UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
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- English Abstract
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This study aimed to explore the correlation of primary school students’ self-concept and their performance on Kinetic Family Drawing (KFD). Furthermore, the study analyzed the different characteristics shown on the drawings between students who had good self-concept and poor self-concept and interview that was employed to better understand the performance of these two groups. A sample of 260 primary school students from fourth to sixth grades of three schools in Macao participated in this study. 89 students were selected to form two groups. They would be administered Primary School Children's Self-Concept Scale and KFD. According to the scores of the students from Primary School Children's Self-Concept Scale, 45 students were in the good self-concept group and the other 44 students were in poor self-concept group. Three students from each group were selected as the objects of interview. Descriptive statistics, Chi-square tests and point-biserial correlation were selected for quantitative data analysis. Semi-structured interview was employed to collect data for analysis. The main findings and conclusions were as following: 1. There were significant difference between good self-concept group and poor self-concept group (encapsulation, father omitted , upper and lower part of body not in proportion, face completion, unhappy countenance, neutral face, father's motion ‘sit’, communicating figures, cooperating figures, direction faced by self, no barriers between family members and self ) on graphic indicators of the KFD. 2. There were significant negative correlation between some self-concept indicators (father omitted, extremely small figure, rigid figure, upper and lower part of body not in proportion, long arms, unhappy countenance, self motion ‘sit') and some self-concept subscales of Primary School Children's Self-Concept Scale. And there were significant positive correlation between the ‘face completion’ indicator and the ‘family self-concept’ subscale, total scores of Primary School Children's Self-Concept Scale. 3. When observing the KFD, there were obvious differences in ‘The Drawing Theme’, ‘The First Drawing Figure’ and ‘Intention of Changing Family Events’ between these two groups. It also suggested that the indicators should not lead to absolute interpretations. It is more suitable to exam the drawings together with personal interviews with children so as to understand the real meaning and implication of the KFD. Based on the results above, suggestions for counselors in counseling children as well as future studies are offered.
- Chinese Abstract
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本研究旨在探討高小學生的自我概念與其在家庭動力畫表現之相關情形,分析自我概念良好學生和自我概念欠佳學生在圖畫表現特徵的差異,並透過訪談內容以了解兩組學生的表現情形。 本研究自澳門三所學校的四、五、六年級中抽取各一班共260人施行『國小兒童自我概念量表』及家庭動力畫,依學生在量表上之總得分情形,篩選出45名自我概念良好學生及44名自我概念欠佳學生,共89名學生爲正式研究的對象。再由兩組學生中選取各三人作爲訪談對象。所得量化資料以卡方考驗、點二系列相關進行分析;而半結構式訪談所得資料則作整理及分析。研究結果發現如下: 一、自我概念良好組學生和自我概念欠佳組學生在家庭動力畫中表現在「囊套」、「漏畫父親」、「人物像上身與下身比例不協調」、「臉部的完整性」、「不愉快的臉部表情」、「中立的臉部表情」、「父親的活動層級爲“坐”」、「人物之間有溝通的動作」、「人物之間有合作的動作」、「自己呈側面」、「與其他家人間沒有障礙物者」等各圖形特徵有顯著差異。 二、家庭動力畫中「漏畫父親」、「極端小的人物像」、「人物像上身與下身比例不協調」、「手臂過長」、「不愉快的臉部表情」、「自己的活動層級爲“坐”」等指標和部份自我概念向度呈顯著負相關。而「臉部的完整性」指標和「家庭自我概念」及「總分」呈顯著正相關。 三、訪談結果發現兩組學生在「圖畫主題」、「第一個畫出的人物像」、「想改變家庭的事」的描述有明顯的分別。然訪談結果亦發現圖畫指標所代表的意義並不可作絕對的解釋,欲了解兒童的家庭動力畫表現的真正意義,藉由圖畫並配合訪談更為合適。 因此本研究根據上述發現提出建議,作爲從事兒童輔導實務工作者,以及未來研究之參考。
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
Faculty of Education
- Degree
- Subject
Children's drawings -- Psychological aspects
兒童硬筆畫 -- 心理方面
Children's drawings -- Macau -- Psychological aspects
兒童硬筆畫 -- 澳門 -- 心理方面
Child development -- Macau
兒童發展 -- 澳門
Child psychology -- Macau
兒童心理學 -- 澳門
Personality assessment of children -- Macau
兒童人格評估 -- 澳門
Kinetic Family Drawing Test -- Macau
家庭動力畫檢測 -- 澳門
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- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991000153649706306