UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
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- English Abstract
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The objective of this research is to apply the theories and counseling techniques of Cognitive-Behavior Therapy to an adolescent from a single-parent family. The aims of this case study were to improve and examine the counseling effect of the following problems of the client: (1) the disharmonious relationship with her mother, (2) deviancy in academic performance, (3) the negative emotions and (4) the deviant behaviors. Besides counseling, fifty-two secondary students from single-parent families have been chosen to be samples in this survey by answering a questionnaire in order to find out the differences of the disharmonious relationship with the parents, negative emotions and deviant behaviors between the client and the other adolescents from single-parent families. This research was based on the counseling techniques of Cognitive-Behavior Therapy which are developed by Albert Ellis (Rational Emotive Therapy), Aaron T. Beck(Cognitive Therapy) and Donald H. Meichenbaum(Cognitive-Behavior Modification). The conclusions for this research are summarized as follows: 1. By applying Cognitive-Behavior Therapy, there was short-term effect in the improvement of disharmonious relationship between the mother and the single- parent adolescent. 2. There was counseling effect in enhancing the learning motivation and academic performance of the single-parent adolescent after receiving Cognitive-Behavior Therapy. 3. Immediate counseling effect was seen in improving of the negative emotions of the single-parent adolescent. 4. There was counseling effect that the deviant behaviors of the single-parent adolescent were inhibited and reduced after receiving the Cognitive-Behavior Therapy. 5. Under the conditions of receiving the continuous and regular counseling, the improvements in disharmonious relationship between the mother and the single- parent adolescent, deviancy in academic performance, negative emotions and deviant behaviors were significant. 6. There was disharmonious relationship between the single-parent adolescent and her parents. The relationship between the adolescent and mother was especially worse then with the father. The expectation in parenting by the mother from the single-parent family was highly demanded then the father do, and also the higher expectation in good academic performance and good behavior. Either the father or the mother was strict to the adolescent, than the relationship became worse with that one. 7. Positive correlation was found between disharmonious relationship and the deviant bchaviors of the adolescent. However, no significant correlation was found between the negative emotions and deviant behaviors. 8. Negative emotions were easily to be found in the single-parent adolescent, and she tended to express her negative emotions by angering and hurting herself. 9. The deviant behaviors were appeared in the single-parent adolescent and which were mainly caused by the disharmonious relationship. 10. Deviant behaviors deteriorate was resulted by the influence of the peers and lacking of support system. 11. Compared with the fifty-two samples, the degree of disharmonious relationship between the client and her mother, the negative emotions and deviant behaviors was more severe than the samples. Based on the opinion of the researcher, the following suggestions are proposed: 1. To apply different-oriented psychotherapies. 2. To increase the number of subjects. 3. To apply group counseling. 4. To choose other subjects as the samples. 5. To broaden the study on parents from single-parent families.
- Chinese Abstract
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本研究是應用認知行為治療法之理論及治療技術對一位單親家庭青少年進行質化之個案研究,以心理輔導及訪談方式進行,主要目的是在處理案主所呈現的問題,包括(一)與母親之不和諧關係、(二)學業偏差、(三)負面情緒、(四)偏差行為。除此,也對五十二名單親家庭初中學生進行了問卷調查,以了解案主與其他單親家庭青少年與父母親之不和諧關係、負面情緒及偏差行為之差異性。 本研究選用艾里斯(Albert Ellis理性情緒治療法Rational Emotive Therapy、貝克(Aaron T.Beck)的認知治療法(Cognitive Therapy)及梅晨堡(Donald H.Meichenbaum)的認知行為矯正法(Cognitive-Behavior Modification)中的治療技 術為主。 本研究结論如下: 一、認知行為治療法在改善單親家庭青少年與母親的不和諧關係,在短期內有 正面的輔導效果。但是,輔導效果隨著負面生活事件發生而有負面的影響。 二、認知行為治療法在提高單親家庭青少年的學習動機及學業成績方面,有即 時的輔導效果。 三、認知行為治療法在改善單親家庭青少年之負面情緒有即時之輔導效果。 四、認知行為治療法對單親家庭青少年之偏差行為有抑制及減弱的輔導效果。 五、持績及規律性之輔導,對單親家庭青少年與其母親之不和諧子關係、學業 偏差、負面情緒及偏差行為的改善情況尤其顯著。 六、單親家庭青少年與其父母親存有不和諧的親子關係,尤其是與母親的關係 較劣於父親。單親家庭的母親對子女之管教較父親嚴格,而且對子女之良好學業及良好行為之要求也比較偏高。另外·當父親或母親一方對子女之管教較為嚴格時,單親家庭青少年則與管教嚴格之父親或母親的關係不良。 七、單親家庭青少年與父母親之不和諧關係及偏差行為之間存有正相關;負面情緒與偏差行為之相關沒有達到顯著水平。 八、單親家庭青少年容易出現負面情緒,而且通常以憤怒及傷害自己的方法去表達或宣洩負面情緒。 九、單親家庭青少年出現偏差行為,而誘發偏差行為之主要誘因是不良之親子 關係。 十、單親家庭青少年偏差行為之惡化是受到朋輩的影響及缺乏支持系統。 十一、與五十二名樣本比較,案主與父母親之不和諧關係、負面情緒及偏差行 為的水平比較差。 根據研究者的心得,提出以下建議: 一、採用不同取向之心理治療法。 二、增加研究對象的數目。 三、應用小組輔導。 四、選用其他研究對象。 五、增加對單親父母之研究。
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
Faculty of Education
- Degree
- Subject
Cognitive therapy for teenagers
Cognitive therapy for teenagers -- Case studies
少年人之認知治療 -- 個案研究
Rational emotive behavior therapy
Rational emotive behavior therapy -- Case studies
理情行為治療 -- 個案研究
Adolescent psychotherapy
Adolescent psychotherapy -- Case studies
少年心理治療 -- 個案研究
Single-parent families
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- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991000154069706306