
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

The purposes of this study were to understand whether there was a difference between the girls and the boys in mathematics anxiety among seventh grade students in Macao, to explore the correlation between mathematics anxiety, mathematics attitude, and mathematics achievement, and to analyze the reasons which resulted in mathematics anxiety of students. The sample of this research consisted of 357 seventh grade students in Macao. Three instruments were adopted including basic data, MARS, MAS. The reliability analysis of testing tools were tested.Variousstatisticaltechnique,Pearson Product-moment Correlation Coefficient,t-test were used to test the relationships between students'mathematics anxiety and various variables.' In-depth interviews were also conducted with 8 students, 4 boys and 4 girls who were taken from two groups measured as high mathematics anxiety and low mathematics anxiety. Four main findings of this study were as follows: 1. The total mathematics anxiety of the seventh grade students was medium. 2. There was no significant difference between the girls and the boys in mathematics anxiety. 3.Mathematics anxiety was significantly and positively in correlation with mathematics attitude. 4. Mathematics anxiety was significantly and positively in correlation with mathematics achievement. 5. Four main reasons which resulted in mathematics anxiety of the seventh grade students were as follows: (1) pressures from exams and tests, (2) influences from teachers, (3) frustrations after experiencing numerous failures, (4) Difficulty in contents of curriculum. Certain suggestions were made in accordance with the above result, which were as follows: 1. improve students' confidences, 2. help students experience more success, 3. help students of seventh grade be interested in mathematics, 4. adjust the difficuty of teaching materials, 5. improve the teaching method, 6. improve the evaluation method.

Chinese Abstract

本研究的主要目的,在於了解澳門初一男女生的數學焦慮有否差異存在,探討數學焦慮與數學態度的關係,以及數學焦慮與數學成就的關係,並分析造成初一學生數學焦慮的成因。 本研究以澳門三所中學357名初一學生爲研究對象。研究工具主要有:「個人基本資料表」、「數學焦慮量表」【魏麗敏(1988)]、「數學態度量表」【魏麗敏,1988;Fennema和 Sherman,1972]。收集所得的資料首先以信度分析(Reliability Analysis)對測量工具進行可靠性的檢驗,再以皮爾森積差相關(Pearson Product-moment Correlation Coeffcient)、t-test 等統計方法進行資料處理。此外,研究者把被試者在「數學焦慮量表」中的得分,分為高、低兩組別,並在高得分組別選取男、女生各兩名,在低得分組別選取男、女生各兩名的共8名學生進行訪談。經施測並加以統計分析後,主要有以下幾點發現: 1.初一學生的整體數學焦慮屬中等程度。 2. 初一男、女生在數學焦慮上無顯著差異。 3. 初一學生的數學焦慮與數學態度有顯著正相關。 4.初一學生的數學焦慮與數學成就有顯著正相關。 5. 從訪談分析中發現,造成初一學生數學焦慮偏高或偏低的成因主要有以下四點: (1) 考試和測驗壓力; (2)來自老師方面的影響; (3) 失敗經驗的累積; (4) 課程的內容太難。 針對以上研究結果,本研究提出下列建議,以供相關人士參考: 1.提高學生的自信心; 2.使學生獲得成功的經驗; 3.注意培養初一學生的數學興趣; 4.調整課程內容的難度; 5.注意教學的方式; 6.注意評量的方式。

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Faculty of Education




Mathematics -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Macau

數學 -- 學習及教學 (高中) -- 澳門

Mathematics -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Psychological aspects

數學 -- 學習及教學 (高中) -- 心理方面

Math anxiety -- Macau

數學焦慮 -- 澳門



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