
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


學校推行小班制教學 : 澳門的一個經驗

English Abstract

The purpose of this research is to seek the condition of a particular secondary school after they have carried out ‘Small Classes System’. The research consider about the following: Changes on students’ behavior and effects on their studies, teachers’ achievement through this system, problems that administration would come through when setting schedules, the contents that principal need to consider about the affection of this system. Through this research, we can gain valuable experiences that help us to carry out “Small Classes System’ in the near future. In order to probe into this system and let us understand more about the condition. This research did comparison on interviews and achievements. Through the research we got the following conclusion; 1) Students’ behavior and achievements a) At first, students were not got used to it but until the end of the semester, most of the students preferred to use ‘Small Classes System’ in the following year. b) Students got more time to give suggestions. c) Teachers could have much time to due with those passive students. d) Students have great improvement on English Conversation and English listening . 2) Teachers’ achievements through this system a) Teachers could see the needs of every student more easily. b) Work load of teachers reduced so that they could pay more attention on correcting homeworks and create effective educational materials. c) Easy to control atmosphere of the lessons. 3) Problems that administrator needed to come through a) Problems on arranging lessons. b) Problems on arranging teachers’ lessons schedules. 4) Opinion of principal a) ‘Small Classes System’ would become popular in the near future b) Problems needed to concern: money, numbers of teachers, classrooms, schedules and lessons’ progress. c) Hopefully ‘Small Classes System’ could apply on different subjects and used widely in the near future. This research can work as a reference to help us to practice ‘small Classes System’ in the future.

Chinese Abstract

這次研究的目的是探討小班制教學在澳門某中學實施後的情況,包括學生在 小班制救學下的行為及成績上的差異;教師在小班中教學的歷程及成效;行政人員在編排課節時所遇到的問題;校長推行小班制背後的理念、考慮的問題及對未來的展望等內容。希望通過這次的個案研究,能夠從中獲得寶貴的經驗,以便日後全面實施小班制教學時能更加順利。 為求達到研究目的,本研究會以個案研究的方式進行實地的探究,主要運用訪談及成績比較的方式搜集有關的資料,以瞭解學校的實施情況。 依據上述的研究目的與方法,本研究獲以下的結論 : 一、 學生的行為及成績 ( 一)學期初的時候,大部分同學對小班教學的方式不太習慣,直至學年終結,大部分學生希望明年仍可採用這種模式上課。 ( 二)學生發表意見的機會及時間也增加。 ( 三) 被動的學生較容易得到教師的注意。 (四) 以小班才學模式上桌的學生在英語會話及英語聆聽科的成績有顯著的進步。 二、 教師的教學歷程及成效 ( 一)小班制教學較容易顧及到每位學生的需要。 (二)工作的份量減少,作業的批改上會較為細緻,功課的形式可以較多元化。 (三)課堂氣氛容易控制。 三、 行政人員所遇到的問題 (一)安排課室的問題。 (二)編定教師授課時間表的問題。 四、 校長對小班制教學的看法 (一)這是現時教育界的新趨勢。 (二) 實施時要考慮的問題,包括:金錢、教師人數、場地、時間表、課程進度。 (三)未來希望能再繼續推行小班教學,並且推廣至其他科目。 根據結論對個案相關的人員及政策提出本研究的建議,以作為日後在全面推行小班教學時作為參考。

Issue date





Faculty of Education


M. Ed.


Class size -- Macau

班級學生數量 -- 澳門

School management and organization -- Macau

學校管理及組織 -- 澳門

Education, Secondary -- Macau

高中教育 -- 澳門



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