
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

This study focuses on the effective implementation of classroom management strategies using the teachers of elementary and middle schools in Macau as subjects. This study compares how teacher’s gender, educational backgrounds, years of teaching experience, and homeroom teacher positions affect effective implementation of classroom management strategies. Survey is the research method chosen for this study to investigate how 450 elementary and middle school teacher differ in classroom environment arrangement, teaching activity conduct, reward and punishment system, and communication-interaction approach. Data was being analyzed with reliability analysis, descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA and Chi-squares test to conclude the following: I. Four-point Likert scale 1. There is a significant difference in ‘arranging classroom environment strategy’ and ‘approaching communication- interaction strategy’ among teachers of different teaching experience and homeroom positions. Teachers with 11-20 years of experience or those that are class advisors have the best performance. 2. There is a significant difference in ‘conducting teaching activity strategy’ among teachers of different years of teaching experience and homeroom positions. Teachers with less than 1 year of experience or those that are class advisors have the best performance. 3. There is a significant difference in ‘setting reward and punishment system strategy’ among teachers of different genders and educational backgrounds. Teachers that are female or those that have a Teaching Degree have the best performance. II. Multiple-choice scale 1. All topics in ‘arranging classroom environment strategy’, the teachers of different homeroom teacher positions, that choices had significant difference. 2. 2/3 above topics in ‘conducting teaching activity strategy’, the teachers of different years of teaching experience and homeroom teacher positions, that choices had significant difference. 3. More than half topics in ‘Setting reward and punishment system strategy’, the teachers of different educational backgrounds and years of teaching experience, that choices had significant difference. 4. All topics in ‘approaching communication-interaction strategy’, the teachers of different years of teaching experience and homeroom teacher positions, that choices had significant difference.

Chinese Abstract

本研究以 450 位澳門中小學教師為對象,針對教室管理策略的運用,比較不同性別、教育程度、教學年資、教學職務的教師,在運用安排教室情境策略、進行教學活動策略、建立常規獎懲策略及完善溝通互動策略上的差異。 依據所蒐集的資料,以信度分析、描述性統計、單因子變異數分析及卡方檢定後,得出以下結論 : 一、 李克特四點式量表 < 一 >不同教學年資、教學職務的教師,在「安排教室情境策略 」、「完善溝通 互動策略 」的運用上具有顯著差異,其中以年資在 11-20 年或擔任班主任的教師表現最為突出。 < 二 >不同教學年資、教學職務的教師,在「進行教學活動策略」的運用上具有顯著差異,其中以教學年資在1年以內或擔任班主任的教師表現最為突出 < 三 >不同性別、教育程度的教師,在「建立常規獎鑑策略 」的運用上具有顯著差異,其中以女性或大學教育系畢業的教師表現最為突出。 二、 選擇題量表 < 一 >在「安排教室情境策略」所有題目中,不同教學職務的教師,其選擇均有顯著差異。 < 二 >在「進行教學活動策略」三分之二以上的題目中,不同教學年資和教學職務的教師,其選擇均有顯著差異。 < 三 >在「建立常規獎懲策略」半數以上的題目中,不同教育程度、教學年資的教師,其選擇均有顯著差異。 < 四 >在完善溝通互動策略 ,所有題目中,不同教學年資、教學職務的教師,其選擇均有顯著差異。

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Faculty of Education




Classroom management -- Macau

課室管理 -- 澳門

Middle school teaching -- Macau

高級小學至初級中學之教學 -- 澳門

Elementary school teaching -- Macau

小學教學 -- 澳門



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