UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
- English Abstract
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Schools are composed of different members; school principals are the key persons who lead the organization, teachers, supporting staffs, students, and parents are the partners. All of them should work together to achieve the same educational goals, if they expect their students achieve the optimal learning experience. The main purpose of the research is to investigate the divergences in education beliefs and school assessment scheme implementation between principals and teachers in Macau; Schools run smoothly toward the direction when both parties are on the same track; conflict will occur when education beliefs cannot come to an agreement. This research is using a survey method to gather information, and based on Chi Square test to investigate and analyze of the data getting from the project done by the faculty of education (The Universuty of Macau) - "A survey of curricular reform in Macao and the respective review". The survey had two booklets for collecting the data from school principals and teachers. The project focuses on perspectives of educational beliefs and implementation of the school assessment scheme among school principals and teachers. This research picks up two questions from the main study, they are related to 1) the education beliefs among Macau school principals and teachers; 2) school assessment scheme implementation. The first question is related to the principals' and teachers' expectation on student's learning. The second is about which assessment method(s) used by the school to evaluate student's learning outcomes. In the conclusion section, this study proposes some specific suggestions and reference to school principals and teachers.
- Chinese Abstract
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所謂“十年樹木百年樹人,人非生而知之,必學而後知。”是以教育無疑地是樹人的必要手段,而學校即為教育的最佳場所。學校由不同角色的成員所組成的。其中校長如同火車頭,拉著一節節的車廂(教師、職員)及車廂的旅客(學生、家長),往目標前進 (唐璽惠,1999)。本研究之要旨,在探討整體澳門學校之校長領導與教師間理念差異之問題,學校校長與教師於教育理念上能否相達成一致,當彼此間理念不一致時,學校運作上可能會出現諸多問題,所以教育研究人員有必要瞭解校長與教師之教育理念,此亦是本研究的一個出發點。 本研究採取了研究調查法,借助了澳門大學教育學院「課程檢視與改革路向意見調查問卷」之部分數據資料進行研究並透過卡方測試進行分析,主要分為校長問卷及教師問卷兩部份,分別以學校中之校長與教師作為研究對象,從校長及教師的角度出發,探討他們於教育理念上之差異。 本研究透過二部分之問題進行探討校長與教師是否存在有差異,分別是一、學校校長與教師評估學生學習成果所採取之主要評量方式;及二、校長與教師期望學生於學習過程中達致之素質;藉著了解校長與教師間之教育理念是否相一致,從而提出具體性之建議,俾供校長領導與教師提昇學校效能之參考,並以此作為學校當局日後制定政策及參考的一個路向。
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
- Faculty of Education
- Degree
- Subject
Education -- Aims and objectives
教育 -- 目標
Education -- Aims and objectives -- Macau
教育 -- 目標 -- 澳門
- Supervisor
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- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991000176399706306