
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

Since, effective education process should be one in which students take an initiative and active part. And with this as the starting point, the present research proposes to share with other educators some unforgettable experiences of teachers and students learning together through close interactive activities and knowledge sharing in the form of a new “common learning community”with common objectives and ideas - the Group of the Unit Plan, and explore the the prospect and reality of teachers and students working together on the making of the unit plan, sharing views, knowledge and experience on equal footing, and interacting with one another, during the process, thus elevating students from the status of passive, tame and obedient learners to that of active learning participants. Guided by the teachers, members of the Group of the Unit Plan participate in teaching and learning arrangements and activities. The framework is built on the process of teachers making lesson plans, preparing lessons and collecting teaching materials. By involving themselves in the whole process, students feel their position in the classroom enhanced and they actually share the role of teachers. They are also inspired and influenced by the attitude and dedication of their teachers working with them and in time they will influence other students. Moreover, participation in collecting materials, in planning and analysis also arouses their curiosity and interest in teaching and learing. The significance of the Group the Unit Plan lies in motivating students to leam independently by involving them in the whole process of teaching and learning, which, it is hoped, will enhance their thinking and analytical ability and ultimately teaching and learning effectiveness.

Chinese Abstract

既然接受教育的對象是學生,那麼,由學生主動學習和積極建設的歷程才 是最有成效的教育歷程。本研究立足於此,分享一種師生透過知識與經驗共融共 享,形成具有共同行動目標、相同觀念和情感互動的新的「學習共同體」—教案小組—的難忘體驗,探討如何通過師生的平等對話和對學習活動的共同參予,把昔日處於被動、馴化、迎合地位的學生推到主體學習的地位上。 在教師的引導下,小組成員進行教學安排、授課實踐和聽課的活動。小組活動過程的構思主要源自教師在準備教學時編寫單元教學教案的過程。學生透過參與教案小組,提升在班內的身分,使其兼具教師的角色。在小組參與教學安排及授課實踐的過程中,小組成員直接受教師的研究態度所影響,繼而在組內及組別之間發揮同儕關係的影響,令教師的研習態度推廣至學生群體中。此外,透過資料搜集、分析和撰寫教案,使學生產生好奇和探究興趣。教案小組所重視的, 是藉著活動過程誘發學生的學習動機,並希望透過參與,讓學生學會自主學習、 提高思考和分析的能力,以期最終強化教學成效。

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Faculty of Education




Student participation in curriculum planning -- Macau

學生參與課程規劃 -- 澳門

Teacher-student relationships -- Macau

師生關係 -- 澳門



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