UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
提升澳門中一重讀生升班率的行動研究 : 以澳門某一中學為例
- English Abstract
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In Macau, the number of students who repeat their grade is comparatively higher than those in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China. The problem in Macau is more serious. It is not only a waste of the teaching resources, but also causes a lot of social issues. In order to make good use of our teaching resources and to rebuild each student’s self-confidence, it is urgent to motivate their learning interest. The secondary school in which this project has researched also faces the same problem, especially in Form-one. This project decided to use the action research method specifically designed to help the target students finish their grade successfully. These target students were form one students repeating their studies for the third time. The intervention methods include a specifically designed curriculum, counseling and educational psychological techniques. The research period lasted for one entire academic year including four phases. In the preparative phase, a team of teachers was set up so that they could understand the students’ backgrounds and decide which educational psychological theories should be put in practice. After that, the following three phases were the intervention period, which correspond respectively three academic sessions in the school’s calendar. Each month, there was one interdisciplinary theme to lead the students to become independent learners. Certainly, the teachers’ help, motivation and carer for students were essential. Namely, the aim of the action research is to observe the target group carefully in each phase in order to tackle the real problems. After one year, the result of this project was fulfilled. Thirty out thirty-three students successfully promoted to the next higher grade. It proves that students who have repeated their grade several times are not low in intelligence quotient. It is because of their lack of learning motivation. This project expects that the result could inspire other researchers to study this subject further.
- Chinese Abstract
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澳門學生的重讀問題比香港、中國、台灣地區都較為嚴重,除了浪費不少教學資源外,更衍生出許多社會問題。為了幫助這一班低學業成就的學生重拾自信,同時亦使教育資源得以更有效地運用,「如何提升重讀生的學習興趣」便成了一個急需解決的問題。 研究者所任教的學校,亦面對非常嚴重的重讀問題,尤其是中一的學生,故此,研究者以「行動研究」的研究方法,實際進入研究問題的環境,以第三年重讀中一的學生為研究對象;以中一的教學內容為依據,配合教育心理學的技巧及輔導工作,協助研究班達成「升班」的研究目的。本「行動研究」以一學年的時間,分為四個階段:準備階段為教師團的成立、學生的背景探索、以教育心理學的理論實踐在課程的設計中;第一至第三階段是師生互動的重要實施階段。教學課程以每月為一主題的跨學科教學、配合教師對學生一致性的期望、對偏差學生的輔導、教師對學生的關愛及鼓勵等,去引導學生成為一個獨立學習者。而「行動研究」主要目的是透過每個階段的行動、反省、檢討按實際需要調整,使研究問題得到階段性的修正並有效地實施。而本研究的結果十分理想:33名的低學業成就的學生,有30名能順利升班;證明重讀生並非因為智力不足,而是因為欠缺學習動力,雖然本研究用了很多不同的教育心理學的理論及技巧,但發現最顯著的是教師的鼓勵及期望、正面的同儕影響及學習風氣,他們便能成功成為一個獨立學習者。大部分學生學習心態由懶散改變成為積極進取,成績令人滿意。 此外,研究者亦提出了後續研究方向,盼望是項研究能得到普及,為熱心教育研究的同工,提供一個新的研究命題;為澳門重讀生的問題提供一個可行的解決方法,幫助提升青少年的學習動機,亦能使澳門的教育資源用得其所。
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
- Faculty of Education
- Degree
- Subject
Grade repetition -- Macau -- Case studies
留級 -- 澳門 -- 個案研究
Promotion (School) -- Macau -- Case studies
升級(學校) -- 澳門 -- 個案研究
Underachievers -- Macau -- Case studies
成績未達應有水準的學生 -- 澳門 -- 個案研究
Failure (Psychology) in adolescence -- Macau -- Case studies
少年時期之失敗 (心理學) -- 澳門 -- 個案研究
- Supervisor
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991000153379706306