
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


澳門中學教師、 教育學院學生、中學生對優良教師素質及其背景因素的觀感研究

English Abstract

The objective of this study is to collect and analyze opinions on the essential qualities of and some background factors contributing to a good teacher from secondary school teachers, undergraduate students of the education discipline (hereafter called education undergraduates) and students of secondary schools. This is a survey-based research project. Samples on teachers and students from secondary schools are extracted using the proportional stratified sampling technique from a total of eight schools including Chinese and English schools in the public and private sectors. The education undergraduates sample is obtained from the students of the Pre-service Bachelor Degree Course provided by the Faculty of Education of University of Macau. The total sample size is 725, comprising secondary teachers (250), education undergraduates (100), and secondary students (373). The valid questionnaires collected are 601 (82.9%). The survey tool consists of three sets of identical questionnaire each for different sample groups. The questionnaire lists out 36 fine qualities and 3 background factors of a good teacher. The responses collected were processed and analyzed using these statistical processes: Mean, One-way ANOVA, Reliability Analysis, and Chi-square Test, with the following results: 1. The fine qualities of a good teacher and their categories 1.1 According to the entire sample, the different categories of fine qualities of a good teacher start with “teaching skills," followed by “relationship with students” and “personality.” As regard the “knowledge” category, it was ranked lower as the respondents believed that it is important for the teacher to master the relevant knowledge of his own subject. Knowledge on other subjects is relatively less important. 1.2 The 36 kinds of quality presented are ranked by the entire sample in this order: “Adequate Knowledge on the Subject Taught,” “Fairness and Impartiality," “Being Responsible,” “Prepared and Organized for Classes," “Understands the Students,” “Knows the Teaching Objectives of a Course,” “Maintains Good Relationship with Students.” These results show that the various qualities of a good teacher are of different nature and importance, and hence should not be regarded as equal. Hence, one should look at the common qualities that are considered important when making evaluation on a good teacher or self-assessment. On the other hand, despite that some responses by the secondary teachers, education undergraduates, and secondary students are similar, they do differ from each other on several aspects due to the different positions and attitudes of the sample groups. Therefore, when appraising teachers, opinions from relevant people should be widely sought so as to evaluate from different angles to ensure objectivity and practicality. 2. Analysis of the background factors of a good teacher 2.1 Gender Factor There is no significant preference among the secondary teachers, education undergraduates, and secondary students on the gender of a good teacher. They all believed that both the male and female teachers can be good teachers. 2.2 Age Factor The three sample groups believed a good teacher should age between “31-40,” a class that occupied 42.6% of the total response. Those at “51 or above” are considered least likely to be good teachers (Only 4.3%). In general, the preference of the three sample groups increase initially with the teachers’ age but decline subsequently. 2.3 Professional Background Factor All three sample groups regard graduates from teachers colleges or those with formal teacher training as the first choice. Post secondary or undergraduate students are second, and others the last. Based on the survey results the following suggestions are proposed: 1. Teachers and education undergraduates shall make self-assessment with reference to the various important qualities as identified in this study. 2. Administrations of schools shall listen widely to different people before nature and importance, and hence should not be regarded as equal. Hence, one should look at the common qualities that are considered important when making evaluation on a good teacher or self-assessment. On the other hand, despite that some reponses by the secondary teachers, education undergraduates, and secondary students are similar, they do differ from each other on several aspects due to the different positions and attitudes of the sample groups. Therefore, when appraising teachers, opinion from relevant people should be widely sought so as to evaluate from different angles to ensure objectivity and practicality. 2. Analysis of the background factors of a good teacher 2.1 Gender Factor There is no significant preference among the secondary teachers, education undergraduates, and secondary students on the gender of a good teacher. They all believed that both the male and female teachers can be good teachers. 2.2 Age Factor The three sample groups believed a good teacher should age between “31-40,” a class that occupied 42.6% of the total response. Those at “51 or above” are considered least likely to be good teachers (Only 4.3%). In general, the preference of the three sample groups increase initially with the teachers’ age but decline subsequently. 2.3 Professional Background Factor All three sample groups regard graduates from teachers colleges or those with formal teacher training as the first choice. Post secondary or undergraduate students are second, and others the last. Based on the survey results the following suggestions are proposed: 1. Teachers and education undergraduates shall make self-assessment with reference to the various important qualities as identified in this study. 2. Administrations of schools shall listen widely to different people before appraising teachers. 3.Provide opportunities for experienced teachers for further studies and establish a formal appraisal system for teachers. 4.When designing and re-organizing courses, training institutes for teachers could refer to the results of this study. 5. The government shall enhance training for teachers and implement a credit system. 6. The government should enforce the teacher evaluation scheme. This helps to promote the professional image of teachers and their commitment. 7. The government shall create conditions for the organization of ‘good/outstanding’ teacher awards to recognize and reward the teaching professionals with excellent performance.

