UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
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- English Abstract
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the social skills and its deviation among the developmental delayed children (DDC) who are studying in Macau’s ordinary kindergartens; and to analyze the relationship between their own background variation and their social skills. The result of the study and some concrete recommendations would be given to schools, teachers, Education Department and training organizations for reference. Research method of Quantification and Qualification were adopted for the investigation. For the former, the teachers assessed the performance of children by a questionnaire which mainly focused on four aspects such as their verbal skill, nonverbal skill, affective skill and social awareness. Totally 22 pieces of questionnaire were sent out while 21 of them returned with almost 95% completion rate. The investigation result is as follows. 1. The developmental delayed of children most likely obtained the highest score on nonverbal skill, the second highest score on the affective skill, then, verbal skill and the weakest one is social awareness. It shows that they incline to interact with others by using nonverbal skill in the ordinary kindergartens. 2. Four aspects of social skill are almost the same among this kind of children in different age. However, the result showed that the children in age 5 to 6 are with higher affective skill and social awareness than those in 4-year-old. 3. There is no significant change among four aspects of social skills of the children in different classes, say K1, K2 and K3. 4. There exists a difference on the social awareness from the type of disability of children. Overall speaking, those physically handicapped are better performed on the social skills than those mentally handicapped. 5. There is no big difference on the performance of social skill among the children with different severity on development. To conclude, those with slight DDC are better performed on the social skills than those with medium one; the severe one gets lower performance than the medium one. 6. Different number of children in various classes does not contribute to the variance on the score of social skills. For the Qualitatively method, we got three children at different level of DDC, i.e. severe, medium and slight, and from different classes, say K1, K2 and K3, for observation within a week. By observing their interaction with others, interviewing their teachers and using the“peers voting/assessment inventory”, we would find out the popularity of these children as well as the relationship between level of popularity and their social skills. 1. Three cases showed that this kind of children inclines to communicate with others by nonverbal skills ,the result is same as the one of quantification. 2. Three cases showed that this kind of children prefer interacting with the teachers to their peers. 3. During the interview with teachers, we observed that those developmentally delayed children, being accepted by teachers are most likely voted by their peers at higher rate, with higher adaptability and better social skills. 4. Children with slight and medium level of DDC have better performance on “verbal skill” and“social awareness”than those with severe level. 5. The more encouragement and votes obtained by this kind of children, the better development on their social skills. 6. During the interview with teachers, it is also discovered that the children with more recognition and appreciation from teachers are shown to be with better social skills, better performed and being voted at higher rate. According to the result of the investigation, some recommendations are as follow : 1. Suggestion to teachers I. To accept, appreciate,encourage, consider the ability and take care of the need of children with DDC. II. To strengthen their professionalism on special education and teaching in kindergarten. 2. Suggestion to kindergarten I. To strengthen the professional training and psychological adjustment for teachers in order to achieve a professional standard. II. To offer all aspects of support to those ordinary kindergartens which also recruit the DDC. 3. Suggestion to Education Department I. To offer financial support and technical assistance to those ordinary kindergartens which also recruit the DDC. II. To provide a comprehensive professional enquiry services, training assessment and improvement on any problems of educating the DDC. III. To encourage and reinforce the pre-school organizations of the ordinary and special one in order to establish a positive coordination and cooperation between them in long term. 4. Suggestion to organizations providing training to teachers I. To plan a diversified training and the related professional study for the teachers working in special education. II. To hold the communication sessions, visits, exhibitions, review meeting and behavioral investigation, etc for all local teachers in order to enhance their awareness on the unified education as well as to speed up the enforcement of unified education.
