UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
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- English Abstract
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Early Childhood is an important stage in the growth of a human being. However, it is always being ignored. "Not to interrupt" is the policy of the Government of Macao towards the pre-school education. Under this circumstance, there are big differences between the qualities of the kindergartens in Macao. Therefore, an overall review and evaluation of the current early childhood education and the policies and regulations related to it is a necessity. The result of this review may be able to give advice or suggestions for the development of the regulations about the early childhood education, and improve and encourage the development of its quality. The methods adopted in this research are essays and theses review and using questionnaires. In addition, some educators of early childhood education were interviewed. The purpose to review the imposition of regulations and laws of education is to explain that education plays an important role in the development of a society. The imposition of laws and regulations towards the orientations and purposes of education can provide guidelines for the environmental development ofeducation and the internal administration. The trend of early childhood education in advanced countries are to strengthen the "Overall" education of children, extend the opportunity of childhood education, use active learning program, strengthen the professional knowledge of teachers, encourage and promote education with parents' involvement, develop the scientific research of childhood education, promote the recent educational technology. Moreover, this essay bases on the educational regulations, the current conditions and experiences in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan to review the good and bad of the early childhood education in Macao. Six items will be divided from the current situation and imposition ofregulations in Macao and are as the followings: the organizations of early childhood education, curriculums, teacher, equipment and facilities, service items and evaluations. Compare, discuss and examine the circumstance that may be occurred in the process of kindergarten education and the current regulations related to education. Therefore, the differences between the imposition of regulations and the reality can be observed, and the causes of these differences can also be examined at the same time. The result of this research shows that some regulations related to the pre-school education are not followed by people, some are not enforced, and some are unable to follow. Macau can learn from the regulations of advanced countries, China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. In conclusion, the result of this research focus on the problems of pre-school education and possible regulations for future development, and the following suggestions are concluded form this research: (I) Renovate the unreasonable regulations and policies: (i) The pre-school education should be included in the voluntary education; (ii) Setting a reasonable ratio between numbers ofteachersand students; (iii) Study and develop localize teaching materials; (iv) Re-evaluate which language(s) that students should learn; (v) Resources for public and private schools should be reasonable distributed; (vi) Setting a standard of facilities should be included in each kindergarten; (vii) Improve the functions of pre-school education; (viii) Setting a policy for pre-school evaluation (2) Promote the implementation of reasonable policies and reguliltions: (i) Re-evaluated curriculums, develop new programs of childhood active curriculums and teaching method; (ii) Recognize the concept of "Overall Education"; reduce mechanical writing activities, (iii) Implement the evaluation systems of childhood education which have been concluded, and alter the ones that are not fully developed; (iv) The closely related regulations of private and public kindergartens should be implemented accordingly. (3) The professional development of pre-school educators: (i) encourage teachers enrolling in training programs to further promote their professional development; (ii) the administrators of kindergarten should have similar professional training; (iii) establish professional regulations for pre-school educators; (iv) strengthen the administration of pre-school education and further promote the pre-school education industry
- Chinese Abstract
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幼兒時期是人生中重要的發展階段,可惜一直被受忽視'澳門政府對學前教育探取不干預的政策,以致幼稚園辦學質素參差,故有必要全面評估澳門學前教育實施現況'對澳門學前教育的相關法規進行研究'希望經由研究結論,提出可供澳門學前教育法規發展參考之建議,推動學前教育事業的發展。 研究方法以文獻探討和問卷調查為主'並輔以訪問相關之學前教育工作者。探討教育立法的意義和作用'在於申明教育事業在社會發展中的重要地位,賦予教育方針、教育目的以法律效力,能起著規範教育發展環境及内部管理的作用;依據世界先進國家主要的學前教育發展趨勢,是強化幼兒全人教育'擴大幼兒教育機會'實施幼兒活動課程'強化教師專業知能,積極推廣親職教育,開展幼兒教育科研,推廣現代教育科技;並參考中國、香港及台灣兩岸三地學前教育法規、實施現況等經驗,反思澳門的學前教育情況與得失'對澳門學前教育現況與法規實施分六個項,即學前教育機構之設置、課程、教師、設備、服務項目及評鑑'將在幼稚園教育過程中所呈現出來的教育現象'與現行教育法規相對照'加以分析討論'從而了解澳門學前教育現況與法規政策制訂及實際推行之間是否存在差異'同時探討差異之成因。 研究結果顯示澳門學前教育法規存在著有法不依、不執法及無法可依等情況'而世界先進國家學前教育發展趨勢'華人地區的中國、香港及台灣學前教育法規政策確實有許多値得澳門學前教育改進作為參照及借鑑之處。綜合研究結果'針對澳門學前教育諸問題與法規政策可能之發展方向'提出如下建議包括三個層面:一.改革法規政策:1.義務教育繼續往下延伸至幼兒教育;2.訂出合理的師生比例;3.研究及發展本地化教材;4.從新評價幼兒學習語言;5.官、私立幼稚園資源分配要平均;6.訂定幼稚園設備標準;7.提高幼稚園保育功能;8.訂定學前教育評鑑制度。二.落實法規政策:1.從新評價課程大綱'發展新的幼兒活動課程與教學模式;2.認識全人教育理念,減少機械式的寫字活動;3.訂立的幼兒評核制度應落實執行'仍未健全的應作修改;4.官、私立幼稚園之相關法規宜具參照執行作用。三.學前教育工作者的專業成長:1.推動教師進修'促進專業成長;2.要求幼稚園行政人員具相對專業背景;3.建立學前教育工作人員的專業守則;4.強化學前教育行政,推展學前教育工作。
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
Faculty of Education
- Degree
- Subject
Education, Preschool -- Macau
學前教育 -- 澳門
Education, Preschool -- Law and legislation -- Macau
學前教育 -- 法規 -- 澳門
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- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991000151029706306