
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

The purpose of this study is to investigate the addiction condition of Internet-addicted students and correlation with their interpersonal relationship and pressure in daily life. We employ the approach of "cluster sampling", taking samples from 1017 Form 2 students among 13 secondary schools in Macao. Collection of data were performed by asking the students to fill out structured questionnaires anonymously.We use the stratified random sampling and t-test to analyze the data. We then use the "Chinese Internet addiction scale" to screen out the top 5% as the group of "dangerously addicted", a total of 50 persons. The rest, a total of 967 students, are classified as "ordinary". We also identify the whole sample as the "total". The main results of the study are summarized as follows. (1) Personal factor: a) The ratio of male-to-female is 1:1 in the "ordinary" sample and the "total" sample. On the other hand, the ratio is 2:1 in the "dangerously addicted" sample. b) The majority of the "ordinary" and the "total" sample is below 15 in age, while the students in the "dangerously addicted" sample are mostly between 15 and 16. (2) Internet usage of the sample: a) Students in the "total" and "ordinary" samples mostly have been using Internet within one to two years, while the "dangerously addicted" students have been using Internet for more than 3 years. b) Internet time per week: "total" and "ordinary" are about one to three times per week, and each time is within 5 hours. The "dangerously addicted" use the Internet at least once per day and the weekly average is 27 hours at most. c) Students in the "total" and "ordinary" samples connect to Internet primarily at home and then at school, while the "dangerously addicted" students connect to Internet primarily at home and then at Internet bar. (3) Internet addiction condition The total scores and various scores in the "Chinese Internet Addiction Stress Scale" of the students in the "total" and "ordinary" samples are lower than the "dangerously addicted" students. In addition, the t-test score of "Internet Addiction" of the "dangerously addicted" students are obviously higher than the students in the "total" and "ordinary" sample. There is no difference between male and female in the sample oft dangerously addicted" students according to the t-test ofthe total and various scores. On the other hand, the “total”and “ordinary” samples show an obvious difference between male and female. Males are more likely to logon to internet. (4) Interpersonal relationship: According to the "Chinese Internet Addiction Scale" and "Interpersonal relationship Scale", the correlation between the Internet addiction and interpersonal relationship is quite low. The "dangerously addicted" group do not get recognition or satisfaction from their real life, and so turn to the Internet for friendship and comfort. At the same time, they look for recognition of the community on the Internet. They feel that Intemet actually lays down a new way for communication and they are not disconnected from the rest of the society and do not have the feeling of being isolated. The average T-test score in "Interpersonal relationship scale" reflected that there is no difference between male and female in internet addiction in the sample of “dangerously addicted" students. However, obvious differences between male and female exist in the groups of "ordinary" and “total” students, according to “Interpersonal relationship scale” and "Dependence scale". Females tend to have dependence and communication problems. The "Shyness scale” of the “ordinary” sample shows less difference between male and female. Females are more shy than males. (5) Pressure in daily life: The three samples show difference in the level of pressure in daily life. The "dangerously addicted" students tend to be under higher pressure while the "total" and "ordinary" have lower pressure. The “dangerously addicted", "ordinary", and "total” sample show no difference between male and female in the "Family pressure” and “classmate relation" scores of the "Daily life pressure". On the other hand, the “total" and “ordinary" samples show obvious differences between male and female in the “Academic pressure" that females are having more problems in academic pressure. The “total” and “ordinary” samples show obvious differences between male and female in the “Surrounding pressure” that males are having more problems in surrounding pressure. The “total” and “ordinary” samples show obvious differences between male and female in the “Dating pressure" that males are having more problems in dating pressure.

