
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

This study aimed at examining the effect of peer counselors’training on empathy skill. 24 senior high school students were selected in the study. These students were randomly selected into the experimental group and the control group. The students in the experimental group participated in a seven-week, each week three hours'peer counselors’training program which stressed on empathy skills of counseling including attending behavior,questioning, paraphrasing or reflection of content, reflecting of feeling and summarization. The students were trained mainly through lecture, demonstration,discussion and practicing these five counseling skills. The students in the control group did not received counseling training but they were participated in group-activities such as learning how to lead to sing songs and play games. They were also participated in the pre-test and post-test of empathy skills such as the students in the experimental group did. The measurement used in this study included: one student acted as counselor, the other student acted as counselee. They held a face-to-face counseling session. Their interview was taped as a record and was sent to two professional raters to rate their empathy level. The rater used Ivey's Speakers’Focus Responses Rating Sheet and Carkhuff’s Empathy Rating Scale to rate the empathy level of the students. The result indicated: there were significant differences between experimental group and control group on empathy skill. The counselor’training program of empathy skill had a significant effect on the empathy skill of the students. The senior high school students could also trained in empathy skill.

Chinese Abstract

本研究目的在探討朋輩輔導訓練對朋輩輔導員同理心輔導技巧的效果。受試者爲澳門一中學高中一年級學生,共二十四人。所有受試者以隨機抽樣方式平均分配入實驗組及對照組。實驗組接受為期七次,每次三小時的朋輩輔導技巧訓練。這些技巧包括了專注行爲、發問、簡述語意、情感反影及摘述。訓練形式主要是講授、示範、討論及演練各輔導技巧。對照組在實驗期間暫時不會接受輔導訓練,只進行一些團體活動,例如學習帶領唱歌和遊戲,但會與實驗組組員在同一期間進行前、後測。評量的方式是要受試者扮演助人者角色,與另一組員(求助者)進行面談輔導,並將談話內容錄音。此前後測的錄音帶交由兩位評量者以埃維( 1994)的從求助者角度反應次數評量表(Ivey’s Speakers’Focus Responses Rating Sheet )及卡科賀夫(1980)的同理心輔導技巧評量表(Carkhuff’sEmpathy Rating Scale)進行評量。結果顯示:朋輩輔導技巧訓練對朋輩輔導員的同理心輔導技巧有正向顯著的效果;此研究亦顯示出中學生同樣可以接受輔導訓練,以建立其同理心的能力,並顯示出同理心訓練可幫助中學生加強其同理心能力表現。

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Faculty of Education




Peer counseling of students

同輩輔導 (學生輔導)

Peer counseling of students -- Macau

同輩輔導 (學生輔導) -- 澳門

Student counselors -- Training of -- Macau

學生輔導員 -- 職業培訓 -- 澳門



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