UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
- English Abstract
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The present paper is a study of opinion on teaching evaluation of University of Macau. The study mainly made use of survey research and analyzed various aspects of the views of both students and teachers toward the University's implementation of evaluation on teaching. The research aimed to enable the management of the University to listen to the voices of students and teachers to enhance mutual communication between management, teachers and students. Moreover, I hope that teaching quality and research in related areas will be improved. For the above objectives, the research findings were summarized as below: 1. The students were rather positive, negative & neutral in their opinions towards the evaluation on teaching and the enhancement of the teaching. In addition, they were not sure if the evaluation would influence the promotion opportunities of the teachers. Students were not sure whether teachers would be willing to accept the suggestions of students and to make improvement after the evaluation. 2. Most of the teachers felt that the evaluation on teaching could help them to understand the learning condition of the students. It could serve as the reference for teaching improvement. Furthermore, the majority of the teachers believed that the evaluation did not have any effect on their career, but some teachers expressed that the evaluation had put on them, certain pressure, making them worried. Finally, based on the above research findings, the researcher hopes that the study could be used as the reference, for further evaluation and teaching improvement, for the management of the University of Macau, other higher education institutions as well as the decision makers for the implementation of the evaluation and all related educators.
- Chinese Abstract
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本研究主要採用調查研究法,分別透過學生的問卷調查和教師的訪談以瞭解他們對澳門大學現行教學評估制度的意見,並綜合探討澳門大學教學評估制度之現況,希望能作為改善教學及校方日後對相關研究之參考。 因應上述研究目的,茲將問卷調查和訪談調査的主要結果摘述如下:一、根據問卷調查結果,比較就讀不同學院、不同年級、或屬不同性別之學生對各問題的意見,「同意」、「不同意」和「無意見」都佔一定百分比。 二、訪談調查結果顯示,大部分教師較傾向表示「同意」教學評估對教師有幫助,但部份教師指出澳門大學現行之教學評估制度有不足;另外,大部份教師認爲教學評估對教師的職業生涯沒有造成影響,但有個別教師反映評估對他們造成一定壓力及憂慮。 最後,依上述研究結果,希望將收集的意見向澳門大學反映,以幫助澳門大學的管理層、各個學院實施教學評估之決策者和教育工作者,作日後改進教學和教學評估之参考。
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
Faculty of Education
- Degree
- Subject
College teaching -- Macau -- Evaluation.
大專院校教學 -- 澳門 -- 評價.
Universities and colleges -- Macau -- Management.
大專院校 -- 澳門 -- 管理.
Education, Higher -- Evaluation.
高等教育 -- 評價.
Education, Higher -- Macau.
高等教育 -- 澳門.
- Supervisor
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991000152149706306