
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


關懷倫理模式的道德教育與教師專業成長的關係之研究 : 以兩位小學教師為例

English Abstract

The primary goal of this research is to investigate into the relationship between the care ethics mode of moral education and the professional growth of teachers. Qualitative approach was employed. Two selected local primary teachers were being in-depth interviewed and data were being scrutinized Human relationships and environment are important factors affecting the development of one’s moral quality. In addition, refinement of one’s practices and deliberation and internalization of moral codes are needed in order to enhance one’s moral growth. The experiences in the professional development of the two sample teachers are the focus of data collection. Looking into the biography and the trait of their teaching life by analyzing the data obtained through individual interviews, group discussions, in-class teaching observation, etc. The research draws some conclusions: 1. Moral development engendered by one’s growth and experiences. 2. Moral development engendered by love and care. 3. Family education is the cradle of one’s moral development. 4. Emotional education carried out in school could help student’s moral growth. 5. Teacher’s professional ethics needed to be uplifted at school. 6. Teacher’s professionalism is promoted through the development of teachers’ ethic. In short, both the development of teachers’ ethic or his professional growth are inseparable from the circumstances and interpersonal relationships where the teachers find himself. Teachers’ moral growth has positive influence on their professional development.

Chinese Abstract

本研究主要的目的在於瞭解關懷倫理的道德教育與教師專業成長的相互關係。研究中運用了質性的研究方法,對澳門兩位小學教師進行深度研究。 道德的養成受到人與環境的相互影響,同時亦需要個人不斷的內化和省察才能得以提昇個人品質。考慮到道德形成的多元性後,在研究資料蒐集上,是以教師的成長經歷為研究主軸。藉著分析與詮釋她們所寫的生命史、教學生活札記,以及個別訪談、團體座談討論,輔以進入教學現場觀察所得的資料,並綜合文獻探討的結果,與研究資料進行分析。本研究的主要發現如下 : 一、道德伴隨人的成長循序增長 二、增進個人道德發展始於「愛」與「關懷」 三、家庭教育是個人道德發展的搖籃 四、學校施行情感教育有助於學生道德的培養 五、教師的專業道德須在學校中獲得提昇 六、教師專業成長源自道德發展 不管是教師的道德養成抑或是教師的專業成長,兩者都不能分離於情境與人際脈絡。在整個研究中充滿著教師的聲音和歷史,研究發現良好的成長體驗對教師日後從事教育工作有著正面的影響。

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Faculty of Education




Moral education


Caring -- Moral and ethical aspects

關懷 -- 倫理及道德方面

Elementary school teachers -- Macau

小學教師 -- 澳門



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