Key words: vocational training, initiation, implementation and evaluation of policy

Chinese Abstract

自從澳門在1991年8月29日頒佈的第11/91/M號法律《澳門教育制度》將職業教育和職業培訓納入爲澳門教育制度政策的環節後,職業教育和培訓已受到應有的重視。澳門的職業教育和培訓政策的制訂亦隨著《澳門教育制度》的頒佈而獲得進一步推行。這顯示了隨著澳門的回歸,經濟及社會各方面的發展,特別行政區政府更爲主導策劃,制訂政策,開展職業教育和培訓工作,並透過與公立高等院校的合作培訓模式,提升人力資源的質素,配合社會發展。 本研究旨在探討社會環境等因素和澳門職業培訓政策制訂的關係,再透過以澳門理工學院職業技能培訓中心作一個案調查,看有關培訓政策的落實、執行及評估,以了解澳門職業培訓政策的現況。除整理相關的文獻外,本研究探用了訪談和問卷調查方式,向培訓機構和就讀培訓課程的學員收集有關的數據,以進一 步了解政策落實的成效。 研究顯示,隨著澳門社會的發展,特區政府加強了職業教育和培訓的策劃和政策制訂,從個案顯示,與高等院校合作的效果尙算理想,而學員對所提供的課程,亦感滿意,奠定未來這種模式發展的基礎。最後,本研究亦就澳門的職業培訓政策提出建議。 關鍵字:職業培訓、政策制訂、落實和許估

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Faculty of Education




Occupational training -- Macau

職業培訓 -- 澳門

Employees -- Training of -- Macau

僱員職間培訓 -- 澳門

Occupational training -- Macau -- Evaluation

職業培訓 -- 澳門 -- 評價



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