Chinese Abstract

本研究旨在探討中學教師、教育學院職前學士學位課程學生(以下簡稱教育學院學生)、中學生三者對於優良教師應具備的重要素質及其背景因素的意見。 本研究探取調查研究法。中學教師及中學生樣本以分層取樣方式取自澳門8所官、私立中、英文中學;教育學院學生樣本取自澳門大學教育學院職前學士學位課程學生。樣本人數為:中學教師250人、教育學院學生100人、中學生375 人,共725人,回收有效問卷601份(82.9%)。 研究工具是一式三份的問卷,適合三類受試者;內含36項優良教師素質及3 項優良教師背景因素。問卷回收後所得資料,以平均數(Mean)、單因子變異數分析(One-Way Anova)、信度分析(Reliability Analysis)、卡方檢定(Chi-Square test)進行資料處理與分析,結果發現: 一. 優良教師素質的領域及各項重要素質 (一)全體受試者認為中學優良教師的素質領域,以「教學技能」較為重要,其次是「師生關係」與「個人品格」領域;至於「知識」領域的排序較低,受試者認為教師最重要是掌握本科知識,其他方面的知識則重要性稍低。 (二) 從 36項素質中,全體受試者認為優良教師的重要素質首十項依序爲:「教學講解透徹明白」、「充份認識所教科目」、「公平公正」、「能啓發學生思考能力」、「尊重學生」、「有責任感」、「上課時有充足的準備和組織」、「對學生的瞭解」、「淸楚任教科目的教學目標」、「保持良好的師生關係」。 由此發現,優良教師的各項素質重要性不同,輕重有別,所以不應將之等同看待,而是注意大家所共同重視的項目,作為評量優良教師或作自我評估時的依據。此外,中學教師、教育學院學生、中學生三者的意見雖然有其相似處,但也存在一定的差異,原因是基於彼此立場不同,觀感亦有所分別,故此,在評定優良教師時,應廣納相關人士的意見,從不同角度加以評量才較為客觀及符合現實。 二. 優良教師的背景分析 (一)性別因素:中學教師、教育學院學生或中學生,對於中學優良教師並無明顯的性別偏好存在,大家認爲中學優良教師的性別是男或女均可。 (二)年齡因素:三者對於優良教師的年齡,認為最好是「31-40歲」,佔了 42.6%;而「51歲以上」的佔最少數,為整體的4.3%。三者對於優良教師的選擇,大致上存在隨年齡增加而呈先增後減的現象。 (三)專業背景因素:三者均認為優良教師以師範或教育學院畢業者為首選;一般大學或大專畢業生次之;其它類的再次之。 研究者根據結果提出數項建議: 一. 教師及教育學院學生宜以各項重要素質作自我評鑑的參照; 二. 學校行政領導對教師的評量,宜廣納不同人士意見; 三. 提供資深教師的進修機會及設立教師評級制度; 四. 師資培訓機構設計或重整課程時,可參考研究結果; 五. 政府宜加強教師培訓課程,並實行學分制; 六. 政府要落實教師的覆修計劃,有助提升教師的專業及投入感; 七. 政府應創造條件設立優良教師或傑出教師選舉,以表揚和獎勵教學表現出色的優良教師。

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Faculty of Education




Teacher effectiveness -- Macau

教師的教學成效 -- 澳門

Teachers -- Macau

教師 -- 澳門



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