
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

The objective of this study was to develop an emotion education program for the students of the Institute for Juvenile Delinquents and to investigate its effects on the students' rational thinking and emotional stability. Two areas were investigated: (1) the effectiveness of the program in promoting rational thinking and emotional stability; and (2) the factors which affected the effectiveness by studying the process of the program. The program itself is based on the theory of Rational Emotive Therapy developed by Albert Ellis. There were in total nine chapters in the program, which were organized into ten sessions. Each session took 60 to 90 minutes. Two female subjects were included in the study. In order to determine the program's effect, the two subjects were pre- and post- tested with the“Personal Belief Scale”and“Emotion Scale”. Qualitative data including subjects’ feedback, systematic observation records of two independent observers, and interview with the instructors of the institute and the two subjects were collected and employed to cross-verify the results and to analysis the process. The major findings of the study were summarized as follows: 1. after joining the program, subjects’ rational belief and emotional stability increased; 2. group atmosphere, which was categorized as harmonious, safe, warm and comfortable, could enhance program effectiveness; 3. leader's demonstration and warm up exercises would promote self-disclosure. Student-oriented activities, competitive games and intra-students evaluation could induce learning motivation. Intensive interaction moved from leader-centered to student-centered according to the extent that the program development could intensify the effect of the interaction itself. Regarding interaction content, completing, disputing and establishing new belief for peer would help transfer learning. Moreover, positive learning incentives could raise the effectiveness of the program; 4. leading and group counseling skills which combined cognitive, emotional and behavioral techniques of Rational Emotive Therapy could confirm the program's effectiveness; 5. brain storming, in which interaction could not be promoted, could not function effectively. As a corollary, high level cognitive activities should not be conducted in the form of competitive games. Finally, limitations of the study have been mentioned and the implications suggested.

Chinese Abstract

本研究旨在設計一套針對澳門少年感化院院童實際需要之情緒輔導課程,並探討該課程對院童的理性思考和情緒穩定之輔導效果,主要目的有二:(一)探討課程對增進院童之理性思考能力和情緒穩定性效果;(二)探討情緒輔導課程之實施過程,以了解可能影響輔導效果的因素。 本研究之情緒輔導課程以艾里斯(Albert Ellis)倡導的理性情緒治療理論為設計骨架,共九個單元,分十節進行,每節六十至九十分鐘。 研究對象爲少年感化院女童區院童,樣本數目兩人。 數據資料主要是比較組員課程前後於「個人信念量表」與「情緒量表」上之得分,質化資料則包括組員之回饋資料、兩位獨立觀察員作的系統觀察記錄、及與感化院工作員和組員的面談內容,作爲分析輔導課程成效與實施過程之依據。 茲將主要研究結果摘述如下: 一、參加情緒輔導課程後,院童之理性思考能力和情緒穩定性均有所提升。 二、融洽、安全、溫馨與舒適自在之團體氣氛可促進輔導效果。 三、互動情況方面,組長之示範與熱身活動能帶動自我坦露,組員爲本之活動形式、競賽與組員間相互評估可提高學習動機,互動頻率多且將主導位置由組長漸轉至組員可令互動果效更充份發揮。內容上,組員互相補充、練習駁斥與建立新想法能刺激深入思考,多涉及個人問題處理之互動能促進學習遷移,再配合學員之積極學習意願能有助於輔導果效的展現。 四、組長兼顧理性情緒治療法之認知、情感、行為三方面之輔導技巧有助於輔導效果。 五、無法刺激互動質素的腦力激盪活動,和以競賽形式進行之思考性活動皆無法有良好效果。 最後,研究員根據研究發現與心得,提出本研究之限制與建議。

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Faculty of Education




Juvenile delinquents -- Macau -- Mental health

兒童及少年罪犯 -- 澳門 -- 精神健康

Juvenile delinquents -- Mental health services -- Macau

兒童及少年罪犯 -- 精神健康服務 -- 澳門

Mental health education -- Macau

精神健康教育 -- 澳門



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