
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


The framework of mobile device intelligent agent system

English Abstract

For the recent years, there is a remarkable growth of the mobile device in the computer industries. More and more people rely on the use of mobile device everyday, in both their personal and work lives. With the aids of mature development on network communication technologies, mobile device provides us a convenient platform for accessing personal information anywhere and anytime. Unlike those desktop PCs directly connected to the internet through cabling network, mobile devices are commonly connected to the internet using wireless communication protocols (Bluetooth, IrDA, Wireless LAN, WAP and GPRS, etc). However, there are several limitations exists for mobile device users to access the large amount of internet information through wireless network, from both the device hardware side (limited storage space and computational power, insufficient battery power life) and the networking side (narrow bandwidth and high cost communication). The main goal of this thesis is to overcome the above limitations by introducing the Intelligent Agent Technologies to the Mobile Device. A so called MDIA System (Mobile Device Intelligent Agent System) platform has been designed as an extension of the FIPA (Foundation of Intelligent Physical Agent, proposed by the IEEE) standard specification, aiming to provide the users that carry any handheld mobile devices with maximum amount of interested internet information, using minimum network connection time and cost. Based on the existing FIPA agent platform specifications, a brand new framework of an Agent-based System specifically for the Mobile Device has been proposed. Two new architectural components have been added on top of the existing FIPA abstract model. The Storage Management System manages the distributed mobile agent information, while the Mobile Device Gateway provides full set of network adapters for connecting mobile devices. Each of the components and their interaction for the proposed new framework have been designed and defined in details. A prototyping system for an agent-based email retrieving system has also been developed according to the concepts of the proposed framework. Through the demonstration of the prototyping system, the advance and intelligence of the proposed MDIA system has been illustrated unambiguously. For long term implication, it is concluded that the success in promoting and implementation of such MDIA system will change the way of how people use the mobile device to access the internet information and services. The widely acceptance of the proposed MDIA System may also result in the raise of a new tariff model to the Internet Service Provider and Telecommunication Operators, for providing the internet services via public accessed data oriented phone based network. The actual implementation of the MDIA system among different platforms will be left for further study and future research. Keywords: Intelligent Agent, Mobile Device, Mobile Agent, Multi-Agent System, FIPA

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Ieong, Weng Pan


Faculty of Science and Technology


Department of Computer and Information Science




Mobile communication systems

Intelligent agents (Computer software)

Electronic data processing -- Distributed processing

Computer software -- Development


Guo, Zhen Sheng

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