
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

Abstract The aim of this research is to: Search for nest possible strategies to apply instructional supervision in realistic surroundings in Macau, based on comprehension of the development of instructional supervision theories and trends in mainland China, Portugal, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau, and investigation of adaptive views and idealistic exceptions of teachers and school administrators. The methodology of this research is to: Build up main objective and structure by first studying and searching for relevant documentation. The aim of the study is then established from subsequent inquires into available literatures using positivist investigation questionnaire and semi-structural interview. The conclusion of this research is to: -Develop the orientation of instructional supervision aims in democratic leadership, group cooperation and harmonic human relationship in order to motivate teachers to enhance their teaching efficiencies and to adopt scientific methods to extend dimensions of supervisors into different areas. - Recognize the trend of instructional supervision development as being extended to include the interdependencies of school assessment, increased emphasis in instructional supervision and the promotion of classroom culture in modern China, Portugal, Taiwan and Hong Kong. - It is in the initial stage of instructional supervision in Macau and there are limited and inexperienced persons. It is far away to execute systematic and long-term plan toward to all schools in Macau. - An analysis of Positivist investigation resulted in the following: 1. Most teachers agree and expect that “their personal dignity and role responsibility can be mutually respect between the instructional supervision authority themselves". They do not agree that “Supervision take role to fiscalizing and evaluating teachers by using power.” 2. The execution of the instructional supervision will create pressure on teachers. 4. Most teachers have“no idea” in the subject of “instructional supervisory work can hinder teaching autonomy." 5. The teachers in private school fail to agree with the instructional supervision, in fact, the idea of modern teaching point of view and procedures are convinced and expected. 6. The teachers in public primary and kindergartens schools think that the current supervisory work will somehow increase their workload. 7. The teachers in public primary and kindergartens schools think that the major part of present supervisory methods have negative disposition, where else secondary teacher think that less in negative method and it is necessary to enforce in positive way. 8. Teachers think the five most important qualities possessed by an instructional . supervisor are: equality and objectivity, abundant teaching experiences, professional knowledge in education and supervision, enthusiastic and. considerate towards teachers and students, democratic and open. Leadership skills and experience in management are also very important for supervisory administrators. According to the study result, the following suggestions are raised: The most suitable ways to implement adaptable instructional supervision in Macau are - Develop a mutually respected, self motivated and co-operative environment for instructional supervision; - Develop a“school-based”concept for instructional supervision; - Organize peer guidance groups for teachers; - Instructional supervisors must be equipped with above-mentioned qualities and willing to engage in continuous on-job training. - The wording of “Inspection” in instructional supervision related laws should be changed to“Supervision”. - Promote the concept of “instructional supervision”. - A formal entity should be formed under instructional supervision. - Establish and declare rules and regulations governing instructional supervision as soon as possible.

Chinese Abstract

摘 要 本研究之目的在於: 瞭解有關教學督導理論與其發展趨勢,以及中國、葡國、台灣、香港與澳門教學督導現況,並且探討教師及行政人員對教學督導的現實看法及理想期望,從而尋求適合澳門現實環境的教學督導工作之途徑。 本研究之方法為: 首先探討與研究主題相關文獻之各項資料,以確立研究目的及架構。再以文獻探討、問卷調查法及半結構性訪問法,以達成本研究目的。 本研究之結論為: 一、現代教學督導發展方向為民主領導、團體合作,重視和諧人際關係,激勵教師以增進教學效能,運用科學方法及擴大視導人員層面。 二、中國、葡國、台灣及香港教學督導趨勢為發展學校評鑑、重視教學督導及推廣觀課文化。 三、澳門的教學督導正在起步階段,督學人數較少及經驗較淺,尚未實施對全澳學校有系統及長遠計劃的督導工作。 四、澳門教學督導的實證調查結果分析如下: 1.教師最贊同及期望「督學與教師均會彼此尊重其人格尊嚴與角色職責」,不贊同「督學以上級之權力來監督及考核教師」; 2.教學督導的實施對教師造成壓力; 3.教師對現代教學督導目標知覺不高; 4.大部分教師對「教學督導妨礙教學自主」持「無意見」態度; 5.私校教師不太贊同教學督導適合在私校實施,但對於現代教學督導 的理念及步驟偏於贊同態度及持期望態度; 6.官校小、幼教師贊同現在教學督導的實施增加教師很大的工作量; 7.官校小、幼教師認為現行實施之教學督導的負向做法較多,中學教師 則認為負向做法較少,但正向做法還要加強; 8.教師認為督學所須具備五項最重要條件是公正客觀、豐富的教學經 驗、教育與督導之專業知能、對師生關懷之熱忱、民主開放心胸與 涵養。行政人員則認為還須具備行政領導經驗。 根據研究結果,提出以下建議: 適合澳門現實環境的教學督導工作之途徑是 一、發展互相尊重以激勵為主合作性之教學督導; 二、發展學校為本位的教學督導; 三、組織教學輔導組; 四、督學必須具備結論所述條件及不斷接受培訓; 五、將有關學校督導法例中「督導」一詞改為「視導」; 六、推廣「教學視導」概念; 七、設置學校視導機構; 八、儘快制定及公佈學校視導運作規則。

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Faculty of Education




Education -- Macau

教育 -- 澳門

School supervision -- Macau

學校監督 -- 澳門

School supervision -- China

學校監督 -- 中國

School supervision -- Portugal

學校監督 -- 葡萄牙

School supervision -- Hong Kong

學校監督 -- 香港



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