
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

In recent years, the teachers' professionalism has been improving in Macau. Teachers training have also been developed. University of Macau and South China Normal University provide many programs for the on-the-job training. At the same time, educational improvement for the principle officers also cannot be neglected from the point of view of the educafional society. Therefore, there are training programs from Shanghai East China Normal University commissioned by Macau China educational society for the principles and officers in December 2001 and March 2002. Continuously, there are also training programs from University of Beijing commissioned by Macau Education and Youth Affairs Department for the primary school principles in October 2002. As a result, the programs can provide new on-the-job training opportunity and promote professionalism for the principle officers in Macau. Nevertheless, some research questions are raised for the study. How effective is the training program? How to evaluate the effectiveness? And what needs to be improved? This research was conducted by investigation research methodology. This used to analysis the effect of the professionalism of school principle officers with the on-the-job training in Macau. The research showed that: 1. Lack of implementation for the school principle officers due to the on-the-job training is narrow. 2. Examine the qualifications of the administrative officers after the training so as to evaluate the effectiveness. 3. The training program can satisfy most of the participants. However, improvements are still needed. 4. The content of the training programs should include those topics, which are concerned by the educational society. 5. Follow the measurements of the other countries so as to protect the on-the-job training for the principle officers. According to the result, there are the followings recommendations: 1. With the existing network, provide more training to the principle officers of the Macau school and more concern to the functions of the higher education institutions in Macau. 2. In order to let the trainers understand the effectiveness of the trainings, it should establish professionalism evaluation criteria for the principle olficers. Training department can also investigate the training process so as to avoid waste of resources. 3. Reform the program as well as the whole on-the job training system. Attention to the features of the on-the-job and professionalism so as to consider double-gain principle. 4. Enhance the content of the training program The contents should have the followings features: popular, consideration, arrangement of ideas, unique and diversification. 5. With the well-established policy, reduce the difficulty from the implementation and encourage on-the-job training.

Chinese Abstract

近年澳門教師專業地位日益提高,師資培訓也得到了很大的發展,澳門大學、華南師範大學為本地教師提供多項在職培訓課程。教育界也認識到學校領導核心的培訓是不容忽視的,因此中華教育會在二零零一年十二月、二零零二年三月委託上海華東師範大學舉辦校長主任研修班,教育暨青年局也緊隨在二零零二年十月委托北京大學舉辦澳門小學校長研習班。對澳門來說這一新鮮的在職培訓課程為澳門的校長、主任提供了進修的機會,促使專業成長。至於培訓課程成效如何?如何檢定成效?有何地方仍應改善?實屬令人關注。 本研究採用調查研究法 , 分析了在職培訓對澳門學校領導人員專業成長的影響。研究結果顯示 : 1. 目前學校領導人員在職培訓的管道狹窄及課程以認知為主,缺乏實踐成效。 2. 學校行政領導人員培訓後需檢定其成效,以便作資格的認證。 3. 現時的培訓方式已滿足到部分的參與者,但仍有改善之處。 4. 培訓內容應加插與目前澳門教育界關注的課題。 5. 現時的法例應效法外國的換證措施,以及保障學校領導人員的在職進修。 根據研究結果,本研究提出如下的建議 : 1. 利用現有的渠道,發展澳門學校領導人員的培訓,重視澳門大專院校的作用。 2. 建立檢定學校領導人員專業成長的指標,目的是使受訓者知道自已的培訓成效,更努力尋求突破;培訓機構也可監督培訓計劃的進展,以免浪費資源。 3. 改善培訓設計,重新審視整個在職進修系統,必須重視在職和專業的特點,兼顧公私雙贏的原則。 4. 加強與澳門有關的培訓內容,課程內容要具時代性、針對性、層次性、個性化與多元化。 5. 健全法制,促進培訓,減少政策上的阻力和鼓勵在職進修。

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Faculty of Education




School administrators -- In-service training -- Macau

教學行政人員 -- 在職培訓 -- 澳門

School principals -- In-service training -- Macau

學校校長 -- 在職培訓 -- 澳門



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