
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

Abstract The purpose of the study is to identify the subjective feeling and counseling need of the nursing educators during curriculum change from hospital-based occupation training to higher professional education in a nursing school, Macau. It is a qualitative research using“observator-as-participant"method to analyze the perceptions, emotional feelings and coping strategies of the educators, therefore, the counseling needs are recommended. The samples are four nursing educators who attained the whole change process and were responsible for a subject. A semi-structure questionnaire is used to in-depth interview. The data is analyzed according to the following framework: 1.Three scopes: The perceptions (for the institution, curriculum and self),emotional feelings and coping strategies 2.Two attitudes: positive and negative attitudes 3.Two layers: generalization (if cover two or more cases) and specification (if only cover one case) The findings indicated that the educators had positive attitude to the new curriculum and institution respectively. They recognized that the changes was necessary, the curriculum met the need of international trend, and the cohesion of institution and school are good. The negative attitude came from the curriculum unfamiliar, less times and experience, poor communication with the instructors from consultative university, and the role they should to be. The negative attitude to institution mainly came from the hesitation of the leaders and less experience about the institution change. The negative attitude to educators themselves mainly came from the unhealthy self-analysis, misunderstanding for the role of modern educators, aged, and lack of the formal teaching training. Most of the emotional feelings are negative during the curriculum change process. The positive emotional feeling related to the honor of participating, the happiness for the validation success, and the satisfactory for the unity. The negative attitude is divided into two layer according to the level of feeling. The first layer is fear and anxiety. It related to the viewing the change as a danger and threat, the communication barrier, low academic level, and the risk of losing job . The second layer is frustration. It related to the difficulties of developing the new curriculum, limited opportunity to promote the knowledge and qualification, a rugged change way, the conflict between ideal and reality, long-term stress, and the uncertain and ambiguous condition. The educators used a lot of behavioral and cognitive coping strategies to face the contradiction of perception and the impact of negative emotional feeling. Most of the coping strategies are positive and are viewed as the counseling needs of the educators. To assist the nursing educators, adapt the changing work environment and unexpected human life, the following counseling needs are recommended as follow: 1. To enhance the active self-recognition and psychological qualification, and to assist the grow-up of the educators 2. To improve the higher academic level of the educators through continue education. 3. To enhance the support network through communication 4. To train the new type nursing educators who master both profession and academic through giving more resources.

Chinese Abstract

本研究旨在探討澳門一所護士學校,由醫院為本的職業培訓轉變成高等教育過程中,教師怎樣去面對轉變?研究者以‘參與一一研究者’的身份,用質的研究法深入剖析在課程提升過程中教師們的心境轉變大改變的看法、情緒感受及如何應對,從而總結其對輔導的需要。 研究者對所有在課程改革過程中全程參與,並負責一門科目編寫工作的四位教師用半結構式訪談方法進行深入訪談。訪談蒐集到的資料按下列架構 1.三個範疇:對提升過程的看法(包括對機構、課程和自己)、情緒感受、如何應對; 2.兩個方面:正面和負面; 3.兩個層次:普遍性(兩個及以上個案)和個別性(只有一個個案)意見,來進行歸纳分析。 研究發現如下:教師在課程提升過程中,對課程和對機構都有傾向正面的看法,認同課程是應該改革和符合世界潮流:機構和學校的凝聚力強;上下同心,有支持作用。對課程的負面看法來源於對課程不熟悉;籌備時間和經驗不足夠;被訪時未實踐過:與顧問大學人員溝通欠佳:未能深刻理解自己應扮演角色而引發的。對機構的負面看法,主要是由於領導層決心曾動搖;機構對改革的經驗不足所致。教師對自我的看法以負面的居多,這與教師有不健康的自我看法;對今天教師角色的理解不深透;年齡老化和缺乏正規教學的系統培訓有關。 課程提升過程中,在情緒感受環節内負面感受是佔絕大多數。正面感受來自對參與課程改革的光榮感和評審成功後的幸福感和安寧感。上下團結一致,同心同德去成就事情的滿足感。普遍性負面感受按深淺程度歸納為兩個層次,第一層次是恐懼和焦慮,這種負面感受與視課程提升為一個危險和威脅;過程中溝通的障礙;自覺學術能力的不足和職業安全受威脅有關係。第二層次的負面感受歸納為挫折感,挫折感的出現主要與教師推廣新課程不容易;感到知識不足,但找不到合適的途徑提高學歷;改革路不平坦;理想與現實出現矛盾;提升過程長期工作壓力;忍耐不肯定和模糊狀態有關的。 在研究結果中看到,教師用了不少應對的策略來面對看法上的矛盾和負面情緒感受的衝擊,其中大部分策略是正面的。包括行為上的應對和認知上的應對兩方面。正面的應對可視為教師對輔導的需要。基於上列結果,為協助護理教育工作者,適應不斷改革的工作環境和未可預期的人生歷程,結合輔導的需要本研究作如下建議: 1.增強積極的自我認識,增強心理素質,協助教師不斷成長。 2.提供學歷教育,給予持續培訓,提高教師學術能力。 3.加強溝通,發展資源,加強教師互助支援網絡。 4.給予資源,建立制度,培訓專業及學術均有專長新一代護理教育工作者。

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Faculty of Education




Nursing -- Study and teaching -- Macau

護理 -- 學習及教學 -- 澳門

Nursing -- Curricua -- Macau

護理 -- 課程 -- 澳門

Curriculum change -- Macau

課程改革 -- 澳門

Nurses -- Psychology -- Macau

護士 -- 心理 -- 澳門



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