
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

This research, based on the classification of the Four Categories of Scientific Literacy set down by Garcia and referenced to "Procedures for Conducting Content Analysis of Science Textbooks", edited by Chiappetta, Fillman, and Settna (1991), is to analyze the amount and ratio of Scientific Literacy in the content. According to Macao Education & Youth Bureau’s outline of Junior High Physics and Natural Science, the content of Macao’s biology textbooks from Taiwan, Hong Kong and mainland China are compared. By analyzing the design of biology courses and the selection of biology textbooks of junior high schools in Macao, this research is intended to provide some information for editing biology textbooks that are suitable for Macao students to use locally. As there is no local biology textbooks published in Macao, the current biology textbooks for junior high school from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Mainland China are taken as the target subjects of this research. Every textbook studied is chosen from a collection of surveyed samples for content and statistical analysis, and " paragraph" is the unit of analysis. The major purposes are: (1) To make a comparison on the design of junior high biology courses in Macao; (2) To analyze the selection of junior high biology textbooks in Macao; (3) To investigate the amount and the ratio of each textbooks content in the four categories of scientific literacy--- I.Science as a body of knowledge, II.Science as a way of investigation, III.Science as a way of thinking, IV.Interaction among science, technology and society (STS); (4) To compare the content distribution of similar textbooks of the same type from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Mainland China. Biology courses are offered by 31 day-schools taught in Chinese. Most schools have separate biology subject offered through a 3-year design, but instruction time are the shortest when biology is taught as a separate subject. In addition, the most popular junior high biology textbooks used by schools in Macao are published by the Biology Department of the People’s Education Press of Mainland China, which accounts 61.3% of the total. The result of analysis from 9 textbooks shows that all the textbooks’ relative ratios in the I, II, III, and IV categories of scientific literacy are 4:3:1:1, respectively. This explains that biology textbooks mainly emphasize on "Science as a body of knowledge" in the content selection, but it also shows great importance to "investigate the reality of science". The content relevant to the 3rd category “Thinking Process” and the 4th category " STS" is relatively less. This result is quite similar to that of the analysis carried out by America and Taiwan on the same type of textbooks. About 80% of the content of biology textbooks from these three regions are in compliance with the content of the biology outline for junior high school physics and natural science in Macao. In particular, 87.5% of the content in the Hong Kong’s the Latest Integrated Science corresponds with the requirement of the outline of Macao. Out of the 24 items required to be taught, the major difference lies within three areas: global environment and organisms, reproductive system, and sensory system.

Chinese Abstract

本研究依據 Garcia 所訂科學素養類目為分類基準,並參酌由 Chisppeta、 Filliman、Sethna(1991) 等三位學者所編著的「分析手冊」為工具,分析教科書科學素養的內容數量及比率。另外根據澳門教青局的初中物理及自然科學大綱,比較澳門初中使用的台灣、香港、中國現行初中生物教科書內容的差異。籍由分析本澳中學初中生物課程設置概況及生物科教科書選用情況,本研究欲為本澳進行本地化教科書編寫提供一點參考,探討出最適合澳門學生的本地化的生物課本。 由於澳門本身沒有出版生物課本,所以本研究以澳門初中使用的台灣、香港、中國現行初中生物科教科書為研究對象。採取普查方式,逐冊進行內容分析並統計,以「段」為分析單位。主要目的在於:(1) 調查澳門不同學校初中生物課程設置情況;(2) 調查澳門不同學校初中生物課本的選用情況;(3) 探討各教科書所含科學素養:(I)科學基本知識(II)探討科學的方法(III)思考過程(IV)STS 交互關係等類目之含量及比率;(4) 探討澳門初中使用中國、香港、台灣生物課本內容分佈之異同。 澳門以中文授課並設置有生物課程的日間中學有 31 間,調查結果顯示,其中以生物科分科設置的學校最多,大多數學校分三年設置,以生物科分科設置的授課節數最少。除此之外,而本澳初中生物科教科書的選用以中國人民教育出版社生物室編著的教材最多學校選用,比率有 61.3%之高。分析結果顯示,九冊教科書的分析總數及比率,在教科書所含科學素養I、II、III、IV四類目之內容相對比值分別為 4:3:1:1 的整數比。說明生物教科書在內容選材以「科學基本知識」為主軸,但同時對「探討科學本質」也十分重視。而屬於III類「思考過程」及IV類目與 STS 相關的內容則相對偏少,此與美國、台灣同類型教科書研究結果頗為相似。三個版本的生物教科書,都有接近八成的內容符合本澳初中物理及自然科學大網生物領域的內容。其中尤以香港版的最新綜合科學有 87.5%的內容符合本澳大綱的要求,在24項要求教授的內容中差異最大的是地球的環境與生物、生殖、感覺系統這三部分的內容。

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Faculty of Education




Biology -- Curricula -- Macau.

生物學 -- 課程 -- 澳門.



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