
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

From some general observations, we know that the quality of English language teaching and learning in secondary schools of Macao is not very satisfactory. Many research findings inform us that, apart from students’abilities, the curriculum, teaching methods and learning strategies are among the most important factorsinfluencing students’performance in learning a foreign language. The purpose of this research is to find out more about the factors influencing Form One students of Macao in their learning of English. It attempts to get a better understanding of their English learning situation and of the curricular factors affecting their English learning progress. Suitable ways to trim the English curriculum in order to meet the students’need are also discussed. This study investigates three major factors influencing Form One students of Macao in their learning of the English language--students’personal factors, teachers’factors and social factors. On the basis of the research findings, the study has made some suggestions to both teachers and the educational authorities. The methods of the study are composed of questionnaire surveys and interviews. The information obtained has then been analysed thoroughly. Findings emerging from this study are: Students’factors: 1. Low motivation and lack of interest in learning English; 2. Lack of correct learning attitudes, strategies and methods; 3. They cannot handle because of too difficult content and too much pressure from tests and homework. Teachers and curriculum factors: 1. The English subject is divided into many categories, as a result the knowledge and the skills become scattered; 2. Poor teaching skills, boring and inefficient teaching methods that do not meet students’ real needs. Social factors: 1. English is not an official language in Macao either before or after the handover; 2. Macao lacks an English-speaking environment. Recommendations: Having analysed the factors influencing students in their English learning, some suggestions have come up to improve students’English learning. The educational department should: 1.Provide more opportunities for the students to use English and create English speaking environment; Class teaching and family should: 1. Find ways to motivate the students’interest and motivation in learning English; 2. The schools should arrange suitable curriculum and create more relevant and interesting teaching designs; 3. Reduce students' pressure in their homework, tests and exams; 4. Extra support and help should be given to Form 1 students. 5. Teach students suitable ways to learn Englishand encourage them to innovate their learning strategies; The teacher training department should: 1. Enhance the quality of in-service teacher development programs; 2. The school should encourage teachers to innovate their teaching and develop a sense of responsibility as well as their teaching techniques, in order to help their students solve their problems in learning.

Chinese Abstract

總括來說,本澳的初中英語教育,尚未達到教育暨青年局所規定的目標,即培養學生的綜合語言運用能力。一般初中學生,讀完三年英文後,不但聽不懂一些普通語句,也無法用簡單的英文與人交談。他們不少人只視英語的學習是死記一些不知如何應用的支離破碎的文法規則,以及不斷的背誦詞彙來應付書面測驗或考試,忽略了學習英語根本的目標,而無法打好應有的英語基礎。 如何提高本澳中學生的英語程度是學校當局目前的急務。雖然現時中學的英語教學急需改善,但是少有人進入學校課堂作深入研究,以便清楚解釋究竟影響初中學生英語學習效果的原因是甚麼。 本澳中學生英語學習效果不理想,細看眾多因素有著交互的關係和影響。學生本身的學習行為、學生的學習態度和策略、以及老師的教法、內容與評估方式等方面的因素,還有社會語言學習環境和學校行政,全都直接影響其學習效果。 影響澳門中一學生學習英語表現的要素研究,旨在深入了解本澳中一學生學習英語存在的問題,調查學生在中學第一年的英語學習情況及探討影響他們英語學習進步的因素,以及研究如何將英語課程作適當的剪裁,以切合這階段不同學生的需要。 本研究主要採取訪談、文獻分析、問卷等方法收集資料,將所得資料從學生個人因素、教師因素和社會因素三個層面來進行分析研究。 本研究結果發現: 壹:學生個人層面: 一、學生對英文科的學習動機和興趣低落。 二、學生缺乏正確的學習態度、學習策略和方法。 三、課程內容太深,課業壓力太大,學生難以兼顧。 貳:教師與課程層面: 一、英文科本身分門別類,知識技能變得零散。 二、任課教師能力和水平不一,課堂教學效率不高,教學內容與不少同學原有水平脫節,教學方法也需改進。 叁:社會語言學層面: 一、回歸前後英語均為非官方語言。 二、缺乏使用英語的環境(English speaking environment)。 本研究的建議: 壹:政府教育當局應當: 一、提供更多運用英語的環境。 貳:課堂教學及家庭支援: 一、設法提升學生學習英語的興趣和動機。 二、安排適合的課程編排及教學設計。 三、減輕學生的功課和考試壓力。 四、加強初中一學生的課業輔導工作。 五、教授學生正確的學習方法、策略與態度。 叁:教師培訓機構應當: 一、加強在職培訓,提高教師素質。 二、提高教師課堂教學質量的知能與責任感,輔導學生處理難題。

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Faculty of Education




English language -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Macau

英語 -- 學習及教學 (高中) -- 澳門



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