
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

This is a study of junior one students’ adjustment to school life, the difficulties they undergo and their influence. The main point of the study is the students' adjustment to their school performance and their relationship with their teachers and their peers. The information was obtained by observing the students in their classroom, interviewing them, analysing the documents, using some questionnaires and giving them tests. In other words, the ethnography approach was used. The information obtained was then analysed thoroughly. This study shows the following features regarding the students’ school life, their adjustment to school performance and the relationship with other people at school. Regarding the features of Junior One students' school life, A. They have a lot of lessons every week and the time they stay at school is quite long. B. It is found that they have a large range of subjects to learn and that the content of the subjects is comparatively deep and wide. C. The students usually have a large amount of homework and have to prepare for a huge number of tests, which give them a lot of pressure. D. The students generally do not get along well with their teachers because different subjects are taught by different teachers. Apart from little contact with students in classroom, the little time teachers spend on students fails to establish a close relationship. E. Students curious about the opposite sex and may therefore have fondness for certain students from the opposite sex. Concerning their school performance, A.It is found that different outcomes and influences on students’ attitude of learning and achievements exist due to the characteristics of subjects and teachers’ ways of teaching. B. Their school performance is not stable. C. There are four reasons why students have difficulties in learning. a. The number of subjects increases. b. Due to the different standards of teachers and teaching abilities, poor teaching efficiency, and the fact that what they teach does not suit students' need, teachers have to improve their ways of teaching. c. The students lack the suitable ways of learning. d. They have poor basic knowledge. D. Students find Chinese, English and Mathematics more difficult than non- academic subjects. Regarding the students’ relationship with other people at school, A. An analysis of the students’ relationship with the teachers a. It is found that they have better relationship with their class teacher than other teachers. And that they do not have much contact with those who do not teach them and the executive staffs. b. Students’ fondness for their teachers influences their motivation to learn and their school performance. c. Gender affects the interaction between teachers with students. d. Teachers’ personalities and the ways of their leading influence students’ attitude of learning and the atmosphere of a class. B. An analysis of students’ relationship with their peers a. Students’ achievements at school and their characteristics have an effect on their position among their peers. b. Those who sit close to one another and have similar interests and characteristics usually group together. The pressure from the members of the group affects other members' performance and the orientation of their value. c. Most of the students prefer to make friends with the same sex, but at the same time they like the opposite sex. So, they have the thought of both hostility and fondness. Having analysed the features about the student's school life, I have come up with some suggestions to improve the students’ performance at school. A. The school should adopt and arrange a suitable curriculum for the students. B. The school should strengthen the beginning stage of the student counselling service. C. The school should encourage teachers to keep on learning and provide them with opportunity to learn a second major subject. D. The school should consolidate the quality of teachers’ teaching and the sense of responsibility as well as their techniques to deal with the students' problems. E. The teachers should pay more attention to the students’choice of their friends and notice the influence from their peer group.

Chinese Abstract

本研究主要探討初中一學生學校生活適應的情形,及其遭遇的困難與影響,以學業適應及人際關係適應(含師生關係與同儕關係)做爲研究重點。本研究主要探用俗民誌(ethnography)的研究方法,進入初中一的一個班級現場從事觀察,並輔以訪談、文件分析、問卷及測驗等方式蒐集資料進行分析。 本研究結果發現: 壹、初中一生活特徵有:一、每週上課節數較多,在校時間較長。二、科目種類較多,內容較深較廣。三、功課與測驗份量重,壓力較大。四、中學採科任制,師生關係較淡薄。五、同儕的影響力日漸增加,對異性產生好奇及愛慕之心. 貳、學業適應方面:一、學科性質及教學方法等因素對學生的學習態度及成就造成不同的結果及影響。二、學業成就表現尙未穩定。三、學習困難現象突出,主要原因有四,1.科目增多,課程難度加深,課業壓力大,學生難以兼顧各科要求;2.任課教師能力和水平不一,課堂教學效率不高,教學內容與不少同學原有水平脫節,教學方法也需改進;3.學生缺乏正確的學習態度及學習方法;4.有相當多的學生知識基礎太差。四、英文、數學、國文是學生最感困難的科目,非學術性科目困難則較少。 參、人際關係適應方面:一、師生關係分析:1.學生與班主任關係最密切,次爲科任教師,其他校内教師或行政人員則關係最淡薄。2.學生對教師喜愛程度會影響學習動機,及其學業成就。3.性別因素會影響師生交互作用。4.教師人格特質及領導方式會影響學生學習態度及班級氣氛。二、同儕關係的分析:1.學業成就及人格特質會影響學生的同儕地位。2.座位相近、興趣相同、個性相似等因素爲組成次級團體的主因,在次級團體內的約束力,會影響成員的表現,及其價值取向。3.多數學生選擇同性爲朋友,然而開始對異性產生好奇,兩性間存在著敵對與愛慕的矛盾心理。 本研究的建議:壹、選用及安排適合的課程編排及教學設計;貳、加強初中一學生的始業輔導工作;參、鼓勵及提供教師進修第二專長科目的機會;肆、加強教師提高課堂教學質量的知能與職責,輔導學生處理難題;伍、掌握學生交友情況,留意同儕團體的影響;

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Faculty of Education




High school students -- Macau

高中學生 -- 澳門


Wu, Guo Zhen

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