
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


SMEs' entrepreneurship and performance in Macao

English Abstract

ABSTRACT The importance of SMEs in Macao is unquestionable since they are accounted for over 90 per cent of the total business. Due to the limitations in financial and human resources, the owners of these SMEs have a dominating influence on the firms' operations. On the other hand, "entrepreneurship" has been considered as decisive to the success of SMES, raising concern to the management staffs, deserving growing attention by academic researchers, and being finally advocated and ranked as a policy priority for rule makers. to go ahead The study proceeds are based on a framework for the analysis of entrepreneurial profiles, which contains elements linked to psychological characteristics and to the personal experience of various SME owners. A comparison of the firms' performances will help to find out the difference in the propensity to entrepreneurship that leads to different kinds of organizational behavior. The public has a biased perception, according to which Macao's businessmen are considered as lacking "entrepreneurship", since there is no sufficient description of the current situation of entrepreneurship in Macao. The empirical findings of the present study allow to conclude that various SME owners do have entrepreneurial characteristics up to a certain extent. Entrepreneurship, as shaped by the reciprocal influence of personal experience in life and psychological characteristics, directs to adopt appropriate managerial practices in accordance with the changes on the market, helping the firm to reach a higher potential of profitability.

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Chang, Chi Wa


Faculty of Business Administration


Department of Management and Marketing




Small business -- Macau

Performance -- Measurement


Noronha, Carlos

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