
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


從PISA 2003測試報告探究澳門中學生數學素養表現及個人因素影響之研究

English Abstract

Abstract The main purposes of this research are to understand the connotation and definition of PISA Mathematical Literacy, according to the analysis of the item forms and the distribution situation of those assessing mathematics achievement testing questions, probing into the mathematics achievement and the gender differences of the student of the secondary school in Macao, as well as the relationships between the personal factors and student performance on mathematics. The object of this research is that 631 girl students and 619 boy students which up to a amount of 1250, participating in the PISA-2003assessment. All these secondary school students aged from 15 years and 3 months old to 16 years and 2 months old. The instruments for this research are mainly the PISA-2003-assessment and the student's questionnaire, so first is to pick the student's cognitive file and student's personal file from OECD web-site, and fetch the materials of Macao, also download relevant excel tables and sample questions. Forming charts by Microsoft Excel and running SPSS13.0 to carry out statistical analysis. The conclusions of this research are as follows: 1. PISA Mathematical Literacy can be assessed via testing, so as to assure the 15 year-olds students possess confirmation and understanding of the mathematical function in the society, and also the abilities of making mathematics judging and applying mathematics effectively with abundant foundation. 2. Questions for testing the moderate proficiency form a highest proportion in the PISA-2003 assessment, questions for testing high proficiency centralized mainly on “Space and Shape”and“Change and Relationships", questions with relatively high difficulty appear also in “Change and Relationships", more than half of the short response questions distributed to“quantity”, the relatively easier multiple-choice question falls in “uncertainty” with almost half of the total amount. 3.Macao ranks the ninth position among the 41 countries, and the highest and lowest ranks are sixth and twelfth respectively, obtained an average mark of 527 points in the mathematics scale. Item response result reveals there are 4.3% of students reached the highest level 6, 13.8% at level 5, 23.7% at level 4, 26.8% at level 3, 19.6% at level 2, 8.8% at level 1 and 2.3% below level 1. 4. There is significant difference between the girls and the boys in the four mathematics areas, and the gender gap ranked third among all other countries. In the overall mathematics scale, with the highest proficiency at level 6, the boys exceed 3.8% than girls, whereas the difference is 10.7% at level 5 and 2.0%at level 4 , but to the level 3, the girls obtained a higher proportion of 6.1% than boys, and at level 2, level 1and below level 1, girls exceed the boys with 5.5%, 0.6% and 0.1% respectively. 5. Relationships between learner characteristics (index) and student performance in mathematics(achievement): “Self- efficacy”significantly related to the performance in mathematics. Boys significantly higher than girls. “Self- concept”significantly related to the performance in mathematics. Boys significantly higher than girls. “Interest in and Enjoyment” significantly related to the performance in mathematics. Boys significantly higher than girls . “Elaboration Strategies” significantly related to the performance in mathematics. Boys significantly higher than girls. “Anxiety” significantly rclated to the performance in mathematics. Boys significantly lower than girls. “Memorization Strategies” significantly related to the performance in mathematics. Boys lower than girls, but not significant. “Control Strategies ”is not significantly related to the performance in mathematics. Boys higher than girls, but not significant. “Instrumental Motivation ”is not significantly related to the performance in mathematics. Boys significantly higher than girls.

Chinese Abstract

摘要 本研究的主要目的在於瞭解PISA數學素養之內涵與意義,根據分析評估數學素養試題形式及分佈情況,對澳門中學生在此測試中的數學素養表現、性別差異情況,以及影響表現的個人因素進行探討。 本研究之研究對象是參與PISA2003測驗中的631名女生及619名男生合共1250名,年齡介乎十五歲零三個月及十六歲零兩個月的中學生。 本研究所使用的工具主要是PISA2003測驗數學素養的試題及學生問卷調查兩項,故要先從OECD網站摘取學生認知檔案及學生個人檔案,再擷取澳門地區的資料;下載相關的數據試算表以及可公佈的題目檔。試算表數據以Microsoft Excel整理成為圖表,SPSS檔案內的數據則使用SPSS13.0去進行統計分析。本研究的結論如下: 一、PISA的數學素養可經由測試去評估十五歲學生是否具備能確定並理解數學在社會所起的作用,以及能夠作出有充分根據的數學判斷和有效地運用數學的能力。 二、PISA-2003的題目分佈以測試中等能力的題目佔全數比例最高;測試高層次能力的題目主要集於「空間與圖形」及「改變與關係」兩主題中;難度較高的開放式題型主要出現在「改變與關係」中;短答題多於一半分佈在「量」的主題;較易得分的單項選擇題以接近半數落在「不確定性」內。 三、澳門學生在41個國家中,總體數學能力名列第九,最高及最低可分別列第六及第十二位,取得平均分527分。根據答題反應通過率的統計,第六等級優秀的學生佔4.3%;具有第五級能力的約有13.8%;能力在第四級的佔23.7%;第三等級的學生有26.8%;能力屬第二級的佔19.6%;第一等級的有8.8%;而能力在一級以下的有2.3%。 四、澳門男女生在各領域中的表現都有明顯差異,且這差異在國際上排列第三。 在整體表現中,具備第六等級能力的男生多於女生3.8%; 第五等級則亦有10.7%的 差異;第四等級差異只有2.0%;而第三等級則女生的比例多男生6.1%; 第二級女 生仍以5.5%多於男生,在第一級女生以0.6%高於男生,而一級以下水平的女生以 0.1%輕微多於男生。 五、數學學習特徵(指數)與數學素養表現(成績)相關性結果如下: 「自我效能」與數學素養表現呈顯著相關、男生高於女生,且具顯著差異; 「自我概念」與數學素養表現呈顯著相關、男生高於女生,且具顯著差異; 「喜愛及興趣」與數學素養表現呈顯著相關、男生高於女生,且具顯著差異; 「連繫策略」與數學素養表現呈顯著相關、男生高於女生,且具顯著差異; 「焦慮」與數學素養表現呈顯著相關、男生低於女生,且具顯著差異; 「記憶策略」與數學素養表現呈顯著相關、男生低於女生,但無顯著差異; 「控制策略」與數學素養表現無顯著相關、男生高於女生,但無差異顯著; 「工具性動機」與數學素養表現無顯著相關、男生高於女生,且具顯著差異。

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Faculty of Education




Mathematics -- Learning strategies -- Macau

數學 -- 學習策略 -- 澳門

Mathematical ability -- Testing

數學能力 -- 測試

High school students -- Macau -- Evaluation

高中學生 -- 澳門 -- 評價



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