UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
- English Abstract
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Based on an action research on how to implement integrated activity curriculum in the researcher's primary school, this study aims to explore the strategies of implementing integrated realistic activities and its influence on students performance. The performance in this research refers to the students' attitudes towards to mathematics learning and the ability of mathematics problem solving. During the two year action research, questionaire, interview, video taping research methods were employed, the main findings of this study are as follows: 1. It is crucial to design a proper integrated realistic activity plan in order to make the activity successful. 2. The students interests in mathematics learning can be improved by participating in integrated realistic activity; 3. The students' attitudes toward to mathematics learning can be enhanced by participating in integrated realistic activity; 4. Implementing integrated realistic activity is feasible in Macau primary school 5. The students' learning methods can be enriched by participating in integrated realistic activity; Finally, on the basis of the above findings, some suggestions on the effective implementation of the integrated realistic activity in Macau and further studies were made.
- Chinese Abstract
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本論文通過研究者在任教之小學如何實施數學綜合實踐活動的行動研究,探討實施數學活動課程的策略以及對學生數學學習的成效。本研究中的學習成效是指學生對數學學習數學的態度,以及運用數學知識解決問題的能力。通過近兩年的行動研究,使用問卷,訪談,以及課堂教學實錄等方法,對行動研究過程進行定量和定性的分析,研究表明: 1、數學綜合實踐活動課程實施成功與否的關鍵是合理的活動方案設計; 2、數學綜合實踐活動能激發學生的學習興趣; 3、數學綜合實踐活動能改變學生的學習態度; 4、數學綜合實踐活動作為常規教學的補充是可行的; 5、實施數學綜合實踐活動可改變學生學習數學的方式 最後,基於上述研究結論,對如何在澳門小學數學教育中有效實施數學綜合實踐活動,以及進一步的相關研究提出具體之建議。
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
Faculty of Education
- Degree
- Subject
Mathematics -- Study and teaching (Primary) -- Activity programs -- Case studies
數學 -- 學習及教學 (初級小學) -- 活動課程 -- 個案研究
- Supervisor
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991000374639706306