UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
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- English Abstract
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Students with hearing impairment have obstacles in processing language input through hearing. Consequently, their learing process has the tendency of relying on visual memory. Their ability in using effective memory strategies is also lacking. Many related studies have indicated that the utilization of memory strategies can improve the memory ability of students with hearing impairment. So the objective of this present study is to investigate the effects of a "Memory Strategy with Counseling Technique Course" in improving the conditions of a From two hearing-impaired male student who has poor learning memory. This study aims to examine how a memory strategy with counseling technique course can increase the student's memory capacity of Chinese vocabulary, numbers and imaginary, types of memory strategies used and the interest of utilizing such strategies. This case study is aim to investigate a Form two hearing-impaired male student from a school for special education in Macau. The counseling technique course used in this study is based on the three basic learning strategies mentioned by Cheung Seng Yan(1990). The three learning strategies include : attention strategies, coding strategies and memory retrieval strategies. Four another memory strategies that are suitable for the hearing-impaired students have also been selected. These methods include rehearsal, organization, imagery and defining. The counseling technique course consists of ten sessions. During the course of the study, two sessions per week were given over a period of five weeks. Each session took sixty minutes and was videotaped. The student was tested with the "Memory Strategies Assessment Form" and the "Leaming Strategies Assessment Form" before and after the counseling technique course. Qualitative data was obtained from observing the student during the sessions, student's feedback on the course, feedback from reviewing the video and from in-depth interview with the student, his parents and his teachers of four major subjects. Triangulation and cross checks were performed to analyze the qualitative data. Results from the "Memory Strategies Assessment Form"indicates the student's immediate improvement in the memory of Chinese vocabulary, numbers, and imaginary. Results from the same form also shows immediate improvement in the utilization of various learning strategies as well as the interest of utilizing memory strategies. Immediate improvement in learning attitude, learing motivation, attention strategies, memory strategies and self management are indicated by the "Learning Strategies Assessment Form" from the student, his parents and teachers. Based on the result obtained from the study, a "Memory Strategy with Counseling Technique Course" is deemed to have an immediate positive effect on the memory of a hearing-impaired male junior high school student who has poor memory. The study has not only proved the value and applicability of a "Memory Strategy with Counseling Technique Course" in education and counseling, but has also provided a blueprint and many suggestions for educators to develop such courses for students with special needs.
- Chinese Abstract
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聽障學生因聽力受損,對需透過聽覺處理的語言訊息產生障礙,所以他們的學習過程是較偏重視覺記憶,並且不懂得如何使用有效的記憶策略,而在許多相關的實驗結果中,均證實聽障學生的記憶表現可經由記憶策略而提昇。因此本研究旨在探討「記憶策略輔導課程」對個別記憶力偏低的初中聽障男學生之輔導效果。主要目的是驗證輔導課程對增加聽障學生的記憶量(中文詞彙、數目字、圖像)、運用記憶策略的種類、以及運用記憶策略的興趣之果效。 本研究是以澳門某間特殊教育學校的一位記憶力偏低的初中二聽障男學生為研究對象。而本研究之記憶策略輔導課程的内容主要是參考張新仁(1990)所提出的三大基本學習策略之注意力策略、編碼策略及記憶提取策略,並選取了當中四種較適合聽障學生的記憶策略,包括是複誦法、組織法、心像法和意義法。課程共有十個單元,每單元60分鐘,每週兩單元,為期五週。課程實施過程均進行錄影。 本研究之數據資料主要是比較研究對象在輔導課程前後於「記憶策略評量表」與「學習策略評量表」上之得分。質化資料則包括課堂觀察記錄、研究對象之 課後回饋表、錄像回饋及深入訪談的資料。而深入訪談的對象包括有研究對象、其家長及四位主科老師。透過質化研究的三角校正和交叉驗正,作爲分析記憶策略輔導課程成效之依據。 將主要研究結果摘述如下: 一. 記憶策略輔導課程對記憶力偏低的初中聽障男學生,在個人「記憶策略評量表」評定之記憶量的增加(中文詞彙、數目字、圖像),具即時之輔導效果。 二. 記憶策略輔導課程對記憶力偏低的初中聽障男學生,在個人「記憶策略評量表」評定之記憶策略種類運用數量的增加,具即時之輔導效果。 三. 記憶策略輔導課程對記憶力偏低的初中聽障男學生,在個人「記憶策略評量表」評定之運用記憶策略興趣的增加,具即時之輔導效果。 四. 記憶策略輔導課程對記憶力偏低的初中聽障男學生,在個人、家長及老師之「學習策略評量表」評定結果的綜合分析所得,其學習態度與動機,注意策略、記憶策略、自我經營策略均有即時提升的效果。 總結本硏究結果所得「記憶策略輔導課程」對提升個別記憶力偏低的初中聽障男學生的記憶力表現,具即時之輔導效果。同時亦驗正了「記憶策略輔導課程」在教育及輔導上的應用價値,並為特殊教育工作者提供了一個「學習策略輔導課程」的參考藍本及建議。
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
Faculty of Education
- Degree
- Subject
Memory in adolescence -- Macau -- Case studies
少年時期的記憶 -- 澳門 -- 個案研究
Hearing impaired students -- Macau -- Case studies
聽覺殘障之學生 -- 澳門 -- 個案研究
Counseling in middle school education -- Macau -- Case studies
高級小學至初級中學之教育輔導 -- 澳門 -- 個案研究
Educational counseling -- Macau -- Case studies
教育輔導 -- 澳門 -- 個案研究
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- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991000154689706306