
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

The purpose of this study is to investigate the occupational stresses and coping methods among special education teachers in Macao. This study is to interrogate the interrelationship between occupational stress and coping methods, and also focuses on analyzing how the different backgrounds influence these teachers. The subjects are teachers who work full time in the special education organization in Macao in 2003/2004 academic year. The research tool is a questionnaire called “The Feeling of Work in Special Education Teachers”. The total numbers of response are 77 subjects, which take up 84.6% of the whole subject. In this study, the population is finite and the sample is relatively big, we cannot use inferential statistical analysis which assume normal distribution. Hence, Means,Standard Deviationand Correlation were used to analyze data from the questionnaire. The results of this study are concluded as follows: 1. The amount of work pressures that special education teachers experience falls in the mid range. Most pressure comes from “task overload", followed gradations are “professional adequacy”,“teaching students",“work with parents",“work conditions”and “relationship between colleagues”. 2. Coping methods that special education teachers often use are “reasonable analysis", “solving problems”and “seeking support". They seldom use the “emotional adjustment”and “escape-avoidance”methods. 3. There were big differences in the personal background variables in the occupational stresses of special education teachers: gender, age, years of teaching experience, years of teaching experience in special education,professional background, level of education, and teaching position held. 4. For coping methods, there were big differences seen regarding the personal background variables of special education teachers: gender, age, years of teaching experience, years of teaching experience in special education,professional background, level of education and teaching position held. 5. The “high stress” group uses the overall coping methods and the “solving problems",“escape-avoidance”,“seeking support”and “emotional adjustment" coping methods more frequently than the “middle stress”and “lower stress" group. 6. In the study, we found that all aspects of the occupational stress and coping methods have positive correlation. Based upon the above study, suggestions are made to the special education teachers and the special education administration in Macao. Lastly, I gave suggestions pertaining to the situation in real practice of this study for prospective study.

Chinese Abstract

本研究旨在了解澳門特殊教育教師工作壓力及因應方式的現況,並比較不同背景變項的澳門特殊教育教師其工作壓力與因應方式的差異,以及了解工作壓力與因應方式之間的相關情形。 本研究的對象爲二零零三/二零零四學年在澳門特別行政區特殊教育機構任教的全職教師,研究工具爲研究者自編的「特殊教育教師工作感受問卷」。問卷調查的回收總數為77份,佔研究母群的84.6%,由於本研究是母體小而樣本相對地大,故不能使用以正態分佈爲假設的推論性研究統計分析:因此,問卷調查所得的資料探用平均數、標準差及相關係數(correlation)的統計方法,以回答待答問題。 本研究之結果如下: 一.澳門特殊教育教師在整體工作壓力感受上,有中等程度的壓力,其中以「工作負荷」層面的壓力最高,其次依序爲「專業知能」、「管教學生」、「家長問題」、「工作條件」、「人際關係」。 二.澳門特殊教育教師在使用因應方式上,較常使用「理性分析」、「解決問題」、「尋求支持」等因應方式,較少使用「情緒調適」、「消極逃避」的因應方式。 三.在工作壓力感受上,不同性別、年齡、教學年資、特殊教育教學年資、專業背景、最高學歷、服務學校類型及任教職務的澳門特殊教育教師均存在著較有差異的情況。 四.在壓力因應方式上,不同性別、年齡、教學年資、特殊教育教學年資、專業背景、最高學歷及任教職務的澳門特殊教育教師均存在著較有差異的情況。 五.「高壓力組」的特殊教育教師在使用整體因應方式及「解決問題」、「消極逃避」、「尋求支持」及「情緒調適」的因應方式頻率上均高於「中壓力組」及「低壓力組」的特殊教育教師。 六.澳門特殊教育教師所知覺的整體工作壓力及各壓力層面,與整體因應方式及各因應方式層面呈現正相關。 根據上述研究結果,研究者對澳門特殊教育教師及特殊教育機構行政層面提出具體建議,並針對本研究的實施狀況,提出對未來研究之建議。

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Faculty of Education




Special education teachers -- Job stress -- Macau

特殊教育 (資優人及殘障人) 教師 -- 工作壓力 -- 澳門

Special education teachers -- Macau

特殊教育 (資優人及殘障人) 教師 -- 澳門



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