
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

This study was carried out with subjects as the divorced families and the parents there in of students in primary 4, 5 and 6 of a secondary school in Macau. A qualitative research method was adopted, in which survey questionnaires were used in the in-depth interviews of the parents and their off-springs in five divorced families. This study was concluded in four counselling sessions focusing on those five primary students' negative emotion of anger triggered by the divorces of their parents. The major findings of this study are as follows. 1. The break-up of the family composition structure from the divorce. In the course of restructuring, a single-parent family encountered adaptation problems which mainly included financial difficulty, physical and emotional adjustments as well as the children's education. These problems intensified especially in the early stage after the divorce. In particular, the divorced mothers usually faced problems when they had to be financially independent, adapting to physical and emotional changes, as well as teaching the children. On the other hand, the divorced fathers found it most difficult to handle work and family at the same time. 2. The negative emotion of the single parents. In the control of their emotions, the single parents negatively suppressed their own emotions since they believed that a divorce was not something to be proud of. They refused to talk to others and in the worse scenario, they let off their negative feelings in their children. This in turn caused deeper suppression which could hardly be dissolved. 3. The negative emotion of the single-parent children. In the control of the children's emotions, the divorce of the parents brought about, in these children, the feelings of loneliness, lack of security, creation of negative thoughts, experience of anger and agony, as well as loss of temper. In the worse scenario, the angry emotion was let off in their divorced parents and the people around them. If the angry response towards the divorce and the negative emotions of the children were not allowed to be let off and expressed in an appropriate way, those negative emotions would be create a barrier in the course of their upbringing. 4. The negative emotion of primary students in divorced families - the need of counselling on their anger The intensity of the children's response towards their parents’ divorce depended on the response in the parents. The less they were exposed to the conflicts between the parents and their hostility and emotional suppression, the better they were to cope with their parents’ divorce. It is not easy to remove the anger for the divorce in the young children. Therefore, it is understandable that the children experienced psychological agony and helplessness in face of a sudden change in their family front. Teacher and parents should show more care and affection to the single-parent children and offer necessary assistance. Based on the above findings, four sessions of “Emotional Counselling for Children and Youngsters” were undertaken in this study, with the focus on their emotion of anger. After these sessions, the five students undergoing the counselling obtained a more positive understanding and awareness of their angry emotion and its cause. This emotion was also dissolved in varying degrees and a positive knowledge was also given. In accordance to these conclusions, the researcher put forwards the following suggestions: Research work on the topic of the divorced family should take into consideration both the parents and the children. Both of them should also undergo counselling so that their negative emotions can be effectively transformed into positive ones. 1. Single parents must let the children know about the facts in a correct way. The couple should explain to their children about the divorce in a positive manner and let them know that the parents’ divorce is not the fault of the children. In this way, the children will not blame themselves. In the course of a divorce, the parents should calmly control their own emotions and get through the agony together with their children. 2. When facing the divorce of their parents, single-parent children need help from outside so that they will not develop the feeling of self-blame and pressure. These children should open their heart and seek the assistance of social workers and counsellors. In this way, they are given a chance to express their feelings and their grief and anger can be properly channelled. 3. School should set up a database on single-parent families and observe the emotional changes in single-parent children in time to provide proper care and guidance. Counselling should be incorporated to provide proper and timely assistance, so that the children's emotions are suitably dissolved and their psychological circumstances adjusted. Relevant counselling sessions should be operated, especially focusing on the feeling of loss and angry self-blame.

Chinese Abstract

本研究以澳門一所小學中的四、五及六年級學生的離婚家庭及其家長為研究對象,主要採用質性的研究方法,透個問卷調查、深度訪談五個離婚家庭中的父母及其孩子。本研究最後以四個單元輔導課程,輔導那五位小學生受到父母離婚事件的創傷而出現的負面情緒憤怒。 本研究的主要發現情況如下: 一. 家庭結構因離婚而瓦解 單親家庭在重組歷程中,所遭遇的適應問題主要有經濟、身心调適及子女教養困擾等方面,而離婚初期的適應問題最為嚴重,其中,離婚母親在經濟獨立,身心適應及子女管教方面的困擾較多;而離婚父親最主要的困擾在於事業與家庭難以兼顧。 二. 單親家長的負面情緒方面 在情緒控制上,單親家長認為離婚是一件不光彩的事,都以消極壓抑的方法處理自己的情緒,不願意和別人倾訴,更甚者是把负面的情緒發洩在子女身上,造成更沉重的壓抑,無法緩解。 三. 單親子女的負面情緒方面 在情绪控制上,因父母離婚而成為單親子女常覺得孤單,沒有人了解缺乏安全感、胡思亂想、心情憤怒、亂發脾氣、悲傷、更甚者會將他的憤怒指向離異的父母親或身邊的人,如果少年兒童對離婚的憤怒反應及負面情緒不能渲洩,正確表達憤怒,對他們的成長亦會產生負面的影響。 四. 離婚家庭小學生負面情緒一一憤怒的輔導需要 孩子對離婚反應的強烈程度,取決於父母的反應。孩子看到父母間的沖突,敵對及情緒壓抑越少,他們越能較好地應付和適應父母的離婚。少年兒童對離婚的憤怒反應是難以矯正的,因此,兒童在面對家庭狀況的突然改變,其心理上的恐懼與憤怒和無助是可以理解的,因此,師長們對單親兒童要付出更多的關懷與愛心,來幫助他們快樂健康成長。 基於以上發現,本研究採用了「兒童及青少年情緒輔導」課程之四個單元並針對憤怒情緒而進行輔導,課程結束後,五位受輔學生對憤怒情緒及其來源有較正面的認識和醒覺,並加強了五位受輔導學生處理憤怒情緒的能力,憤怒情緒亦得到不同程度的紓緩,亦得到正面的教育。 根據研究結論,研究者提出以下建議: 研究離婚家庭的課題是要研究父母及其子女,並一同接受輔導,以便更有效地把負面的情緒變為正面的情緒。 一. 單親家長必須要正確地告訴孩子知道,父母離婚要正面的向其子女講解離婚的事實,父母離婚不是他們的錯,滅少孩子的自責感。在離婚的歷程中,父母要冷靜控制自己的情緒與子女一起渡過此階段的傷痛經歷。 二. 單親兒童在面對父母離婚的事實,外在的協助使他們不會產生自責及內疚的心理壓力。單親兒童要打開心扉,尋求社工或輔導員的協助,從而勇敢地表達自己的感受,用正確的方法去緩解內心的鬱結及憤怒情緒。 三. 學校方面應建立單親家庭的檔案系統,及時地察覺到單親兒童的情緒變化,以便能作出適當的關愛及開導。輔導方面應為配合,提供適時適當的支援,有效地為兒童的情緒紓解與心理調適,開設相關的輔導課程,特別是對失落感的應對與憤怒自責情緒進行輔導。

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Faculty of Education




Children of divorced parents -- Macau

離婚父母的子女 -- 澳門

Children of divorced parents -- Macau -- Psychology

離婚父母的子女 -- 澳門 -- 心理

Single-parent families -- Macau

單親家庭 -- 澳門

Psychoanalytic counseling


School children -- Macau

學童 -- 澳門



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