
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

This study aims at (1) understanding the attitude towards mathematics for junior secondary school in Macau; and (2) exploring the relations between attitude towards mathematics and other variables such as sex, social economics status, academic results and the influence of other people on students’ attitude towards mathematics. The sample consists of 538 secondary one to three students in Macau. Measuring instruments consist of the following scales: social economics status in Macau, mathematic attitude Scale and significant others mathematic scale (Fennema & Sherman 1976, 李默英 1983). Data collected are analyzed by statistical tools such as reliability analysis, t-test, correlation and stepwise regression. Results obtained are as follows. 1. Regarding the status of mathematic attitude of secondary students in Macau, respondents generally feel that: a. boys and girls are equally capable to learn mathematics, b. mathematics is useful, c. they are happy with success in mathematics, d. their parents and friends treat mathematics as a useful subject; and e. teachers have an important effects in encouraging students to learn mathematics. 2. Boys has more positive attitude towards mathematics. 3. There is no significant relation between mathematics attitude and social economic status.However, parents do have effects on mathematic attitude. 4. Regarding the relation between mathematic attitude and academic results, it is very significant in secondary three, not so in secondary two and unclear in secondary one. 5. From the results of stepwise regression, teachers’ influence has most predictive relation towards mathematic attitude, mothers’ influence comes second and peers’ influence comes third. Based on the above results, some recommendations are made as follows. 1. Teachers are encouraged to: (a) note the relation between mathematic attitude and academic results; (b) be a model for students to learn mathematics; (c) note the sex equality in learning mathematics; and (d) pay attention towards teaching and assessment methods. 2. Parents are encouraged to: (a) note their influence on students in attitude towards mathematics; (b) develop students with correct attitude in learning mathematics; (c) assist students in doing homework and preparing for examinations; and (d) provide a supportive environment learning mathematics.

Chinese Abstract

本研究目的在於:(1)了解澳門初中學生數學態度的實際情況。(2)探討數學態度與性別、家庭社經地位、 重要他人之數學態度及數學成就等因素之相關情況。 本研究以澳門四所中學 538 名初一至初三學生為研究樣本,測量工具包括「個人基本資料與社會及經濟地位量表」、「數學態度量表」(Fennema、Sherman,(1976)、 李默英 (1983)) 及「重要他人數學態度量表 」(Fennema、Sherman,(1976)、 李默英( 1983))。收集所得的資料首先以信度分析(Reliability Analysis) 進行題目可靠性之檢驗,再以t-test、皮爾森積差相關(Pearson's Product-moment Correlation )及逐步回歸分析(Stepwise Regression)等統計方法進行資料處理。而本研究的主要發現如下: 1. 澳門初中學生數學態度的實際情況 : (1) 受訪者普遍認為女生跟男生一樣的適合學習數學。 (2) 受訪者普過認同數學的有用性。 (3) 受訪者普遍對於能取得好的數學成績和表現引以為榮。 (4) 受訪者的重要他人(父母、朋友)普遍認為數學是最重要的科目之一。 (5) 受訪者的數學老師普遍都鼓勵學生多學習數學。 2. 不同「性別」的受訪者,在整體的數學態度上有顯著差異存在(t=3.21,p<0.05),且男生在整體的數學態度上皆比女生為佳。 3. 受訪者的「數學態度」與「社經地位」之間沒有顯著的相關性,但其「數學態度」和「重要他人數學態度」則有顯著相關存在 (p<0.001 )。 4. 受訪者的「數學態度」與「數學成就」有顯著相關存在,其影響在初三階段最為直接,其次是初二級,而在初一階段最不明顯。 5. 由逐步回歸分析發現教師態度與初中學生的數學態度最有關係,其次是母親態度,再其次是朋友態度。 針對上述結果,本研究提出下列建議,以供數學教育界有關人士參考: 1. 對教師的建議:(1) 正視數學態度對數學成就影響;(2) 教師應作為學生的良好示範;(3) 重視男女平等觀念;(4) 注意教學與考評方式。 2. 對父母的建議:(1) 注意與調整本身的數學態度;(2) 多鼓勵子女培養正確學習數學的態度;(3) 協助子女溫習數學功課及應付數學考試;(4) 營造與數學有關的環境。

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Faculty of Education




Mathematics -- Study and teaching (Middle school) -- Psychological aspects

數學 -- 學習及教學 (高級小學至初級中學) -- 心理方面

Junior high school students -- Macau

初級中學學生 -- 澳門



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