
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

This study was a preliminary approach to play therapy with an aim to understand the changing process and effect of emotional deficit children who received the Child - Centered Play Therapy. In this study, the researcher chose two children with the problem of emotional deficit and conducted 10 times of client - centered play therapy to each child. The processes of the therapy were video taped and recorded in verbatim. The researcher recorded and analyzed the process of the therapy through the video and the verbatim. In addition, the Play Therapy Observation Instrument (PTOI), developed by Perry(1988), was employed in the study to observe the changing process and the effect of play therapy. The result of pre and post psychological tests would also help to analyze the post treatment effects. The consolidated date were rendered the following results: A. Changes in play therapy process of emotional deficit children Both cases showed common factors and differences during the therapy. There were some phase markers showed in the process and the phase markers separated the process of the therapy into several stages. On the other hand, both cases showed increases in verbal expression, quantity of activities, concentration during the activities and the relationship with the therapist when the times of therapy increased. Furthermore, Case B showed improvement in the social relationship and could better control his emotion. B. Evaluation of result of changing process of emotional deficit children In the part of Imaginary play fraction, both cases showed different results. Case A didn't show any imaginary play. Case B showed obviously increasing in imaginary play in the middle of the sessions. In the part of social in-adaptive fraction, both cases showed more in-adaptive behavior at the beginning of the therapy and the situation progressively changed. In the part of emotional un-comfortableness fraction, both cases showed unstable changing in the emotional un-comfortableness fraction. It showed that the emotion of the clients changed in turns of the activities of the sessions. Combined the result of the social in-adaptive fraction and the emotional un-comfortableness fraction, thought the cases showed emotion fluctuation in turns of the activities, it didn't influence the increase of the ability if social adaptive ness. C. Post-treatment effect after ten times of play therapy The pre-and post psychological tests results showed that both cases increase their recognition of self-attitude. In addition, case B showed a decrease in the aggressive score of Achenbach Behavior Checklist. D. Case A is an introverted withdrawal child and case B is an extroverted aggressive child. In conclusion, the Child Centered Play Therapy showed a better therapeutic result to the extroverted aggressive child and no significant therapeutic result to the introverted withdrawal child. The possible reason was that there were insufficient times of play therapy offered to the introverted withdraw child.

Chinese Abstract

本研究為遊戲治療的初步研究,其目的在了解情緒障礙兒童接受遊戲治療的改變過程與效果。本研究先選出兩名情緒障礙兒童,各進行10次兒童中心式遊戲治療。治療的過程會進行錄影並製成逐字稿。研究者根據錄影帶及逐字稿的內 容進行遊戲治療過程的記錄和分析;並以Perry(1988)所發展的遊戲治療觀察評定 工具(Play Therapy Observation Instrument,簡稱PTOI)做爲觀察遊戲治療的過程 與結果的工具。此外,透過對兒童進行心理測驗前測和後測的評估,了解兒童接受兒童中心式遊戲治療後的效果。綜合以上的資料,獲得的研究結果如下: 壹·情緒障礙兒童在兒童中心式遊戲治療過程中的變化 兩位個案在遊戲治療的過程中的表現有共通性也有其獨特性。兩位個案的治療過程都出現階段性指標,把治療的過程分成不同的階段。此外,兩位個案的口語量、活動量、活動時的專注度及與治療師的關係隨著遊戲治療節數的增加而提升。其中個案B在人際關係方面有明顯的改善,也更懂得情緒的控制。 貳·遊戲治療觀察評定工具部分 幻想遊戲量表方面兩位個案有完全不同的表現。個案A未有出現任何的幻想遊戲,而個案B的幻想遊戲量在治療的中期有明顯的增加。在社會不適應量表方面兩位個案都在遊戲治療剛開始時表現較大的不適應,其後不適應的情況降低。情緒不舒服量表方面,兩位個案會因著每一節的活動而產生不同的情緒變化。統整情緒不舒服及社會不適應兩量表的結果,顯示雖然兩位個案會因為每一節活動的不同而造成情緒上的起伏,但此起伏並未影響個案的社會適應能力的增加。 叁·情緒障礙兒童接受兒童中心式遊戲治療處理後的效果 由前後測的結果顯示,兩位個案對自我態度的認同感增加。而個案B更在Achenbach行為量表中的攻擊性分數明顯下降。 肆·個案 A 是內向退縮的兒童,個案B是外向攻擊的兒童。統整以上的結果顯示兒童中心式遊戲治療對外向攻擊的兒童較有治療效果。而對內向退縮兒童的治療效果不顯著可能的原因是治療的節數不足的結果。

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Faculty of Education




Play therapy


Play therapy -- Case studies

遊戲治療 -- 個案研究

Child psychotherapy


Children -- Counseling of

兒童 -- 輔導

Child psychology




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