
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

This research aims at the integration of news for moral and civic education. The use of news can solve the timing problem usually met by prescribed use of textbook, increasing the class interaction and improving teaching efficiency. The method of action research is adopted in this study. News is used as part of the materials for the moral and civic classes. The sample included 5 classes of Form 3 students in a Macau public school. They were observed for one term. Information extracted from teacher's diary, students’worksheet, examination, questionnaire, interviews and other teacher's observation made assessment of the implementation of news in lesson planning possible. The researcher found that the use of news to create teaching situations would strengthen “operational curriculum”. It should be a good opportunity for “null curriculum” to be preserved in moral and civic education. Research made use of Stenhouse’s process model to increase the interaction between teacher and students. Meanwhile, this model was used to evaluate the implementation of the curriculum and therefore the integration of news issues into moral and civic education was found to embrace meanings, potentials, interests, conditions and interpretations. The main findings are shown as follows: Conclusions: I. Curriculum design 1. This lesson planning based on a school-based curriculum concept. It aims for satisfy both the needs of the school and students. 2. The lesson planning of this research expects to get use of immediate and factual characteristics of news for classes discussions in situated learning. 3. Students were required to explore news related to topics autonomously. 4. Unexpected news were used 5.Newspapers and TV broadcasting such as TV news programmes were used. 6. Discussing news which showed precious human morality in our lesson planning could impress students. II. Curriculum implementation 1. Exercising a democratic and self-disciplined class management mode. 2. Reserving time for sudden news in order to increase teaching flexibility. 3. Teacher acted as a catalyst of students’ learning, by questioning a given situation in multiple perspectives, and clarifying values participants assumed. 4. Researcher found that “News has to be transformed by the teachers in the process of teaching." 5. In using the touching materials, teacher should try to impress the students and should instruct them to think rationally. 6. The teaching process should emphasize practical usage in the real world and help students learn how to make appropriate judgement. Suggestions: I. Suggestions for teaching studies 1. Developing other models of using news for teaching materials. 2. Promoting the use of news as teaching materials in Macau secondary schools. 3. Researcher should carry out more circular researches. II.Suggestions for educational backup 1. “Teachers’resource centre ” should help teachers to record TV news and keep files. 2.Workshops about using news as in teaching materials of moral and civic education should be provided. 3. Macau schools should support the use of news as teaching materials in moral and civic education. 4. Strengthening the cooperation between parents and schools. 5. News can be shown in the canteen/school hall during lunch time. A newspaper board can be set up. Key words: moral and civic education、news、integration of news issues、teaching action research 、process model

Chinese Abstract

本研究旨在探討新聞時事融入道德及公民教育的教學,可解決教科書的時效性及增加師生的互動,提昇教學的效果。 以教學行動研究的方法向公立學校初中三的五班學生進行一學期的研究,透過新聞時事融入道德及公民教育的課程設計、實施及評鑑呈現其結果,其間搜集及分析教師日誌、學生作業、考卷、問卷及訪談,同事觀課後訪談等各項的資料,作爲研究者發現是項研究以Stenhouse課程、教學與研究一體化的觀點下,能善用突發新聞的教學時機。研究者總結出以新聞時事創設情境可豐富「運作課程」。另外,研究者運用了Stenhouse的『過程原則」,增加了師生的互動可能性,透過課程評鑑發現有其意義性、潛能性、興趣性、條件性和解釋性。以下是從課程設計與課程實施提出本研究的結論及建議如下: 本研究之結論: 壹、課程設計方面 一、以校本課程理念為依據,針對校本對象和適時教學的需要,同時亦可配合 「教青局」的課程大綱需要。 二、善用新聞時事的及時性及現實性的特點,把握情境教學的建構主義教學觀 點,以新聞時事帶出的問題為中心,應用在教學主題中討論。 三、注重學生自主地搜尋新聞時事的資料。 四、新聞時事選取,除考慮時新性及一般準則外,還以突發新聞事件爲切入點。 五、運用新聞時事的媒體,除了報章,尙且運用電視新聞或新聞檔案式的節目。 六、把握新聞時事所反映之有情有義的真實事例,俾便使學生有所感悟,達至 情理交融的討論。 贰、課程實施方面 一、實踐民主和自律的課堂管理模式。 二、預留時間,俾便將突發的新聞時事引入主題,強調課程的動態性。 三、教師的教學為學生學習上的催化劑,教師不斷透過問題或情境激發學生多 角度思考,教師並隨時進行價値澄淸和分析。 四、研究者體認到「新聞時事需經教師的教學加以轉化,方能落實」。 五、教師透過善用以情感爲媒介的教材,並且試圖引發學生的認知的思考與情 感的融入,進行理性與情性兼顧的討論。 六、過程強調學以致用,務使學生在生活中能分析新聞時事所反映的現實世界,學習周延的判斷。 本研究之建議: 壹、對未來的研究方面 一、再深入探討,以便開發其他的模式。 二、可進一步思考推廣至全澳學校實施的可能性。 三、研究者進行第二次或更多次循環性的研究。 贰、對教學的實務方面 一、「教育資源中心」協助老師錄製可供教師運用的新聞節目,加以建檔編目。 二、有關單位能適時開設「將新聞時事融入道德及公民教育教學」的工作坊或 培訓班。 三、學校支持教師「將新聞時事融入道德及公民教育教學」,並且提供適當的課程設計的時間。 四、學校適時聯繫家長會支持學生多關心新聞時事,並加強家校合作。 五、學校大堂播放中午電視新聞,設新聞剪報的壁報板。 關鍵詞:道德及公民教育、新聞時事、教材融入、教學行動研究、過程模式

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Faculty of Education




Moral education -- Macau

道德教育 -- 澳門

Civics -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Macau

公民學 -- 學習及教學 (高中) -- 澳門

Journalism -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Macau

新聞工作 -- 學習及教學 (高中) -- 澳門



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