
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

The objective of the study was to investigate the effect of "self-regulation counseling course” on school performance and self-regulated learning ability of primary school students. In addition, the feasibility of implementing the course to students in “Escola Luso-Chinesa de Taipa” learning system was examined and some suggestions for counseling were given. The subjects of the study were 60 grade-5 students of the Escola Luso-Chinesa de Taipa. A pre- and post-course experimental design with control group was adopted. There were in total six sessions in the course, in which each sessions toke 45 minutes. The experimental group would take one session each week while the control group would not be provided with the experimental course. Students' GPA of the first and second semester in 1998-1999 school year were used as pre- and post-course school performance correspondingly. “Self-regulated learning Questionnaire" was employed before and after the experimental course, which contributed to the pre- and post- course self-regulated learning ability. In addition, a “teacher appraisal" system was utilized to evaluate students’ performance in the course. Correlation between the “teacher appraisal” and the enhancement in school performance and in self-regulated learning ability would be assessed. Anova, t-test, correlation would be employed to analyze the data. Major findings were as follows: (1) the “self-regulation counseling course" were with significant effect on enhancing school performance for students in total and low GPA students; (2) the “self-regulation counseling course” were with significant effect on enhancing self-regulated learning ability for students in total and middle-grade self-regulated learning ability students. In conclusion, the experimental course was proved to be practical and effective, i.e., the self-regulated learning ability of the students was enhanced. However, there were certain problems in the "teacher appraisal” system. Precise evaluations concering the design of the system were given. Finally, in accordance to the findings, some suggestion were provided: (1) knowledge of self-regulated learning ought to be provided for primary school students in order to enhance their school performance and self-regulated leaming ability; (2) students with normal cognitive ability, stable emotion and low school performance should be trained individually or in small group modal, in which the technique of self-regulated learning behavior should be introduced. Through the course, the students could be trained as active learners with better school performance and positive (2) learning attitude; (3) For future study, an integrate modal of counseling course would be adopted, in which self-regulated technique, knowledge and experience should be used.

Chinese Abstract

本研究的主要目的,在探討自我監控輔導課程對小學生的學業成績及自我監控學習能力的成效,並探討其對中葡小學生小團體輔導實施的可行性,以提供輔導工作者參考應用。 本研究以(乙水)仔中葡小學六十名五年級學生為對象,採用實驗組、控制組前後測實驗設計。其中實驗組學生接受每週一次,每次四十五分鐘,共六次的自我監控輔導課程,控制組則無任何實驗處理。 本研究以學生在「九八至九九學年度上,下學期學業成績」測量其在實驗前、實驗結束後學業成續提升效果;於課程前、後施測「自我監控學習問卷」,評量實驗前及結束後之自我監控能力;在實驗過程中,以「教師許估」方法評估學生在輔導課程中的表現。於實驗後,分析其對學業成績及自我監控能力提升之相互關係。所得資料以變異數分析(Anova)、t檢定(T-test)、相關係(Correlation),進行考驗分析。 根據研究結果,本研究可以獲致下述結論:一、自我監控輔導課程對整體學生、低學業成續的學生學業成績之提升顯著輔導效果。二、對整體及中自我監控能力的學生之自我監控力提升具顯著輔導效果。 總的來說,這課程是實用的、有效的,它能使學生提高學業成續及自我監控能力,在課程中利用「教師評估」這方法有錯誤,設計上可能出現問題,對「教師評估」的檢討,在論文中作了詳細的描述。 最後,研究者根據上述的研究發現,提出幾項建議: 一、對於小學生應加強其對自我監控知識方面各種策略學習,以提升其學業成績及自我監控能力的表現。 二、研究的對象可以以智力正常、情緒穩定之學業成績欠佳的學生爲對象,以個別或少數組員作輔導模式,加強其對自我監控學習行爲的策略,使其透過練習,成為一個主動的學習者,以增進自己的學業成績及養成正確的學習態度。 三、在未來研究方面,可探用綜合輔導模式,同時把自我監控、自我監控知識、自我監控體驗三者結合起來,建立一套自我監控輔導模式,其成效較佳。供教育和輔導上的應用,以及未來研究之參考。

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Faculty of Education




Self-control in children -- Study and teaching (Elementary) -- Macau

兒童的自我控制 -- 學習及教學 (小學) -- 澳門

Academic achievement -- Macau

教育水平; 學生水平 -- 澳門



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