
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

The purpose of this research is a study to ascertain the role identification of the School Counselor in Macao, and the factors affecting of role identify. Applying to the Dephi technique, conclusion was made after 3 different anonymity questionnaires by 15 interviewers. The Macao school counselor acted four functional roles in the field namely (1) Psychological Counselor — approaching to individual counseling, small-group counseling, at risk student identification, and the new student and career guidance (2) Resources Consolidator — providing services for enquiries and information, referral service, and the new student and career guidance (3) Social Educator — assisting the development of educational activities in community. (4) Personnel Relationship Coordinator — harmonizing the relationship between teachers and students. Basically, the Macao school counselors trend towards much in the Psychological Counselor & Resources Consolidator, but less in the Community Educator and Personnel Relationship Coordinator. Four factors affecting the role identification of Macao school counselor are (1)Self capability (2) Influences by third parties (3) System and Regulation & (4) Other issues. The factor confused school counselor most is lacking understanding of their specialized field, and that makes the Macao school counselors are working in an unreasonable expectation. Tasks are usually pending due to insufficient resources. To cope with the rapid developing necessities in Macao school counseling working, an assurance of the position of the school counselor, detailed introduction to his nature, setting and developing more resources centers applied to Macao culture, organizing suitable and appropriate small- group counseling through investigations and researches from public, up-grading the adapted abilities of counselor and a diversification of the counselor’ consultation role are ensured beneficial.

Chinese Abstract

本研究之目的旨在探討澳門學校輔導員角色認定的概況,及影響角色認同的因素。研究使用德懷技術,十五名受訪者經過三次匿名討論後得出結果。綜合本研究發現如下:澳門學校輔導員有四種重要角色:1.心理輔導者:包含個案輔導、小組輔導、評估服務、新生適應及生涯輔導;2.資源統合者:包含諮詢服務、轉介服務、資料提供服務、新生適應及生涯輔導;3.社會教育者:包含社區教育活動;4.人際協調者:包含協調老師與學生之間的關係 ,其中新生適應及生涯輔導兼具兩個角色 ,總共九項角色功能。整體而言,澳門學校輔導員在心理輔導及資源統合兩個角色的功能最重,社區教育者及人際協調者的角色相對較輕。影響澳門學校輔導員角色認定的因素共有四大類 : 分別是輔導員自身的因素、其他人的因素、系統/制度的因素及其他因素,其中,最令澳門學校輔導員感到困擾的因素是專業工作未被認識,使得對輔導工作缺乏合理的期待及對工作的配合,其次是資源不足,使得輔導員感到無法充分發揮角色的功能。因此研究者建議制定澳門地區學校輔導員角色功能定義、推廣學校輔導員角色功能、添購或者發展適合澳門交化的輔導資源、透過對環境的分析或調查研究,舉辦合乎需求的小組輔導、加強輔導員的適應能力,及發展多元化的諮詢角色等,為未來澳門學校輔導工作發展提供參考之方向。 關鍵字:澳門、學校輔導、角色認同、德懷法、影響角色認定因素 Macao、School Counseling、Role Idenfity、Dephi Technique

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Faculty of Education




Educational counseling -- Macau

教育輔導 -- 澳門

Student counselors -- Macau

學生輔導員 -- 澳門

Counseling in elementary education -- Macau

小學教育輔導 -- 澳門

Counseling in secondary education -- Macau

高中教育輔導 -- 澳門

Counseling in special education -- Macau

特殊教育 (資優人及殘障人) 輔導 -- 澳門



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