
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


Progressive transmission and reconstruction of multi-resolution models

English Abstract

The advanced computer graphic technology nowadays can model very complex objects of reality so that the demand for high-level approximation is turning more intense than ever, especially in some areas, like computer games and health care applications, which are being requested worldwide. However, to secure a very high-level of detail in representation or say, to make a model more “realistic”, the graphic object has to be huge in file size. The trade-off is between the approximation level we need and the drawback on performance we allow. Surely if we consider network an execution platform, we can further imagine that more people can benefit from this technology. The increasing use of Internet, de facto, has already set up the grounds and demands for more computer graphics studies on data transmission. As transmission over Internet takes place with common carriers and the bandwidth of different networks may vary, balancing between the quality of graphic model and the bandwidth constraints turns out to be the core problem if we do not want to keep our object user waiting. Based on this objective, our present work is trying to implement an efficient transmission model for graphic objects and thus to allow model reconstruction and rendering at client on the fly. This paper will present how a complex graphic object is decomposed into different levels of detail of representation and stored in an array of binary trees at server, how the coarsest model, i.e. the lowest level of detail, is transmitted to the client in a relatively short span of time and how its rendering can be done virtually instantly at client. Also, this thesis will demonstrate how the higher levels of detail of the same model can progressively be transmitted to client and reconstructed there for a series of subsequent displays. Actually, from this thesis we will see the basic concept for analyzing an object model and for arranging it in an adequate data structure for interaction between server and client. This data structure is simple but it can serve as a foundation for many further studies, such as adaptive multi-resolution model. Finally, we will implement and test the related theories by transmitting an object model progressively to client and reconstructing the model there. The model reconstruction and rendering effects will also be evaluated. Keywords: Progressive Transmission, Model Reconstruction, Mesh, Multi-Resolution Model

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Lei, Weng Kuong


Faculty of Science and Technology




Computer graphics

Image processing -- Digital techniques


Wu, Enhua

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