
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

The study aimed to understand the status and effect factor of the “Learning adaptation” of the students in Macau. The main purposes were: (1) To explore learning adaptation of Secondary One students in Macau, included the whole situation, learning methods, learning habits, learning attitudes, learning environment, physical and mental adaptation. (2) In case interview stage, to explore the situation, whether the “Learning adaptation scale" could reflect the students' real status. According to the results, conducted some training course to enhance academic achievement of the students. (3) To analysis the relationship between the whole scale and subscale score of "Learning adaptation scale", and students’ academic achievement. Compared the results of the scale and the students’ real status in Macau and Taiwan. For these three purposes, the study applied two methods to gather the students' quantitative and qualitative data. The first stage was quantitative stage, which applied test method. At one public secondary school in Macau, 66 first year students were sampled; the instrument used in the stage was "Learning adaptation scale” and gathered students' personal information. The second stage was qualitative stage, which applied case interview method. On this stage, according 66 students’ score in “Learning adaptation scale", 6 students with the highest scores and 6 students with the lowest scores were purposefully sampled as interviewees in this stage. The data from these two stages would be statistic and analysis. From the analysis of the data, the following results were found: (1)The main different of the students displayed on the score of “Learning adaptation scale", that could reflect the real status of the learning adaptation, on the part of personal information of the students hadn't significant different. (2)The results of “Learning adaptation scale" on this study, had good reliability, also had significant positive correlation in the subscale of the scale. (3) The relationship about the score of the scale and academic achievement of the students, in Secondary One was lower relationship; in secondary school first year was higher than Secondary One, and had positive correlation and significant. (4) In case interview stage, compared the learning adaptation on 12 students in the higher adaptation and lower adaptation groups, the main difference appeared on learning methods and learning habits, on other subscale hadn't significant different. (5) Focus on learning adaptation, to compare Macau and Taiwan students' data, displayed highly correlation; both of the two areas, the results were more similar. According to the founding, suggested as follow: (1) Counseling and education perspective a. Enhanced and provided more training courses on testing technique of psychological test, developed more testes of the learning adaptation, which would apply for the students in Macau, could improve and helped the students could learning more better. b. The training course of learning adaptation should be started early, on primary three or four was more properly. The students on secondary school first year should be care about learning adaptation more. c. Established and enhanced the students’ learning adaptation, should be focus and started on the whole environment of education first. d. Dealed with the learning problem, incorporated individual interview and group-counseling project was more properly, and better. e. Established positive attitude of the parents, and encouraged their participates. (2)Future research perspective Researcher suggested some points about research subjects, research topic, research method and research design, these suggests might be useful on further research.

Chinese Abstract

本研究主要了解澳門學生的學習適應情況及影響學習適應的因素,主要目的有以下三個方面,包括:(一)探討澳門初中一學生的學習適應的情況,包括整體學 習適應與學習方法、學習習慣、學習態度、學習環境及身心適應。(二)從實際個案訪談中了解「學習適應量表」的結果是否能反映澳門初中一學生的真實學習情況,作爲改進學生課業學習的依據。(三)分析「學習適應量表」總分及各項分測驗之結果與研究受試的學業成績的關係,並與「學習適應量表」對台灣學生的施測結果作出比較。 本研究探用量與質結合的研究方式,量的方面是對澳門的66位初中一學生施測「學習適應量表」及收集每位學生的個人基本資料作爲分析的依據;質的方面則在66位學生中按其在「學習適應量表」中的得分,取出6位獲得高適應總分的爲高適應組,另取6位獲得低適應總分的爲低適應組,然後進行個別訪談,並對有關數據作出收集及統計分析,進行各項考驗。 在研究中發現:66位研究受試的主要差異在於學習適應的表現上,在個人資料等其他方面沒有明顯的不同,研究結果能反映學習適應的具體狀況;「學習適應量表」的評分結果有頗高的信度,各分項的內在相關普遍達到顯著水平;研究受試的小六學年成續與學習適應的關係較不明顯,而初中一的成績則與學習適應有明顯的正向關係;個案訪談階段,高低適應組共12位研究受試的學習適應情況, 在「學習方法」及「學習習慣」的差異較明顯,其他分量表的表現頗爲相近;本硏究發現與台灣常模數據的比較,發現兩者有頗高的相關,結果相似。 研究者根據研究的結果,對輔導、教育方面提出建議:1.加強在學習評量工具 及評量人員兩方面的培訓,協助學習輔導工作的推行;2.在小學三、四年級開始推展學習輔導,並須關注小六學生升中一的適應;3.提升學習適應宜從整個教育環境入手;4.個別輔導與團體輔導並行的方式及 5.建立家長的參與及正向的態度。在未來研究方向方面,在研究對象、主題、方法及設計等提出有關建議。

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Faculty of Education




Junior high school students -- Psychology

初級中學學生 -- 心理

Junior high school students -- Macau -- Psychology

初級中學學生 -- 澳門 -- 心理

Educational psychology


Educational counseling




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