
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

Children's emotion is important for their learning and health. Parents are important factor influencing their development. Moreover, family is the first environment and school which they contact and learn in lives. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between“Parenting Style”, “Family Atmosphere”and “Emotional Stability of Senior Primary School Students” This study was delineated by using twice stages study, a census and a cluster sampling method to the subject of this study in 22 full-day Chinese primary schools in Macau,collecting information by Self-Administered questionnaires from 822 full- answered questionnaires of primary six students(388 male, 434 female), using quantitative analytic method, any correlation between parenting style (spiritual reward, material reward, spiritual punishment,material punishment),family atmosphere (father-child relationship,mother-child relationship, communication and care and conflict among family members), studentemotional stability (lack of hypochondriasis , happiness, self-autonomy, lack of anxiety, self-esteem, lack of obsessive thoughts and behavior, lack of guilt feelings). Based on the result combined the limitation and analysis of this study, a suggestion is made as a reference for relative counselors and professionals. The summary of the result of this study is as follow: 1. Distribution of “Parenting Style”: children know their parents tend to use less punishment of parenting style, whatever reward or punishment, both are tended to use more spiritual than material parenting style. 2.Distribution of “Family Atmosphere" : children know of father-child relationship and mother-child relationship are tended to be fair, communication and care among family members are fair also, but conflict among family members is less in Macau. The relationship between children and mother was better than the relationship between children and father. 3. Distribution of " Emotional stability": the emotional instability usually showed as lack of hypochondriasis 、 happiness、self-autonomy and lack of anxiety. 4. Lower correlation is statistically significant between personal background differences and emotional stability : ‘children's school results', ‘children's school conduct', ‘Number of good friends’, ‘parents’educational level',‘talking time with parents',‘parents’ marital relationship', ‘satisfaction of parenting relationship’, ‘enjoyableness of parenting relationship’are positively correlated statistically significant with children's emotional stability. ‘parents' occupation' and‘parents' age are negatively correlated statistically with children's emotional stability. 5. Statistically significant of personal background differencesbetween male students and female students : Male students have significantly poorer school conduct than female students. Male students have significantly less number of siblings than female students. Male students'parents have significantly less row and conflict than that of female students. 6.Statisticaly significant of emotional stability between male students and female students : Male students seem to be more emotionally stable than female, but statistically not significant. Female students have lower self-esteem than male students. Female students have more guilt feelings than male counterparts. 7. Lower correlation is statistically significant between parenting style (including spiritual reward, material reward, spiritual punishment and material punishment ) and emotional stability : Parenting style, including spiritual reward, material reward, spiritual punishment and material punishment were found to be positively correlated statistically significant with children's emotional stability. 8. Statistically significant of parenting style between male students and female students : Fathers tend to use less spiritual /material of ‘punishment’towards female students than male students. 9. Middle correlation is statistically significant between family atmosphere (father-child relationship, mother-child relationship, communication and care and conflict among family members) and emotional stability : Family atmosphere including father-child relationship, mother-child relationship, communication and care between family members and conflict between family members all show positively correlated statistically significant with children's emotional stability. 10.Statistically significant of parenting style between male students and female students: Female students are closer to parents than male students. Female students have better relationship with father than male students.

Chinese Abstract

有鑑於兒童之情緒對其學習及健康的重要,而父母是子女成長過程重要的影響者,家庭是個人所接觸的第一個環境,被視為人生學習的第一所學校,故本研 究旨在探討「父母教養方式」「家庭氣氛」與「兒童情緒穩定」之相互關係。 本研究經過兩階段(普查及叢集)的抽樣方法,透過自填式問卷調查,運用量化研究方法,以全澳全日制中文小學六年級的學生為研究對象,在22 間參與問卷調查之 822 名有效樣本(整份問卷全數作答),當中男生佔388人及女生佔434人之問卷所獲得之調查結果,得出之父母教養方式(精神獎勵、物質獎勵、精神懲罰、物質懲罰)、家庭氣氛(父子/父女關係、母子/母女關係、成員間的關懷溝通、成員間的衝突)與高小兒童情緒穩定性(健康感、幸福感、自主性、冷靜、自尊感、無強迫症狀、無自責過慮)之相互關係研究,並就有關的研究結果,結合研究限制、分析,作出結論及建議以供相關輔導人員及尊業人士參考。相關研究結果摘述如下: 一、「父母教養方式」之分佈:兒童知覺父母均傾向探用少懲罰之教養方式,不論獎懲之教養方式均以用精神方式多於用物質方式。 二、「家庭氣氛」之分佈:兒童知覺家庭氣氛中,傾向認爲親子關係良好,成 員間較多關懷溝通、衝突比較少,且母子/母女之關係較父子/父女之關係要好。 三、「兒童情緒穩定性」之分佈:多傾於表現爲健康感、幸福感、自主性及冷靜為主。 四、「個人背景變項」與「兒童情緒穩定性」呈顯著之低度相關: 「小朋友本身的讀書成績」「學校的操行」「好朋友數目」「父母的教育程度」「親子的傾談時間」「父母婚姻關係」「親子關係滿意度」及「親子關係開心度」與「兒童情緒穩定性」皆呈顯著「正」相關; 「父母職業」「父母年齡」與「兒童情緒穩定性」呈現顯著「負」相關: 五、男生與女生之「個人背景變項」中: 男生之學校操行明顯較女生差: 男生之兄弟姊妹數目明顯較女生少; 男生之父母吵架及爭拗明顯較女生少; 六、男生與女生之「情緒穩定性」中: 男生的情緒僅較女生穩定,但沒有穎著差異存在; 女生明顯低「自尊感」於男生: 女生明顯多「自責過慮」於男生; 七、「父母管教方式」(精神獎勵、物質獎勵、精神懲罰、物質懲罰)與「兒童情緒穩定性」呈顯著之低度相關: 父母管教方式之精神獎勵、物質獎勵、精神懲罰、物質懲罰與「兒童情緒穩定性」皆呈現顯著的「正」相關; 八、男生與女生之「父母管教方式」中: 父母明顯探用少精神/物質「懲罰」的管教方式對女生多於對男生; 九、「家庭氣氛」(父子/父女關係、母子/母女關係、成員間的關懷溝通、成員間的衝突)與「兒童情緒穩定性」呈顯著之中度相關: 家庭氣氛之父子/父女關係、母子/母女關係、成員間的關懷溝通、成員間的衝突與「兒童情緒穩定性」皆呈現顯著的「正」相關; 十、男生與女生之「家庭氣氛」中: 女生與父母關係較男生與父母關係要好; 女生與父親關係明顯較男生與父親關係要好;

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Faculty of Education




Child psychology -- Macau

兒童心理學 -- 澳門

Parent and child -- Macau

父母與未成年子女 -- 澳門

Children -- Macau -- Families relationships

兒童 -- 澳門 -- 家庭關係



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