
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

The objective of this study is to explore the effects of Social Economic Status on academic performance of secondary school students in Macau. The research method for this study is questionnaire survey and the subjects in this study were Macau secondary students. The research divided into two major parts: horizontal research and vertical research. The subjects used in horizontal research were randomly selected Form 1 secondary students from four different secondary schools and the sample size is 254 people. Besides, the subjects used in vertical research were randomly selected different form students from two secondary schools and the sample size is 1045 people. The research tool used in this study was to review various researchers’ questionnaire related to the effects of social economic status among students. After revision, “The questionnaire for the impacts of differenct social economic status on academic permance of secondary school students in Macau” is formed. Not only questionnaires are collected for the studies, but also students’ academic results are collected. The major findings in this study were as following: 1. There was significant difference in gender. I.e. girls are better than boys. 2. The place of birth was significant, i.e. non-Macau born students are better than Macau born students. 3. There were significant influences between different form students and their academic performance. 4. The age factor was significant, i.e. the elder the age in same form, the worst academic performance in school. 5. There was no impact on family structure and academic performance. 6. There was no direct influence between social economic status and academic performance, but other influences between intermediate factors and academic performance. 7. There were significant influences among some intermediate factors, such as materialism, expectation and success motivation. However, there were no significant effects among study environment and family discipline. 8. There was significant negative impact between student achievement and parent educational attudite. For example, when their child failed tests or examinations, if they asked other people to help their child, the academic performance of their child will get worst. 9. When students find difficult in learning, asking private tutors or school teachers will have negative effects on academic achievement. However, there was positive effect on solving by themselves. As a result, solving problems by self will have better academic achievement. Based on the above research findings, other suggestions can be raised by parents, teachers, schools, academic area and government departments for references. Keyword: Social Economical Status, academic achievement, intermediate factors

Chinese Abstract

本研究主要目的是探討澳門中學生社會經濟地位與學業成就差異之相關情況。研究採用調查研究法,以澳門中學生為研究對象。分橫向研究和縱向研究兩部分。橫向研究,抽取同一年級不同的四所中學,初一年級學生,總數254人。縱向研究,抽取兩所中學不同年級的學生,總數1045人。 所使用的研究工具為研究者參考各地學者相關研究之問卷,修改自編而成「社會經濟地位的差異對澳門中學生學業成就的影響調查問卷」,並進行正式問卷調查,同時收集受訪學生的成績,SPSS統計軟件進行資料分析。研究結果摘要如下: 一、不同的性別對學業成就有顯著差異,且女生優於男生。 二、不同的出生地點對學業成就有顯著差異,且在外地出生的優於澳門出生的學生。 三、不同的年級對學業成就有顯著相關。 四、同一年級不同年齡的學生對學業成就也有顯著的相關。且同一年級的中學生年齡越大,其學業成就越差。 五、家庭結構與學業成就之間並無顯著差異。 六、社經地位與學業成就無直接顯著相關。而是透過中介因素影響學業成就。 七、中介因素整體而言對學業成就有顯著相關。除了「學習環境」、「管教方式」等變項對學業成就均無顯著相關,其餘變項均有顯著相關。尤其以「物質條件」、「期望水準」、「成就動機」等變項對學業成就最為顯著正相關。 八、學生測驗或考試不及格,父母教育態度若「找其他人協助」子女對其學業成就有顯著的負相關。即父母「找其他人協助」子女學習,反而子女的學業成就較差。 九、學生遇上有功課或學習有困難時,採用「請教補習教師或學校教師」對學業成就有顯著的負相關。即「請教補習教師或學校教師」反而學業成就差。相反,採用「自己解決」對學業成就有顯著的正相關。即是「自己解決」困難,學業成就較好。 基於以上研究結果,本研究對家長、教師、學校、教育界及政府部門與未來後續之研究方向提出建議,以供參考。 關鍵詞:社經地位、學業成就、中介因素

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Faculty of Education




Educational sociology


Educational sociology -- Macau

教育社會學 -- 澳門

Social classes -- Macau

社會階級 -- 澳門

Grading and marking (Students) -- Macau

學生成績評核 -- 澳門



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