
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


A study of Macao's identity in a local English newspaper

English Abstract

Abstract Macao's recent development in economy, society, tourism, and culture and the closer connection with the world have drawn much attention both locally and internationally. Under the influence of globalization, the city has entered a new era. In order to cope with the drastic development and connect with the world, a local week-daily English newspaper, The Macau Post Daily (TMPD), was first published in 2004 to provide news and views on the city. The news media have been studied for a long time as a window into various social conditions; in this thesis, with the aim to study the process of Macao's identity construction in a time of change, the articles in TMPD were studied. Halliday's Systemic-functional Grammar and Fairclough's Three-dimensional Framework were employed as the working theories. A critical discourse analysis on TMPD articles shows that Macao's identity is constructed as a rising multi-faceted city in good ties with China is realized in the newspaper. Key words: Macao, ideology, identity, media discourse, critical discourse analysis

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Cheung, Wai

Faculty of Arts and Humanities (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
Department of English



English newspapers -- Macau

Group identity -- Macau

Critical discourse analysis

Discourse analysis


Park, Joseph Sung-yul

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