
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


"澳門記略"反映的澳門土生葡語面貌 = The facet of Portuguese dialect of Macau in "The Monograph of Macau"

English Abstract

This dissertation is divided into 3 sections. The first section gives a general picture of the appearance of the Macanese and the portuguese dialect and their evolutions in last 4 centuries. The second section gives a brief description of the evolutionary history of the study of portuguese dialect in Macau in the last century. The final section deals with a study of glossary, which is the major constituent of the dissertation. In this dissertation, the author tried to examine the set of 395 glossaries of the table of vocabulary at the back of "The Monograph of Macau". In the study the author tried to find out the regularities which may exist in the phonetics, word construction and syntax of the portuguese dialect in Macau, and tried to concisely analyze the given pronunciation in chinese. In the final part of the dissertation lists a table of comparisons. On one side is the results of conversion of the aforementioned glossaries prepared by Luís G. Gomes together with C.R. Bawden while the author's analysis results are on the other side for comparison purpose. In addition to the converted portuguese glossaries prepared by the above three, the table also lists the author's individual interpretations and evidential information, The quotations of the information have also been cited in the table for ease of reference. It must be clearly pointed out that due to the involvement of different chinese dialects, especially putonghua and cantonese, together with portuguese in the table of vocabulary in the final section of the study, the author would give definitions hereafter to avoid the ambiguity in concepts. Since the table of vocabulary was prepared in the 18th century when the concept of putonghua was nonexistent then, the 'mandarin' referred is not Pontonghua but its predecessor 'The Official Language of the North' while the 'cantonese' refers to the major dialects spoken in the regions of the Pearl River Delta.

Chinese Abstract

本文內容主要分為三個部分。第一章將綜合概述土生葡人和土生葡語的出現以及在這四個世紀的發展情況。第二章將簡介近百年來土生葡語研究的演進歷史。第三章《 澳門記略》(按:記或作紀)詞彙表研究將是本文的最主要部分。在此章中筆者將會對《澳門記略》書後之詞彙表〈澳譯 〉中的395條詞語進行研究,從中找出一些屬於澳門土生葡語的語音、構詞和語法規律,並對其漢語注音方法簡略分析。 論文最後還附載一比較表,將高美士(Luís G. Gomes)先生和鮑登(C.R. Bawden)先生對上述詞彙表曾作出之還原成果與筆者之分析結果進行比較,亦附註了筆者對每一條項的個別見解及例證資料,各條例證資料之出處亦於表中列出,以便參考。 在此必須說明,由於上述第三部分所指詞彙表的研究除涉及葡萄牙語外,還涉及各類漢語方言,尤其是普通話和廣東話,為免概念上的混亂,筆者擬在此先行將之界定。基於詞彙表之製作時代是十八世紀,當時仍未有普通話的概念,故本文中所指的mandarin不是普通話,而是其前身“北方官話”,而廣東話則指珠江三角洲一帶以廣州話為主流的粵方言。

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Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities


Department of Chinese




Portuguese language -- Dialects -- Macau

葡語 -- 方言 -- 澳門




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