
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

The objective of this research is to study the process for different special education teacher to plan and to implement the Individual Education Program (IEP), as well as the requirements, difficulties and the ideas that occur in between. This research adopted the methods of questionnaires and interviews of which the instrument is the “Questionnaire for IEP Implementation by Special Education Organization.” The object of the mentioned questionnaire includes special education teacher from private and public schools as well as the Community Non-profit organization which makes up a sampie of 75. Interviews with special education teachers from private schools, public schools and Community Non-profit organization has also been made, two from each organization. Information derived from the questionnaires is reflected by frequency as well as percentage. Followings are the main discoveries obtained from this research: 1The development and implementation process of the IEP by different special education organization. A. The majority that is currently using IEP is special education teacher from public and private schools while only half of the community non-profit organization make use of it. As a general, 70% of special education teachers are now using IEP. B. Lack of school principal's enforcement is the main reason for not using IEP. C. The subjects on which different organization plan with IEP are similar, with higher percentage on subjects as Chinese, social education, general knowledge and mathematics, while public schools and community non-profit organization includes English subject in addition. D. Contents of IEP composed mainly of students’ personal identification, students’ current level of performance, long-term and short-term instruction objective, evaluation standands and evaluation on students' participation, while topics on specific educational services to be provided are of less percentage. E. Most of the special education teacher develops implementation plan for IEP before school term starts, and the time it takes varies. A higher percentage falls in the group between one to two hours. F. Participants who participate IEP’s evaluation are mainly composed of special education teacher while school principal’s participants is rather high in community non-profit organization only. G. Time requires in evaluating a student's IEP short-term objectives varies from 11 to 30 minutes. H. 70% of teachers will include transitional services in IEP’s development. 2. Evaluations on IEP A. 59.26% of teachers believe that it is necessary to design IEP. B. Over 80% of teachers believe that their IEP can determine a student's level objectively which correspond to student's need. C. Over 70% of teachers believe that IEP can determine a student's difficulties. D. Over 70% of teachers believe that IEP helps in the instruction process. E. Over 60% of teachers believe that IEP helps to increase their job satisfaction. 3. Difficulties on IEP Implementation and Assistance Requirements A. Difficulties a. Lack of sources and references. b. Student levels and standards varies too much c. Lack of specialist consultation d. Teaching work load is heavy e. Difficult to determine a student's starting level and special requirements f. Time and effort consuming B. Assistance Requirements a. Adequate and useful references to be provided b. A data bank of teaching objective needs to be established c. A clear IEP format and written guide needs to be set up d. A clear evaluation method to be set up e. Information supplies to be provided by parents and professionals f. Reduce job burden.

Chinese Abstract

本研究主要目的在探討澳門各類特殊教育教師在設計與執行個別化教學計 劃之實際情況、特教教師在實施個別化教學計劃的需求、困難與意見。研究方 法採問卷調查法與訪談法。問卷調查以「特殊教育機構實施個別化教育計劃實 施現況調查表」為工具。調查對象包括私立特殊教育學校教師、官立學校特殊 班教師、社會福利機構轄下中心的特教教師,共75個樣本;訪談對象為私立特 殊教育學校教師、官立學校特殊班教師、社會福利機構轄下中心的特教教師各 2人。問卷資料以次數及百分比加以處理;訪談部份就受訪者之反應意見進行 歸納整理。 本研究的主要發現如下: 一、各類特殊教育教師在設計與執行個別化教學計劃之實際情況方面 1.目前使用IEP者以官立學校特教教師佔最多,其次是社會福利機構,私立特 殊學校僅有半數在使用。整體而書,有七成以上的特教教師目前使用IEP。 2.未曾使用 IEP的原因主要是以校長沒有規定使用的理由居多。 3.各機構在設計 IEP的科目大致相同,主要以語文、生活教育、常識及數學的 比率較高。而私立特殊學校及社會福利機構在英文科方面亦有IEP之設計。 4.IEP 的項目主要包括學生身份資料,目前教育水準、長程目標、短程目標、評 量標準、學生參與程度之評估等項目,至於應採納之特殊教育制度措施所佔 比率較低。 5.各機構教師多在每學期開始前擬定IEP。設計一份IEP所需時間以一至二小時 者佔較多數比率。 6.參與評量 IEP 之人員以特教教師為主,社會福利機構評量IEP之人員除以特 教教師本人外,校長參與之比率相當高。 7.評量一份學生 IEP短期目標所花的時間從十一分鐘至三十分鐘以上不等。 8.有七成以上的教師會將學生的IEP移轉至新環境。 二、對IEP的評價方面 1.有 59.26%的教師認為有需要設計 IÈP 2.八成以上教師認為所設計之IEP能客觀地評量學生程度,亦能符合學生需要。 3.七成教師認爲執行IEP可以看出學生之困難程度。 4.七成以上教師認爲執行IEP 對教學有幫助。 5.六成教師認爲執行IEP對提升工作滿足感有幫助。 三、實施 IEP的困難及需要之協助 1.各機構特殊教師在實施 IEP時所遭遇的困難,依次序排列為:所需的參考資 料不足、學生的個別差異太大、沒有專家可供咨詢、教學工作繁重、難以評 量出學生學習的起點和特殊需要、評量費時費力等。 2.教師在使用 IEP時所需之協助,依次序排列爲:提供豐富和適用的參考資料、 建立教學目標資料庫、擬定明確的IEP格式及編寫要領、擬定精確的評量方 法、家長和專業人士提供資訊、減輕工作負擔等。

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Faculty of Education




Individualized education programs -- Macau

個別化教學計劃 -- 澳門

Individualized instruction -- Macau

個別化教學 -- 澳門

Special education teachers -- Macau

特殊教育 (資優人及殘障人) 教師 -- 澳門



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