
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

The major purpose of this study is to study the counseling effects using a “Rational- Emotive Behavior Therapy Group" on low self-esteem children. The sample of this study consists of 24 the primary pupils in grade 5 in a primary school in Macau, with problems in low self-esteem. They are assigned randomly to the treatment group (N=12) and the control group (N=12). The students in the treatment group receiving the group counseling program of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, which was held one hour a week for twelve continuous weeks. The control group didn't receive any treatment during the research period. Using the Self-esteem Scale as study tool, participants were evaluated with respect to five aspects, namely, the family self-esteem, school work self-esteem, body self-esteem, social self-esteem, whole self-esteem. The effects of the rational emotive behavior therapy group counseling program in the two groups were then compared with using the pretest and the posttest design (using “T-Test”&“One-way Analysis of Covariance"). During the period of study, the treatment group received a twelve-week group counseling program. Using“T-Test” to compare the differences in scores of the five mentioned variables obtained from both groups. And then using “One-way Analysis of Covariance" (ANCOVA) with the pretest as a covariance was used to test the hypotheses. The major findings of the study were as follows: 1. In terms of the family self-esteem, school work self-esteem, body self-esteem, social self-esteem, whole self-esteem, the students in the treatment group who have received the group counseling program have significantly improved when compared with those in the control group. 2.With regard to “Self-esteem", the students in the treatment group who have received the group counseling program have significantly improved when compared with the control group. According to the results of the study as well as the opinions of the researcher, there are suggestions for future research undertaken on the above-mentioned therapy both for counselors and related people.

Chinese Abstract

本研究主要是探討:『理性情緒行爲治療小組』輔導對低自尊感兒童之輔導效果。以取自澳鬥xx小學高小五年級的24位低自尊感兒童爲研究對象,並隨機分派爲實驗組(12人)與控制組(12人),實驗組接受爲期12週,每週一次,每次60分鐘的『理性情緒行爲治療小組』輔導,而控制組在研究期間不作任何實驗處理。 本研究以『自尊感量表』爲主要評量工具,對實驗組與控制組受試者進行前測、後测的評量。本研究之結果是以SPSS 10.0 for Windows進行統計分析的工作,分別考驗實驗組與控制組於『自尊感量表』中的「家庭自尊感」、「學業自尊感」、「身體自尊感」、「社交自尊感」、「整體自尊感」五個分量表之各自的得分;及五個分量表的總得分(全量表得分),在前測、後測上的分數之間,有否顯著差異。首先以『t檢定』分別比較兩組在前測、後測上的分數之差異;然後分別以量表前測的分數爲共變項,以『獨立樣本單因子單變項共變數分析』的統計方法,排除因前測得分不同而影響研究結果之差異,來考驗硏究假設。 本研究的主要發現如下: 1·接受過『理性情緒行爲治療小組』輔導後的實驗組受試者,其在「家庭自尊感」、「學業自尊感」、「身體自尊感」、「社交自尊感」、「整體自尊感」五個向度的自尊感方面均較沒有接受小組輔導的控制組有顯著之改善。 2·接受過『理性情緒行爲治療小組』輔導後的實驗組受試者,其在『自尊感』方面較沒有接受小組輔導的控制組有顯著之改善。 最後,根據本研究結果及研究者在研究期間所得的經驗,對未來研究以及『理性情緒行爲治療小組』輔導於輔導工作上之應用等,提出一些建議。

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Faculty of Education




Rational emotive behavior therapy


Self-esteem in children


Child psychology


Children -- Counseling of -- Macau

兒童 -- 輔導 -- 澳門



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