
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

Using the theories and techniques of Reality Therapy, this study attempts to examine the counseling effects of a group counseling program which is designed for new junior secondary school teachers with teaching experience of less than two years. The sample of this study consists of twenty-four junior secondary school teachers who are involved in the teaching profession for less than two years. They were divided into two groups of equal size. One is an experimental group who receives the group counseling program of Reality Therapy, whereas the other serves as a control group. Using the Life Style Questionnaire and the Guilford Personality Test as study tools, participants were evaluated with respect to six aspects, namely, the satisfaction of basic needs,responsibility, facing reality, involvement, social adjustment and emotional stability. A Questionnaire on Self-evaluation of Group Members, which is developed according to the key concepts of Reality Therapy was also applied to the experimental group. The effects of the reality group counseling program on the two groups were then compared using the pre-post test design. During the course of study, the experimental group received a five-week group counseling. The difference in scores of the six mentioned variables obtained from both groups is used to carry out ‘T-test’. In addition, related statistical tests are carried out based on the changes of the six variables obtained from the experimental group and their degree of variation recorded in their self-evaluation. There are important findings related to the results of this study. In terms of Basic needs,Responsibility, Facing reality, Involvement and Social adjustment, the experimental group who has received the group counseling program has significantly improved when compared with the control group, whereas there is no significant variation between the two groups in Emotional Stability. In addition, the overall improvement in the six variables and the progress observed in self-evaluation of the experimental group is significantly correlated to the application of the group counseling program based on Reality Therapy. According to the results of this study, related recommendations were given to counselors and school administrations. Directions for future research were also suggested.

Chinese Abstract

本研究的主要目的,是應用現實治療法之理論與技術,設計一套適合新入職教師之團體輔導方案,探討其對入職兩年以内之新入職初中教師在「基本需求」的滿足、「負責任」、「面對現實」、「人際共融」、「社會適應」及「情緒穩定」等六方面的輔導效果。 本研究的研究樣本是入職兩年以内的初中教師24名,其中包括接受現治療法團體輔導之實驗組12人,及未接受團體輔導之控制組12人。 本研究使用由鄧蔭蓉(1985)針對現實治療法的理論內容而編訂的「生活狀況問卷」及由賴保禎(1981)修訂的「基氏人格測驗」写研究工具,分别测量受試者的「基本需求」的滿足、「負責任」、「面對現實」、「人際共融」、「社會適應」及「情緒穏定」等六方面的改變情形。 在研究過程方面,研究者根據現實治療法的理論與技術,及現實治療中心所製作的團體輔導錄影帶的內容介紹,配合研究對象的需要,設計團體輔導方案五節,由研究者作帶領者進行爲期五週的團體輔導,並分別於團體開始前及結束後實施「生活狀況問卷」及「基氏人格測驗」,以測量受試者在本研究六個依變項的改變情形;並於團體結束時爲實驗組受試實施由研究者根據現實治療理論中的關鍵信念而編寫的「團體成員自我評量問卷」。 本研究的資料是應用SPSS9.0統計軟件,將控制組與實驗組在上述六個依變項目的分數的改變,進行t統計考驗:並根據實驗組受試在六個依變項目的改變狀況,與他們在自我評量所得的改變的程度,進行相關統計考驗。 而有關的研究結果,則獲致以下幾點重要的發現: 1· 在「基本需求」的滿足方面,接受團體輔導的實驗組受試,較未接受團體輔導的控制組受試有明顯進步的趨勢。 2·在「負責任」方面,接受團體輔導的實驗組受試,較未接受團體輔導的控制組受試有明顯進步的趨勢。 3.在「面對現實」方面,接受團體輔導的實驗組受試,較未接受團體輔導的控制組受試者,有明顯進步的趨勢。 4·在「人際共融」方面,接受團體輔導的實驗組受試,較未接受團體輔導的控制組受試者,有明顯進步的趨勢。 5·在「社會適應」方面,接受團體輔導的實驗組受試,較未接受團體輔導的控制組受試者,有明顯進步的趨勢。 6·在「情緒穩定」方面,接受團體輔導的實驗組受試與未接受團體輔導的控制組受試,沒有顯著差別。 7.實驗組受試接受現實治療團體輔導後,在六個依變項目上的整體進步,與其在自我許量自身的進步程度,有顯著的相關。 根據研究結果,研究者建議輔導工作者利用在職進修或短期訓練,學習現實治療法之理論與技術,輔導人員亦可利用研究者自編的現實治療法團髅輔導方案,進行團體輔導。同時,學校輔導人员應多關注教師的需要,校方可安排教師接受相關的輔導,特別是廣泛地對新入職的教師或實習教師進行團體輔導。此外,亦可進一步以不同特質的受試,不同的依變項目以及不同的輔導理論與技術,來作爲未來研究的方向。

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Faculty of Education




Reality therapy


First year teachers -- Counseling of -- Macau

新入職教師 -- 輔導 -- 澳門





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