
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

The objective of this study is to assess the vocational education policies of Macao, and the main purpose is to ensure vocational education policies are adequately serving their educational, economic and social functions. Document analysis, which was the primary research method of this study, was used to investigate the development of Macao's vocational education in recent years; while interviews of government officials and vocational school administrators were used as secondary sources of information for the assessment. Based on the criteria proposed by the National Assessment of Vocational Education (NAVE) of the United States for assessing vocational education, this study was similarly conducted to investigate and analyze Macao's vocation education from four aspects: participation, quality, outcome and impact, plus effectiveness of promising strategies. Following conclusions and recommendation are derived from this study. Conclusions: 1. The participation in vocational education is limited in Macao. 2. Vocational education and general education are quite comparable in quality, but the design of vocational education is excessively dependent of teacher quality. 3. The outcomes and impacts of vocational education are affected by the misperception of the entire society of Macao toward vocational education, resulting in the lower quality of vocational education. 4. Vocational education has not played a supporting role in the social and economic development of Macao. Suggestions: 1. To improve legal regulations of vocational education. 2. To expand vocational education both in number of students and in number of schools. 3. To enhance the connection between secondary vocational education and higher education. 4. To speed up Macao’s curriculum reform of vocational education so it meets the demand of labor force and the need of social development. 5. To establish a systematic mechanism for monitoring vocational education. 6. To institute training facilities that is inter- or cross-enterprises for vocational education students 7. To make vocational information and promotion of vocational education organization part of vocational educator's responsibility. Keywords: vocational education; policy; educational policy assessment

Chinese Abstract

本研究旨在對澳門職業教育政策評估,目的在於完善職業教育的政策,發揮其教育、經濟和社會的功能。研究的方法主要採用文件分析法來分析澳門近年職業教育的發展,輔以訪談法來調查政府相關官員及職業教育機構負責人員之意見作爲評估的補充參考資料。本研究參照美國National Assessment of Vocational Education (NAVE)國家職業教育許估機構的評估方向,從澳門職業教育的參與、品質、結果和影響、以及前景策略效能四個層面進行深入地探討與分析,得到下列結論及建議: 結論:1. 澳門職業教育的參與有所局限。 2. 職業教育在品質層面與普通教育接近,但是在課程設置中過分倚重教師質素。 3. 職業教育在結果及影響的層面受制于整體澳門社會對職業教育的認識,教育質量不高。 4. 職業教育在前景策略效能並未配合社會及經濟之發展。 建議: 1. 完善職業教育法律規範。 2. 擴大職業教育參與基數。 3. 加強職業教育與其他高等教育的接駁。 4. 加快澳門職業教育課程改革,使其進一步貼近市場與社會發展要求。 5. 設置職業教育政策有機體系。 6. 建立跨企業或企業外的職業培訓機構。 7. 將職業資訊和機構的宣傳納入職業教育工作範疇。 關鍵詞:職業教育、政策、教育政策評估

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Faculty of Education




Vocational education -- Macau -- Evaluation.

職業教育 (正規教育) -- 澳門 -- 評價.

Technical education -- Macau -- Evaluation.

技術教育 -- 澳門 -- 評價.

Occupational training -- Macau -- Evaluation.

職業培訓 -- 澳門 -- 評價.



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