
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

This study was to design a career development counseling program for primary six students in Macao, with assessment by two scales, career maturity and vocational self-concept. The objectives were: (1) to look at the program's efficacy on the subjects in terms of the career maturity and of vocational self-concept; and (2) to investigate any difficulties or limitations while the program was carried out. Suggestions are also provided in details for further research and practical uses. A quasi-experimental non-random research design was used with pre-test and post-test comparisons between experimental and control groups. Three groups of student from two local schools were studied (n = 72). The sample was divided into five groups as follows. The experimental and control group consisted of eight students with similar scores. Comparative group one (n = 7) had lower scores in pre-test, while comparative group two (n = 10), by contrast, contained children with higher scores. Comparative group three (n = 39) had children from other school. The intervention in terms of the designed counseling program was only conducted in the experimental group, which composed of seven meetings in seven weeks with 90 minutes each. The measuring instrument consisted of the Career Maturity Attitude and Vocational Self Concept Inventory. A pre-test and post-test were conducted respectively before and after the intervention. A follow-up test was conducted after eight weeks of the post-test. Statistical methods used in analysis included match-paired t-test, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA and ANCOVA. There were also qualitative data collected including feedback from teachers and students, and independent observers’ records. Major results and findings are as follows. (1) There were immediate effects of the intervention on the experimental group, in terms of increases in career maturity and vocational self-concept. (2) However, there is no consistent effect as reviewed by the follow up test done after eight wecks of the intervention. Thesis conclusion includes some practical suggestions in accordance to the findings.

Chinese Abstract

本硏究根據相關文獻編擬一套適合澳門小六學生的生涯發展輔導課程,並探討該課程對受試學童的生涯成熟及職業自我概念之輔導效果,主要目的有二:(一)探討「生涯發展輔導課程」對提升小六學生的生涯成熟及職業自我概念之輔導效果;(二)探討生涯發展輔導課程的實施過程,了解影響輔導效果的因素,針對這些因素提供具體建議,以供實務工作者及研究之用。 本研究採準實驗設計內的非隨機化、控制組前後測設計。以澳門兩所小學(一所爲寄宿小學,另一所爲非寄宿小學)的三班學童,共72名小六學童為研究對象,以統計配對方式將受試分成實驗組(8名寄宿小學學童)、控制組(前測分數與實驗組接近的8名寄宿小學學童)、比較組一(前測分數較差的7名寄宿小學學童)、比較組二(前測分數較高的10名寄宿小學學童)、比較組三(非寄宿小學的 39 名學童)。實驗組接受爲期兩個月,共七次,每星期一次,每次九十分鐘的「生涯發展輔導課程」之實驗處理,控制組及三組比較組則不接受任何實驗處理。 數據資料主要是受試在課程前、後及課程結束後八週,在「生涯成熟態度量表」及「兒童職業自我概念量表」這兩份測驗上之得分,以配對組T檢定、獨立組 T 檢定及單因子共變數分析考驗研究假設;質化資料則包括組員的回饋資料、 老師意見書及觀察員的觀察記錄作質的陳述分析,以彌補實驗效果評量上之不足。 茲將主要研究結果摘述如下: 一、經過實驗處理後,實驗組學童的生涯成熟態度和職業自我概念不但有提升,且有顯著的立即輔導效果。 二、經過實驗處理後八週,實驗組學童生涯成熟態度和職業自我概念之提升,均沒有顯著的持續輔導效果。 最後,研究員依上述研究結果,為生涯輔導及後續研究者提出具體建議。

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Faculty of Education




Vocational guidance -- Study and teaching (Primary).

選擇職業之指導 -- 學習及教學 (初級小學).

Vocational guidance -- Study and teaching (Primary) -- Macau.

選擇職業之指導 -- 學習及教學 (初級小學) -- 澳門.

Group counseling for children -- Macau.

兒童之群組式輔導 -- 澳門.

Vocational guidance -- Psychological aspects.

選擇職業之指導 -- 心理方面.

Career development.




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