
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

The purpose of this study is to investigate the inter-relationship amongst Learning Processes, Academic Achievement and Study Streams in a Macao secondary school. The “Learning Process Questionnaire” designed by John B. Biggs is employed as this research instrument. It was used to investigate the differences in Learning Motive and Learning Strategies between 24 Arts students and 34 Science students in a Macao secondary boy school. Reliabilities of different measuring scales show a moderate internal consistency. The acquired data was analyzed by using SPSS 9.0 software with various statistical methods of frequency distribution, Pearson Product-moment Correlation Coefficient and t-test to examine the relationships between various variables. Gathered research findings, summed up conclusions and presented related suggestions to be the references for Macao Education Department, principals and school administrators. The following is a summary of the main findings: A) The study do indicate that the LPQ are moderately reliable and the underlying factors reflect that students with an achieving bias chose achieving-related strategies, deep bias chose deep-related strategies and surface bias, surface-related strategies. B)Relationship between Study Streams and Learning Process Arts students tend to be more surface-oriented and are more surface motived whilst Science students tend to be more deep-oriented and achieving-oriented and are more deep and achieving motived. Science students scored significant higher than Arts students on Achieving Approach. It is also found that Sciences students with high achievement motivation tend to adopt whatever approach they feel with maximize their chances of getting high marks, whether surface, deep and achieving strategy. Surface demand has also been attributed as a contributing factor in surface approach to learning in the Science students. C)Relationship between Study Streams and Academic Achievement Science students exhibited significant higher Chinese, English and Mathematics marks than Arts students. D)Relationship between Learning Process and Academic Achievement Academic Achievement had a negative correlation with Surface Approach scale but a significant positive correlation with Deep Approach scales. It is predictable that students who adopt deep approaches to learning would be more successful academically than those who adopt a surface approach.

Chinese Abstract

本研究之主要目的是探討澳門高中課程組別與學生學習過程、學業成績之相互關係。 使用JohnB.Biggs的「學習過程問卷」去瞭解文組和理組不同課程組別學生之學習動機和學習策略。研究是在澳門一所英文部中學男校進行,文組學生24人和理組學生34人。調查所得的資料分別以信度分析(Reliability Analysis)對測量工具進行可靠性之檢驗,再以皮爾遜差距相關係數(Pearson Product-moment Correlation Coefficient) 和t-考檢(t-test)等統計方法進行資料處理,分析各變項問的關係,並歸納出結論,提供建議以供参考。 本研究的主要發現如下: (一)本研究中顯示「學習過程問卷」有可接受的信度;學生採用之學習策略是與其學習動機有密切關係,即採用不同的學習策略是随著相應的學習動機而自發的。 (二)課程組別與學習過程之關係:文組學生多採用「表層型學習方式」和傾向於「表層型學習動機」;理組學生多採用「深層型學習方式」和「成就型學習方式」,傾向於「深層型學習動機」和「成就型學習動機」・同時發硯理組學生在「成就型學習方式」分數明顯高於文組學生,在統計上達明顯程度,但他們爲了求取高分數,會採用一切學習策略。研習要求表層型學習也可促使理組學生採用「表層型學習方式」 (三)課程組別與學習成績之關係:理組學生在中、英、數成績明顯高於文組學生,在統計上達到明顯程度。 (四)學習過程與學習成績之關係:各科成績與「表層型學習方式」成負相關,和「深層型學習方式」分數成正相關,在統計上達到明顯程度,表示採用深層型學習方式學習之學生會有明顯較好的學習成績:而採用表層型學習方式則會有反效果。

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Faculty of Education




Learning strategies -- Macau

學習策略 -- 澳門

Motivation in education -- Macau

教育中的推動力 -- 澳門

High school students -- Macau

高中學生 -- 澳門



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