
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

After the handover, the imolementation of political and social development requires a high quality citizenship. Therefore, the moral and civic education becomes the focus of different groups in the society; and the decrees passed in 1990s have outlined the context of moral and civic education in Macau. This thesis focuses on the content and problem of tetbooks in moral and civic education in junior secondary schools in Macau. The thesis first discussed the social background, curriculum and development of moral and civic education, as well as the difficulties encountered. Then the content of textbooks in moral and civic education was collected and analyzed. Three conclusions were drawn from the findings: firstly, the political, social and educational reform, together with the documents issued in 1990s, have delayed the development of moral and civic education in Macau. Secondly, the non-Macau-based textbooks used have increased the potential risk of lowering the quality of citizenship. Thirdly, amongst the aspects of "civic knowledge", "moral" and "participation" occupies the highest percentage in the content. This aspect focused on the development of logical communication and efficient expression of opinion; whereas the aspect "moral" focuses on the development of cultural awareness and the aspect "moral" on personal conduct and patriotic feeling. Suggestions for the moral and civic education in Macau and the development of textbooks to be used in junior secondary schools will be proposed in the thesis. Key words: moral and civic education, textbook content analysis

Chinese Abstract

隨著澳門主權回歸中國,如何推動澳門平穩過渡、如何實現“一國兩制、澳人治澳、高度自治”?培養有效能的澳門公民以落實政制發展,便成為澳葡政府當務之急,而“道德及公民教育”在這情況下逐漸受到社會各界的重視。澳葡政府並於九十年代先後多次頒布了相關法令,勾勒出澳門道德及公民教育的面貌。 本研究的目的是嘹解澳門初中教科書道德及公民教育的内涵及其問題,並提出對澳門初中教科書發展的建議。本篇論文之撰寫脈絡,首先以文獻探討,瞭解澳門道德及公民教育的社會背景、教育制度、發展及其所面對的困難;第二是透過內容分析法,搜集與道德及公民教育相關的教科書,並分析教科書中的道德及公民教育內涵。 本研究對於澳門道德及公民教育作出以下的結論: 一、澳門道德及公民教育的面貌 由於澳門政府全神貫注於政治和社會改革,還要進行教育方面的改革,故此道德及公民教育則成為次要的議題。另一方面澳門政府在九十年代才公佈了有關道德及公民教育的官方文件,政府的遲緩行動導致了教育總體發展的緩慢,而道德及公民教育尤其緩慢。 二、澳門初中教科書潛在的問題 目前澳門各校所探用的教科書主要以香港等地出版的教科書為主。雖然教科書內有很豐富的道德及公民教育素材,但由於出版地區不同,致使教科書內容與澳門社會實況脫節,潛在著澳門公民資質下降的危機。 三、澳門初中教科書的道德及公民教育内容分析 透過教科書的內容分析發現,在公民知識、價値德行和參與能力三個層面中,以參與能力所佔的比例最高,該層面以培養「理性溝通及有效表達意見的能力」最為完備;而公民知識層面著重培育「文化認知」;價値德行層面以培養「個人修養」、「民族感情」為主。 根據研究結果,本研究分別對澳門道德及公民教育、澳門初中教科書之發展提出建議。 關鍵字:道德及公民教育、教科書内容分析

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Faculty of Education




Moral education -- Macau

道德教育 -- 澳門

Civics -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Macau

公民學 -- 學習及教學 (高中) -- 澳門



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