UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
澳門小學品德教育課程政策的脈絡研究 = The context analysis of "personal and social development" curriculum policy in primary school of Macau
- English Abstract
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The purpose of this study was to describe what is consider as the curriculum policy of primary school and how was the changing of school curriculum configuration after the publication of respect Decree Law 38/94/M in Macau. As an illustrative example, this study also sought for discrepancy between the officially defined content (in forms of themes or sub-area of study) and the teacher perceived school curriculum content for subject matter or discipline area of Personal and Social Development(P.S.D.) within the legal framework of D.L. 38/94/M. Two main features of "context" concept of CIPP evaluation model, "contingency analysis" and "congruency analysis", were central to the framework of this study. They were chosen to delimit the foci of data collection and the realm of this study. For the contingency analysis, factors which probably affects the school PSD's curriculum were in concerned. For the congruency analysis, diversely defined curriculum "level" concepts were incorporated both the "written curriculum" and the "taught curriculum" within the curriculum alignment model which was used as analysis framework in this study. Major questions directing this research focused upon:(1) what and how factors beyond the education system affect the schools' PSD; (2) what is the curriculum content of primary school PSD policy which Government of Macau disseminated; (3) how was the strategy of the policy document implementation process; (4) is there any difference between the policy document defined content and the teacher perceived content; (5) what are the policy issues for further research. Content analysis, historical analysis and questionnaires were the research method employed. Keywords: Curriculum Policy, Context Analysis, Personal and Social Development, Primary School, Curriculum Change, Macau
- Chinese Abstract
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本研究旨在說明現行的小學課程政策是甚麼,以及其相應的法令第 38/94/M 號公布以後,全澳學校課程設置的改變情況。 本研究又以上述法令框架内有關品德教育的官定内容,跟學校教師知覺到 的學校德育課程內容進行比較,探討兩者間是否存在著差距。 借用 CIPP課程評鑑模式中有關脈絡研究(context)內涵中的關聯分析(contingency)和符合分析(congruence)兩個概念爲主軸,又以課程連結(curriculum alignment)概念貫穿學校德育書面的課程(written curriculum)及教授的課程(taught curriculum)兩個概念,導引資料的搜集和研究的範圍。 關聯分析方面,影響學校品德教育的主要因素是本研究的探討要點;符合分析方面,不同課程學者對課程曆次的概念,透過書面的課程和教授的課程安插到課程聯結的模式之中,形成本研究的分析架構。 本研究的主要問題有五個:(1)影響學校德育的教育系統以外的因素有哪些?如何影響?(2)澳門政府推行的小學品德教育課程政策内容是甚麼?(3)問題(2)的策略性演變過程如何?(4)小學教師理解到的品德課程內容與上述課政策內容有差距嗎?(5)有甚麼學校德育政策議題需要進一步探討?本研究探用了文獻分析及問卷調查作為研究方法。關鍵詞:課程政策 脈絡分研究 品德教育 小學 課程變革 澳門
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
Faculty of Education
- Degree
- Subject
Curriculum planning -- Macau
課程規劃 -- 澳門
Curriculum change -- Macau
課程改革 -- 澳門
Moral education (Primary) -- Macau -- Curricula
道德教育 (初級小學) -- 澳門 -- 課程
- Supervisor
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991000151559706306