Chinese Abstract

本研究之目的是探討網路成癮者的網路成癮狀況與其人際關係及生活壓力之關係。探“普查及叢集”的抽樣方式,選取澳門十三所中學;初中二年級學生爲研究對象,有效樣本1017人,以不記名自填式的結構問卷方式進行資料收集,所得資料探描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、t檢定。依據「中文網路成癮量表」排序前5%篩選出的「網路成癮高危險群」共50人,餘下來的定義爲一般受試者共967人。 研究結果主要發現如下: 一、個人相關因素之情況 (一)全體和一般受試者的男女生比例約爲1:1,而網路成癮高危險群的男生是女生兩倍多: (二)全體受試者和一般受試者的年齡以未滿15歲爲最多,而網路成癮高危險群在 年齡上,多集中在15-16歲之間; 二、研究樣本的網路使用年資、時間、次數、地點分佈情形 (一)全體受試者和一般受試者網路使用年資多集中在一年到兩年以內,而網路成癮高危險群使用年资達三年以上: (二)全體受試者和一般受試者使用網路次數以每週一至三次,使用網路時間以五小時以下爲最多,網路沉迷高危險群使用網路每天一次以上及週平均上網使用時數為 27小時最多; (三) 全體受試者和一般受試者網路上網地點以家居首位其次是學校,而網路沉迷高危險群以家居首位其次是網路網吧; 三、研究樣本與網路成癮行爲之情況 全體受試者和一般受試者在「中文網路成癮壓力」全量表和各分量表的平均數低於網路沈迷高危險群,顯示出網路成癮行爲有較明顯成癮傾向。網路成癮高危險群與一般受試者在「網路成癮」之平均數考驗 T-Test 摘要反映網路成癮髙危險群在網路成癮上明顯較一般受試者高。 網路成癮高危險群男女在「中文網路成癮」全量表和分量表之平均數考驗T-Test 摘要反映網路成癮高危險群在網路成癮行為是沒有性別差異,可能網路成癮的症狀相同。而一般受試者和全體受試者男女存在顯著性性別差異,男生比女生有較多上傾向網。 四、網路沈迷高危險群與人際關係相關之情況 初中二學生整體在「中文網路成癮量表」與「人際關係量表」之相關量表得知: 中文網路成癮全量表及人際關係各分量表中的五個項目與人際關係之間的相關係數都頗低,且顯示著彼此的關係不大。網路沈迷高危險群在現實生活中得不到認同或滿足,轉移在網路中發掘網友或興趣,同時在虛擬社區尋求人際慰藉擴展人際生活圈,積極開發網路上社會支持,可以斷定網路沈迷高危險群的網路建立了新的人際互動方式,不再認爲自己與社會脫節同時也降低了孤立的感受。網路成癮高危險群男女在「人際關係」全量表和各分量表之平均數考驗 T-Test 摘要反映網路成癮高危險群在網路成癮行為是沒有性別差異,一般受試者和全體受試者在「人際關係」全量表和「依賴」分量表之平均數考驗T-Test摘要反映,顯示男女存在顯著性差異,女生可能較男生更有人際關係和依賴問題。而一般受試者在「害羞」分量表反映較接近,男女存有差異,女生可能較男生更有害羞問題。 五、網路沈迷高危險群與生活壓力相關之情況全體受試者、網路沉迷高危險群和一般受試者承受不同程度的生活壓力:網路沉迷高危險群承受較為沉重的生活壓力;全體受試者和一般受試者在生活壓力上比網路沉迷高危險群較低。 網路成癮高危險群、一般受試者和全體受試者男女生在「生活壓力」全量表、「家庭壓力」和「同學相處壓力」分量之平均數考驗T-Test摘要反映出,網路成癮高危險群、一般受試者和全體受試者男女生在此量表是沒有顯著性別差異的。而一般受試者和全體受試者在「學業壓力」分量表之平均數考驗T-Test摘要反映出,男女生存在顯著性差異,女生可能較男生有學業壓力問題。一般受試者和全體受試者在「環境壓力」分量表之不均數考驗 T-Test摘要反映出男女生存在顯著性差異,男生可能較女生有環境壓力問題。一般受試者和全體受試者在「異性交往壓力」分量表之本均數考驗 T-Test摘要反映出,男女生存在顯著性差異,男生可能較女生有異性交往壓力問題。

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Faculty of Education




Internet addiction -- Macau

上網成癮 -- 澳門

Junior high school students -- Macau

初級中學學生 -- 澳門

Interpersonal relations in adolescence -- Macau

少年的人際關係 -- 澳門

Stress in adolescence -- Macau

少年時期的壓力 -- 澳門



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