- Chinese Abstract
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本研究目的是探討發展遲緩幼兒在澳門幼稚園普通班社會技能表現及其差異情形;並分析發展遲緩幼兒的個人背景變項與社會技能的關係;根據研究結果,提供具體建議,作為學校、教師、教育行政當局及培訓機構的参考。 本研究採量化及質性研究方法,在量化方面,編制「發展遲緩幼兒在澳門幼稚園普通班社會技能表現」問卷,請教師評量發展遲緩幼兒四個層面的社會技能(口語行為、非口語動作、情意行為、社會認知技巧)表現。共寄出 22 份問卷,回收21份問卷,回收率達95%。研究結果如下: 一.發展遲緩幼兒在四種社會技能上,以『非口語動作』得分最高,其次是「情意行爲」,再其次是「口語行為」,最後是「社會認知技巧」。顯示發展遲緩幼兒在幼稚園普通班內傾向於使用「非口語動作」與人互動。 二.不同年齡的發展遲緩幼兒在四個層面的社會技能表現上沒有明顯差異,但從結果中比較,5歲及6歲組的情意行爲及社會認知技巧比4歲組好。 三.不同級別的發展遲緩幼兒在四個層面的社會技能表現上沒有明顯差異。 四.不同障礙類別的發展遲緩幼兒在社會認知技巧層面上有顯著差異。從整體結果中比較,感官肢體障礙比心智功能障礙的幼兒的在社會技能的表現佳。 五.不同障礙程度的發展遲緩幼兒在四個層面社會技能的表現上未有顯著差異,但從整體結果來看,輕度障礙幼兒在社會技能的表現上比中度障礙幼兒好,中度障礙的幼兒又比重度障礙的幼兒佳。 六.不同班級人數的發展遲緩幼兒在四個層面的社會技能得分並未有顯著差異。 質性方面,找出三名不同障礙程度及級別的發展遲緩幼兒進行觀察,其班級分別爲幼高班、幼低班及幼兒班,障礙程度分別為輕度、中度及重度。爲期一週的觀察,觀察他們與人互動情況,並訪談幼兒的教師,同時以「同儕評量法」瞭解發展遲緩幼兒在班中的受歡迎程度,以及受歡迎程度不同與社會技能的關係。結果發現: 一.3個個案傾向於使用「非口語動作」與人進行互動,與量化結果相同。 二.3 個個案傾向與教師互動多於與同儕互動。 三.在觀察及訪談教師中發現,在不同的班級中,被教師接納的發展遲緩幼兒,被同儕提名喜歡的次數較多,適應性較佳,社會技能的表現較好。 四.輕中度發展遲緩幼兒「口語動作」及「社會認知技巧」表現比重度幼兒為佳。 五.被同儕提名喜歡次數較多的發展遲緩幼兒之社會技能表現比提名不喜歡次數較多的發展遲緩幼兒佳。 大.從教師訪談中發現,被教師接納的發展遲緩幼兒之社會技能表現較佳及被提名喜歡的次數較多。 根據研究結果,提出以下建議:一.對教師之建議:(一)教師給予發展遲緩幼兒接納及鼓勵,顧及他們的能力及需要。 (二)充實自己幼教及特殊教育的專業知能與涵養。 二.對幼稚園之建議:(一)加強教學人員的專業訓練及心理調適,以發揮專業功能。 (二)給予兼收發展遲緩幼兒班級提供各方面的支援。 三.對教育行政當局的建議:(一)給予兼收發展遲緩幼兒的幼稚園財政及技術支援。 (二)提供完善的跨專業諮詢及訓練服務,協助評估及改善發展遲緩幼兒各方面的問題。 (三)鼓勵及推動學前教育機構和學前特殊教育機構建立聯繫的橋樑及長遠的合作關係。 四.對師資培訓機構的建議 (一)規劃多元化的特教專業人員培訓及進修,規劃一套完整及專業的培訓計劃。 (二)舉辦研討交流會、參觀、展覽、反思活動及行動研究等,以增進本地同工對融合教育的認識,加快實踐融合教育的理想。
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
Faculty of Education
- Degree
- Subject
Child development deviations
Child development deviations
Developmentally disabled children -- Macau
發展障礙病症之病患兒童 -- 澳門
Social skills in children -- Macau
兒童社交技巧 -- 澳門
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- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991000153089706306