
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


The design and implementation of object management functions for web-based repository

English Abstract

Universityof Macau Abstract THE DESIGNAND IMPLEMENTATIONOFOBJECT MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONSFOR WEB-BASED REPOSITORY by Chao Sam, Lidia ThesisSupervisor: ProfessorZhouLiZhu MasterofScienceinSoftwareEngineering In recent years, many research works on repository technology are carried out. Repository becomes one of the active areas in softwarefield. Arepositoryisacentralizedinformationstorageasanobjectreusabletool.Itplaysanimportantroleinthereusabilityarea. It acts as a reused and shared database of information about engineered artifacts, such as software, documents, designs, information systems, maps or manufacturedcomponents,nomatterwhatkindofobjects.Byprovidingacommonformatforstoringobject information, the objects can easily be shared, and used by different products for differenttasks. The use of repository can eliminate redesigning and redeveloping tasks of the same artifacts. The development teams can share common information with each other effectively and efficiently. This results in increasing developer productivity, enhancing software quality and improving the maintainability, and hence in reducing cost and1ncreasingcompetitiveness. A repository is composed of two major components: a set of object-oriented interfaces that a developer can use to define information models, and are pository engine that is the underlying storage mechanism for these information models. This thesis focuses on the most important repository engine function - Object Management, and partial implementation of it, The first issue of Object Management is the design and implementation of aset of functions for maipulating objects, such as retrieving objects, storing objects etc. The second issue is the design and implementation of the objectstoragesystem.Wechoosethestrategyofdevelopingtherepositorybyputtinganobject- oriented layer on the top of a relational database. This strategy needs to address thefollowingproblems: • OO-RelationalSchematransformation,and • OO-Relationalquerytranslation Thethesispresentsourmethoddetailsforhandlingthem. Furthermore, our repository is designed to work under the Web with Client/Server architecture. This is motivated by the fact that Internet as the working environmentbecomesverypopularandanecessity,andmanyapplicationsor work routines are base don the web. The solution for the repository supporting Web-based environment is presentedinthethesis.

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Chao, Sam


Faculty of Science and Technology


Department of Computer and Information Science




Object-oriented databases

Database management

Database design

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